Age of Ava by Melanie Moreland

Chapter 8


Ifollowed Ava outside to her SUV, waiting as she opened the door. She looked at me, her hesitancy winning out.

“Don’t change your mind,” I pleaded quietly. “This has been brewing between us since we met. You know it has.”

“Just one night,” she whispered.

I had a feeling one night wasn’t going to suffice when it came to her. I didn’t think I could get enough of her, but I nodded in agreement. “Just tonight. Neither of us wants to be alone.”

She still looked torn, and I covered her hand with mine, slowly leaning down, giving her a chance to say no. She edged closer, running her hand up my chest and gripping the material of my T-shirt in her fist. Our lips touched and released. Touched again longer. Harder. I slid my arm around her waist, pulling her close, settling my mouth on hers. I stroked along her bottom lip, groaning as she opened for me. I only meant to kiss her softly, to assure her. But that idea went out the window as soon as our lips melded. I angled my head, kissing her passionately. I stroked my tongue along hers, tasting the sweetness of the cookie and the tartness of the orange. The lingering tang of the wine. The sweetness blending them all together that was Ava. In seconds, I had her pressed against the back passenger door, desire and need overwhelming any common sense I might have used. I wanted closer. I wanted more of her. I wanted fewer clothes and more skin. I wanted to taste her all over and know how different parts of her felt on my tongue.

A car pulling into the lot broke through my lust-filled brain, and I eased back, protecting her from being seen. I dropped a fast kiss to her mouth.

“The door is open to the house. Go there and wait for me. I’ll be right behind you.”

She gazed up at me, her lovely eyes dazed and fogged—this time with the same desire I was feeling.


She slipped into the SUV as I headed to the truck, determined to find the closest drugstore and get to the house not long after her. I didn’t want to give her enough time to change her mind—just the thought of her walking away made my chest ache. I reversed out of the spot and followed Ava, trying not to laugh when she slowed down, putting on her blinker, indicating a small drugstore as we approached the center of town. I flashed my lights at her so she knew I understood and hurried inside to buy what I needed as she drove away.

I was almost giddy over the fact that she now seemed as certain as I was.

It promised to be a good night.

* * *

I pulled up next to her small SUV. She was in the yard, throwing a stick for Cash. He bounded over, his tail wagging back and forth like a pendulum on a clock—fast and steady. I knelt down, stroking his head, running my hands over his thick coat.

“Hey, boy. Relax, just relax.”

He woofed and headed back to Ava. I followed him, stopping in front of her.

“Did you, ah, get it?”

I held up the bag. “Some old lady was behind the counter. I felt like I was fifteen, buying condoms to fool around with my girl in the back seat. She said an awful lot without saying a word.” I smirked.

“That would be old lady Beechmore. She’ll be talking about you in her coffee group tomorrow.”

I stepped closer, easing my arm around her waist. “Oh yeah? And what will she be saying, Ava?”

“She’ll talk all about the sexy stranger dropping in for love gloves. How hot he was with his newly cut hair and his tight jeans.”

I dropped my head to her neck, laughing. “Love gloves?”

“That’s what my dad always called them. Told the boys to always glove up.”

I chuckled, running my lips up her neck, enjoying the shivers. “What else, Little Dragon?” I nipped her ear.

“She’ll tell all the ladies you winked at her. Said if you didn’t have plans already, you’d take her for a turn or two on your drill.”

The amusement she always seemed to bring out in me slipped free, and I laughed, yanking her to my chest. She giggled, and I wrapped her in my arms. She felt right settled against me, her head the perfect fit under my chin. For a moment, I held her, and I felt her loosen and relax.

“Want a drink?” I murmured.


I drew back and cupped her face between my palms. I kissed her slowly. Sweetly. I traced her lips with my tongue and kissed her again. I held my mouth to hers, my lips not moving until I felt the trembling in her lips stop and she sighed, her breath fanning over my skin.

“Stay there,” I instructed, bending over and picking up the bag I had dropped when I embraced her.

In the house, I turned on a lamp beside the bed. The room was empty aside from the night table, a small dresser in the corner, and the bed. I was grateful for the new mattress and sheets. I would break them both in right.

I stopped and grabbed a couple of beers and my old boom box and headed outside. I handed Ava the beers and fiddled with the buttons until the sound of soft music began to play. I followed Ava to the edge of the bluff, looking over the water.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” she whispered.

I wasn’t looking at the view when I replied, “It is.”

“It’s my favorite. I find peace with the vast expanse. The separation.”

Her words made me frown. I turned to face her, tucking a long strand of hair behind her ear. “You don’t find your life peaceful?”

“Does anyone these days?” she replied. “Cell phones, laptops, watches that record your moves, all have the ability to reach you anywhere. Sometimes I just like to get lost, forget about the crazy world of ABC.” She smiled at me, but her eyes were sad. “That’s what drew my dad here. The peacefulness. The break away from Toronto. He spent more and more time here. He says it is what saved him.” She laughed quietly. “Well, this place and my mom.” Her eyes stared over the vista in front of us. “I love it here. I was so glad when we decided to move our headquarters here.”

“But you go into Toronto a lot?”

“Just finishing up some projects. I’ll be here all the time soon.”

One of my favorite songs began, and my foot started to tap. She glanced toward me.

“Joe Cocker?” she guessed.

“Yep,” I replied, oddly pleased that she recognized the song so quickly.

“You love 80’s music.”

“My mom was hooked on it. It was all I heard growing up. No matter where we were, what we were doing, or our circumstances, that boom box and her mixtapes came with us.” I swallowed then spoke again. “I don’t have a lot of good memories of the past, but this music is one of them.”

“Your mom—?” she asked, opening her mouth to keep talking. I cut her off, taking the beer bottle from her hand and spinning her toward me.

“Dance with me, Little Dragon.”

I held her close, and we moved under the dark sky. One 80’s love song bled into another, the tape showing its age at times, but we ignored it and kept dancing. I liked having her in my arms, twirling her away and pulling her back. We moved together well, and I knew that would work the same in the bedroom.

Cash lay on the porch, regarding us. Eventually, he nosed open the screen door and went inside, bored and out of sorts that he was being ignored.

“Careless Whisper” began to play, and I pulled her close, humming the song into her ear. She slid her arms around my neck, letting me tug her nearer so our bodies moved as one. Her breasts pressed into my chest, the softness melding into my tight muscles. Her nipples hardened as I ran my hands up and down her back, dropping my head to her neck and running my mouth over the elegant column. She tightened her grip on my shoulder with her fingers, while the other hand played with my hair. I trailed a line of gentle kisses over her cheek until I reached her mouth, hovering over it for a moment. Her breathing picked up, matching my short intakes of air. She sighed as I settled my mouth on hers, opening for me right away. Our tongues stroked together, teased, and explored. She whimpered, tightening her fists, yanking on my hair. I growled in return, fisting her thick strands and kissing her harder. Lifting her onto her toes as I deepened the kiss, the sensations rising within me powerful. I was intoxicated by the feel of her mouth. The softness of her tongue. The heat of her breath mingling with mine. My body was tight, my cock hard and pressing against my zipper. I wanted to feel her supple skin against mine. Know the curves of her body—learn them with my hands and mouth. Know how she tasted everywhere. The need to have her, make her mine, claim her, took hold, and I was powerless to stop it. I slid my hands under her spectacular ass and lifted her, walking toward the house.

She gasped into my mouth, and I stopped. I pulled back, already missing her mouth on mine.

“Do you want this?”


“Are you sure?”


“But…?” I asked, sensing reticence. I wanted her one hundred percent sure. I wanted her to want me as much as I wanted her. More than her next breath. More than anything else.

“It might rain, and your boom box…” she whispered, pointing behind me. “I don’t want you to lose that.”

Something akin to tenderness blossomed inside me. She was worried about my losing something she knew was special to me. I set her down carefully, cupping her face and kissing her in a gentle caress.

“I’ll get it. You go inside. Maybe you’d, ah, like a moment?”

She nodded, and I kissed her again. She seemed vulnerable, not at all the way she projected herself normally. I rather liked that she allowed me to see this side of her. The same way I had felt safe enough to share the history of the boom box. There wasn’t another living soul on this planet who knew that fact.

“Go inside. I’m right behind you, Little Dragon.”

* * *


I stepped inside the house, looking around me in awe. Hunter hadn’t been lying when he said time capsule. Plaid couches, wood paneling, and an orange shag carpet covered the floor. I spied a Formica-topped kitchen table, surrounded by yellow-vinyl chairs I recognized from the other day. I didn’t stop to examine anything. In the hallway, I peeked to the left and right, following the dim light I could see coming from the end of the hall.

Hunter’s bedroom contained a bed, nightstand, and a dresser. A duffel bag sat on top of the dresser, the zipper undone, clothes piled inside. A braided rug graced the floor, and Cash was curled on the frayed mat. He wagged his tail as I went close, stroking his head. He gazed up at me, his amber eyes gleaming in the dull light.

“I don’t know if you want to be in here for the next while,” I murmured. “I think your master is gonna get down and dirty with me.”

“I’m hoping to,” Hunter said from the doorway.

I looked at him over my shoulder, swallowing hard. He’d already removed his shirt, his shoulders broad and his toned arms crossed over his chest. His jeans were undone, hanging low on his hips. His erection was obvious and I tried not to stare, but as usual, I failed. I focused on the prominent bulge that seemed to grow under my gaze. He cupped himself, his fingers curling around the taut denim.

“See something you like, Little Dragon?”

I think I squeaked. I wasn’t sure what the sound that escaped my throat was, to be honest. He grinned and slapped his leg.

“Cash,” he commanded, his voice low and gruff. “Come.”

I was sort of glad he had made sure we knew it was Cash he was directing. I was so tightly wound, I might have obeyed him myself. My body felt taut and needy. I ached with desire for the man smirking at me from the door as if he had guessed my thoughts.

Cash went to him, wagging his tail. Hunter disappeared with him, and I heard him crooning to him quietly. There was the sound of food being put in a bowl, and Hunter told him to sleep on the couch. “It’s your favorite spot anyway.” He bribed the dog. I tried not to laugh at his words as he made sure the dog was out of the room before we began…whatever it was we were about to do. I hoped it contained us naked and lots of orgasms.

I stood, looking at the bed as I kicked out of my shoes. The frame was old, wrought iron and wood, but I could tell the bedding and mattress were new. A tag stuck out on the end, and the bedding looked pristine. I walked over, running my hand along the smooth expanse of cotton.

“Have you changed your mind?”

I turned to find Hunter had returned. He had pushed the door closed behind him but hadn’t advanced toward me.


“You’re still dressed.”

“I thought you might, ah…”

He grinned. “Oh yeah, I want.”

He stepped closer, laying his hand on the side of my neck. “Your pulse is racing,” he murmured.

“I know.”

He ghosted his lips over my cheek to my ear. “So is mine.”

I rested my palm on his chest, feeling his racing heart.

“Are you nervous, Little Dragon?”

“Would you think less of me if I said yes?”

He shook his head, his expression tender. “No, I’d feel honored.”

I shivered as he tugged my blouse over my head. He smoothed my hair back, then slowly trailed his fingers over the lace covering on my breasts. My nipples ached for his fingers. His mouth.

“So beautiful,” he murmured against my skin, making short work of the clasp and freeing me. He kissed my collarbone, sliding down to take one nipple in his mouth, teasing and sucking. I grasped his hair, groaning in pleasure. He slid his hands to my waistband, unzipping and pushing down my pants and underwear, the cool air hitting my skin and making me shiver.

“I’ll warm you,” he promised, running his hands up and down the backs of my thighs. “You’re going to be burning soon.”

I slid my hands to his neck, cupping his face, feeling the scratch of his bristles on my palms. “I already am, Hunter. I want you so much.”

“Good.” He covered my mouth with his and lifted me, placing me on the bed. He stood back, tugging down his jeans and kicking them away. He was aroused, his cock heavy and thick as he stroked it, his chest moving rapidly.

“Look at you,” he growled. “Lying on my bed, waiting for me. Dammit, Ava, you are gorgeous.”

His words relaxed me. Made me brave. I slid up the bed, reclining against the pillows, and let my legs fall open. “I’m waiting, Hunter.” I bit the end of my finger. “And I don’t like to wait.”

He was on me in a second. Our mouths fused together, our kiss heated and desperate. His chest hair was rough on my breasts, his weight on top of me warm and welcome. We explored each other, licking, kissing, touching, and learning. I discovered two dimples at the top of his buttocks. Felt the strength of his shoulders as he flexed over me, my hands gripping his sinewy back. His hair was as soft as I remembered, and he loved it when I ran my fingers through it. I rolled on top of him, exploring his torso, running my tongue along the ridges of his abs, his flat brown nipples that were hard under my mouth. I cupped him, his cock hot and silky in my hand. He groaned as I teased the crown but stopped me from putting my mouth on him.

“It’ll be over before it’s begun, sweetheart. Save that for later.”

Then I was under him again. He made short work of the condom and settled between my legs. Gripping my hip, he brushed the blunt head over my opening, easing in. He braced himself on his elbows, pressing his forehead to mine as he groaned in complete satisfaction.

“Fuck, you feel good.”

More.” I arched my hips. “I want all of you.”

He gave it to me. One snap of his hips and he was lodged inside, the feeling of being claimed and possessed filling me. I gasped his name, and he took my mouth, beginning to move. He didn’t hold back, his strokes powerful and intense. I was awash in sensation. His heat soaked into my body and his scent filled my head. He moved inside me, the pleasure spiking fast, and I gripped at his shoulders.

“That’s it, baby. Come fast for me, then I’ll take you there again.” He slipped his fingers between us, stroking my clit, and I exploded. My muscles clamped down and I cried out. He kept moving, gripping the old headboard as he grunted and cursed.

“You feel so good.”

“Fuck, never—it’s never…”

“Grip me. Yeah, just like that, Ava. Jesus, you are perfect.”

“I can’t… Come again, Ava. Come with me.”

I shivered, feeling another orgasm barreling down on me. I wrapped my legs tighter around him, and he hitched them higher, driving deeper and chanting my name in a low, throaty growl. He stiffened and dropped his head, letting out a long, deep cry. I shattered again, my body shaking, my muscles gripping him. He kissed me, long, slow, and sweetly as our bodies finally eased. For a moment, he dropped to my chest, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, stroking the back of his head. There were no sounds aside from our erratic breathing and the rustle of the bedding under us.

He lifted his head, the silvery blue of his eyes now a banked fire. He smiled and took my hand, kissing the inside of my wrist.

“Little Dragon,” was all he said in a whisper. “Thank you.”

I felt an odd sense of loss as he rolled off me and left the room. He returned quickly, scooping me up and lifting the covers. He joined me under them, then paused before turning out the light. “You’re staying, yes?”

“If you want me to.”

He snapped off the light and reached for me, pulling me to his chest. “I’m not done with you yet, so yes, I want.”

I smiled against his skin. He began to run his fingers through my hair, his touch light and gentle. “Sleep for a while.”

I was too tired to argue. I nestled closer, my smile getting bigger as I felt him tighten his arm. A few moments later, his deep breathing told me he was out. I slid my arm around his waist, anchoring myself to him, and let sleep claim me too.

* * *

I woke up on fire. At least, I thought I was on fire. It didn’t take me long to figure out why. Hunter was wrapped around me, his chest pressed to my back, his body like a furnace. Cash was asleep, draped over our feet at the end of the bed, snoring away. He emitted enough warmth to heat the entire room. Between the two of them, I was suffocating. I blinked in the early morning light. There was a towel on the floor, dropped from Hunter chasing me into the room and yanking it from my body.

He had woken me only a couple of hours after we’d fallen asleep, his mouth on my neck, his hand stroking me. He’d pulled back my leg and entered me from behind, moving in long, slow thrusts, caressing my sensitive clit until I exploded around him. Then he took me to the shower, and we kissed and explored each other as we washed and rinsed. I’d dropped to my knees and taken him in my mouth as he let his head fall to the faded tile wall and groaned out his pleasure.

After the shower, sitting on dry towels, we’d eaten leftover Chinese food right from the containers, laughing at his attempts to use chopsticks. I fed him from mine, secretly suspecting he could have done fine on his own, but I did enjoy feeding him. After we’d eaten, he’d chased me back to bed and returned the favor, his mouth and fingers working in tandem to coax two more orgasms out of me.

Then we’d curled up again and slept.

Carefully, I eased out from beside him, sliding my feet out from under Cash’s great weight. Cash opened his eyes, huffing a sigh as I rubbed his head. I quietly picked up the towels, hung them in the bathroom, washed my face, and pulled Hunter’s discarded T-shirt over my head.

In the kitchen, I looked around, finding the old coffeepot. I boiled the water on the stove and poured it slowly through the drip, exploring as I waited for the coffee to finish. I doubted the kitchen had changed since the house was built. Wooden cabinets showed the age, the varnish worn away around the handles that were dull with use. The countertop was chipped and stained, the linoleum floors dull from years of use. Even the dishes were old, the CorningWare design faded on the white glass of the mugs. I peeked in the cupboards, seeing most of them were empty aside from dishes, glasses, and pots.

The table was covered in plans and notes, various pieces of paper scattered all over it. I glanced at the rough sketches, looking at the improvements Hunter planned on making. He had some great ideas. I had to fight against the urge to sit and organize it all. Instinctively, I knew Hunter wouldn’t like that.

I poured my coffee and was glad to see there was cream in the fridge. There were a few covered containers as well as a bag of scones in the freezer, but otherwise, not much else. It was as if Hunter only stocked enough food for a few days. As if he only planned ahead that long.

I felt a wave of sadness in my chest at that thought. I grabbed an old afghan off the sofa and headed outside and to the edge of the bluff, pulling the blanket around me and sitting on the flat rock by the edge. The sun was coming up, the sky lightening. Soon it would reflect on the water, its glittering rays dancing across the waves.

I loved the view here. The higher elevation showed the wide expanse of water, the sky stretching over it like a blue blanket. Far across where land met the shore again seemed days away, even though you could cross in a boat fairly quickly. On sunny days, the water dappled in blues, greens, and turquoise. On stormy days, the white peaks of the waves were froth on a dark bed of gray and navy. We had a few higher elevations on our property, and I loved to sit and watch the water from those vantage points. But because this bluff stuck farther out, its view was unobstructed. The direction it faced, no one else was around. It was isolated, untamed, stark in its beauty. Unprepared to give up its secrets to the never-ending scope within.

Very much like the man who occupied the house behind me. He was a study in contrasts. Grouchy, unapproachable, removed. Sweet, funny, and caring. He insisted he needed no one and nothing, yet his actions said differently. His lovemaking had shocked me. I had expected hard and fast. Dirty and self-contained. A means to an end. I had anticipated being asked to leave once we had finished, for him to push me away, but to my shock, he wanted me to stay. And he’d been a giving lover, as intent on my pleasure as his own. There was no doubt he was holding back as he took me. I was used to strong men—the males in my family were all fit and used to working out. But Hunter’s strength came from daily, hard work. His muscles were carved of stone, the power in his body undeniable. Yet he touched me with an unexpected tenderness I wasn’t prepared for. His eyes changed, becoming molten blue fire that spoke of unsaid words and needs. There was a quiet vulnerability in his gaze, a softening of the usual icy glare. It was as if, in those unguarded moments, he allowed the real Hunter to be on display.

I wasn’t sure if he was even aware of that fact. Part of me wondered how often anyone even noticed. I was certain this side of Hunter wasn’t something many people witnessed.

I startled as Cash appeared beside me, huffing as he sprawled on the ground. When Hunter slipped behind me, pulling me back to his chest, I felt a warm satisfaction in his actions. He still wasn’t pushing me away.

“I woke up and you were gone,” he said simply.

“I wanted to come enjoy the view.”

“Wake me up next time.” There was a pause. “I didn’t like it.”

His words surprised me. Next time spoke of a future. One he said we didn’t have. One I had told him I didn’t expect.

“Okay,” was all I said.

He reached around, taking my coffee cup and draining it. His long legs extended beyond mine, the heat of him soaking through the afghan and into my back.

“It’s like you’re all alone up here,” I commented. “No one for miles.”

“I know. Great privacy.” He dropped his head to my neck, his mouth hot on my skin. “No one can see anything here.”

My breathing became shallow as he tugged away the blanket and pulled aside the neck of the T-shirt. His tongue traced a path up my neck, swirling in long, slow circles behind my ear, making me shiver. He slid a hand under the shirt, cupping my breast and rolling my nipple between his fingers.

“Just us,” he murmured.

“And your dog,” I uttered.

“He’s gone.”

I glanced to the side to see Cash had left. He was rolling in the grass farther away, ignoring us.

“Ah,” I croaked, gasping as Hunter pinched my nipple, then slid his other hand inside the shirt, mimicking the action. He stroked and teased, worshiping my neck with his tongue, playing with my breasts. I squirmed against him, feeling his arousal pressing on my back. He hooked his legs underneath mine, spreading them wide. The cool air hit me, and I whimpered as he glided his fingers along my legs.

“I woke up hard and ready for you, Little Dragon. We’re all alone up here. You gonna give me what I want?”

“What do you want?” I gasped as he delved between my legs, stroking my clit in light, unhurried passes.

“I want to take you here. Outside. I want to watch you ride my cock with the vast expanse behind you and my hands and mouth all over you. I want to watch you come and hear you shout my name into the wind.”

I shivered, moaning as he touched me. I bucked up, wanting more. Needing him to touch me harder. Fill me. He laughed lightly in my ear. “Not until you say yes.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” I chanted.

He showed his strength in the ease with which he lifted me, shifting me around so we were nose-to-nose. My legs wrapped around his waist. His already-sheathed cock nestled against me.

“All prepared, were you?” I teased.

“The Boy Scout in me.”

“Why doesn’t the Boy Scout get in me, then?”

He lifted me, and for a moment, our gazes locked. The fire was back, icy and hot. His eyes fluttered shut as I grasped him, guiding him inside. We both groaned as I sank down on him, the fullness welcome, his hands gripping my hips.

I grasped his shoulders, moving slowly. Taking him in, withdrawing and sliding back to the hilt. He cursed and groaned, his gaze flickering to where we were joined then back to my face.

“I’ve never seen anything so sexy,” he growled. “Ride me hard, Little Dragon. Take me.”

I leaned back, resting my hands on his hard thighs, and did exactly what he asked. He spread his hands wide on my back, sucking my nipples through the T-shirt as I rode him. I let my head fall back, my hair brushing his legs. Upside down, the horizon bobbed and moved. Pleasure built, narrowing down to the point where we were joined. I ached with the need to come, to find my release. It was a low, slow fire building, threatening to consume me. He suddenly jerked me to him, burying his face in my neck, his thrusts hard and powerful. I exploded, shaking and crying his name. His body was taut, his muscles granite under my hands as he groaned, swelling inside me and releasing. He held me so tightly I wondered if he’d leave bruises, then he shuddered and stilled, his grip never lessening.

For moments, we stayed locked together. Around us, the world returned to normal. The breeze ruffled our hair, the sun warmed our skin. He stroked his hands up and down my back. He turned his head, kissing my cheek, pulling back to cup my face and kiss me. His touch was gentle, his mouth soft as he held me and said a thousand words without speaking.

“Spend the day with me. Just us.”

I nestled closer. “Yes.”

* * *

For the second time in less than a day, I found myself in a shower with Hunter. He soaped my body, making sure I was very clean.

“I wasn’t aware my breasts were that dirty,” I mumbled, watching his large hands cup and lather them repeatedly.

“Oh, they are. So, so dirty,” he assured me. “All of you needs a good scrubbing.”

“Is that a fact?”

He laughed, kissing the end of my nose in a surprisingly affectionate gesture. When he decided I was clean enough, he soaped himself up as I rinsed off, watching him discreetly. He handled his powerful body with ease, gliding the soap over his skin and scrubbing his head roughly with the shampoo. He was fascinating to watch—the way his muscles rippled, the flex of his arms, the tight band of strength that stretched over his back. His butt was sculpted, and the two dimples I had discovered last night were deeply embedded above the tight buttocks. He had a matching pair at the base of his neck. I reached over, trailing my fingers up his skin, loving his instant reaction to my touch. He turned with a frown, trying to look stern and failing.

“Don’t start something we can’t finish, Little Dragon. You must be sore.”

His eyes widened as I dropped to my knees in front of him, running my hands up his thighs. “The question is, Hunter, how sore are you?” I pressed a kiss to his half-erect cock, unable to stop my smirk as it stiffened and lengthened. “I think I need to inspect the goods. Kiss it better if needed.”

“You look so good on your knees in front of me,” he said, cupping my chin. “I shouldn’t like it so much.”

“Neither should I,” I admitted. I had never minded giving blow jobs and my partners had never complained, but with Hunter, it felt different. More intimate. I felt a power with him I had never experienced before.

He groaned as I engulfed him in my mouth. “Inspect him well, Ava,” he grunted, weaving his hands into my hair. “He’s had a hard morning.”

With a wink, I gave him what he wanted. It didn’t take long—I loved the feel of him in my mouth, and his cock apparently agreed. He leaned against the old tile wall, gasping and looking shell-shocked. I rose to my feet, rinsed off, and stepped out of the shower. I peeked over my shoulder to find him watching me, his silvery eyes narrowed and intense.

“Wherever you learned that, I don’t want to know,” he said, his voice low. “But you are amazing.” He shook his head, turning to the water, muttering under his breath about unexpected and not the plan.

I shrugged, pleased. Then for fun, I reached behind him and turned off the hot water.

I was out of the small bathroom before he started to yell.

* * *

He came into the kitchen wearing jeans and a T-shirt. I glanced down at the clothes I had on from yesterday, and he smirked, lifting an eyebrow. I ignored him, making another pot of coffee. He reached into the freezer and pulled out the bag of scones I had noticed earlier and popped a couple into the old toaster.

“You have to watch this one,” he said. “One second, it’s fine. The next, your bread is on fire. These scones are too delicious to waste.”

“My aunt Emmy makes awesome scones. Where did you get yours?”

He frowned. “From her. They were in the massive care package the ladies brought with them.”

I gaped at him. “What? What ladies?”

He frowned and sat across from me, stacking up some of the files to make room for the plate he was carrying. “Your mother and aunts. Your grandmother too, I think?”

“When were they here?”

He looked startled. “You didn’t know? They showed up Monday after I got home.” He snorted. “Came in, decided I needed food and company, so they made coffee and stayed. They never told you?”

I shook my head. “I saw my mom on Wednesday, but she never mentioned it.”

“Huh. I thought she’d tell you. How come you only saw her Wednesday—you all live in some sort of commune, don’t you?”

I laughed at his description. “BAM owns all the land over there, yes. Many of us live there. Some have a place they crash on occasion. Others use it as a holiday spot. But it’s not a commune.” I paused. “Well, I suppose it is in many ways. But we all live our lives. We’re not in one another’s back pockets. We have family brunches once a month, and we are pretty tight, but we go our own way most of the time. I often only see my parents on Sundays at the Hub.”

“The Hub?”

“It’s like a rec center. There are too many of us to gather in anyone’s house. There’s a big kitchen and a massive living area. Downstairs, we have games and a gym. There’s a pool and a little library. Sundays, the parents usually gather for coffee. I join them once I wake up.” I paused and sipped my coffee. “I like to sleep in on Sundays. It’s sort of the one day I keep to myself.”

“What do you do once you get up?”

I sighed. “Nothing. That’s the best part. I’m so busy all week, I never slow down. Sundays, I have a long bath, take walks, paint my toenails. Read. Nap. I don’t have to deal with paperwork, people telling me why I’m wrong, arguing with foremen or crews.” I smiled at him. “It’s an Ava day.”

“What about Saturdays?”

“I usually do stuff around the house, laundry, some grocery shopping, make a few meals so when I get home at night during the week, I’m not trying to figure out what to cook.”

He looked surprised by my words. “What?” I asked. “Did you think I lived in the lap of luxury and had people do all that for me?”

“Yeah, I guess I did.”

I shook my head. “My parents didn’t bring us up that way. We were taught we had to work hard to get the rewards. We all had part-time jobs growing up. I waitressed at the diner you had breakfast in the other day. Ronan washed dishes there and was a busboy. Liam worked at the local garden center all through high school. Paul and Jeremy both worked for the nearby grocery store, stocking shelves and being cashiers. When they got older, they became bartenders. We all had to learn the value of money.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment. When he spoke, I was surprised by his words. “I owe you an apology, Ava. I assumed you were a rich kid and spoiled. I should have known better now that we’re, ah—” I was shocked to see dull color saturate his cheeks “—better acquainted.”

I snorted with laughter. “Is that what we’re calling it? Better acquainted?”

“For lack of another word. I have no idea what to call—” he waved his finger between us “—this.”

I shrugged. “Do we have to name it?”

He studied me. “Most women want that.”

“Hunter, I’m not interested in a long-term relationship. You don’t have to be worried about that. I’m not planning on moving in and setting up house with you just because we’ve had sex.”

He finished the last scone, pushing away his plate. “Is that just with me, or in general?”

I laughed lightly, not wanting to get into it. “With anyone. I tried it and discovered it wasn’t for me.”

He stroked his chin, his long fingers brushing the gray strands slowly. “Not to put too fine a point on it, but why? You seem like the sort of girl who would want to settle down and have a family.”

“Well, looks can be deceiving,” I said, standing, not wanting to discuss it. Not wanting to remember the pain of that voice telling me how much he hated the person I was. How difficult I was to handle.

“You’re just too much, Ava. You’re always too much. I can’t deal with it. We’re over.”

Hunter caught my wrist as I went past him. “Hey, I’m sorry. Whatever I just said that upset you, I’m sorry.”

I shook my head, taking his empty plate. “It’s fine.”

I carried the plates to the sink and returned to my chair. I tapped the pile of plans and paperwork. “You have a lot going on here. Lots of ideas.”

He nodded. “I plan on starting with the front porch next week—that was approved, and I got a great deal on the Trex I needed. That’s the imitation lumber,” he explained, then chuckled. “I guess you knew that.”

“Yes. It’s great. Easy to maintain and no splinters.”

He nodded. “Someone returned an entire order while I was at the building center. They marked it down for quick sale. I grabbed it. I can use it, and what’s left, I’ll use elsewhere.”

“Good plan. What’s next?”

He hesitated, then spoke. “I need to get architectural plans drawn up for the extension and get them approved. A deck drawing, I can handle. I need proper specs for the extension.”

I bit my lip to stop myself from telling him Ronan could whip him up a set of drawings. I had a feeling he wouldn’t like that. “Can I see your plans?”

I saw him tense, his shoulders going back and his hands tightening.

“Hunter, just relax. You’re jumping to conclusions. You remind me of your grandfather.”

He snorted. “Whatever.”

“I’m just asking as a friend. What do you think I’m going to do with them? Copy and sell them on the black market?”

“Tell your family,” he growled in admission.

Suddenly, I was angry. “First off, if you’d been paying attention, you would know my family doesn’t care what you do with this place—they’re just trying to be good neighbors. The same way they did with your grandfather. Second, I don’t discuss my private life with them because it is exactly that to me—private. And third, you’re a presumptive asshole who thinks far too much. This isn’t mission impossible, buddy. It’s a damn house extension. No one is going to meet me at midnight and tell me the moon is rising on the Seine despite the clouds, so I tell them what you’re planning.”

I jumped to my feet, now furious. “Is that why you slept with me? Trying to have something over me so I don’t tell my family you’re doing some renos?”

He blinked at me then had the audacity to smile. “Now who’s living in a movie? I slept with you because you’re fucking sexy, and I wanted you. I didn’t give a shit then or now who your family is. I have no plans to tell anyone about us either. And when you’re all riled up and snarking at me like this?” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. “I want to do some really wicked things to you, Little Dragon.” He cast his eyes over my form, dark and tempting. “Really, really wicked.”

“Well, good luck with that. I hope your hand is snarky enough for you.” I marched past him, yelping as he pulled me to his lap. “Get your hands off me, you jerk!”

He looked down at me, his gaze dark. “Is that what you really want, Little Dragon?”

“Y-yes,” I stuttered out.

“I think what you really want is for me to carry you to my room and return the favor from the shower.” He ran his nose up my neck. “Then you want me to fuck you. Hard. You want me to help you forget all about last week, or anything else but us. Nothing but my mouth on your body and my cock deep inside you.”

I glared up at him. “Asshole,” I snapped, then pulled his mouth down to mine.

He was a presumptive idiot, but he was right.

That was exactly what I wanted.