Something to Die For by Kaye Blue



It had been a long,grungy day, but the guards seemed pleased with what we had found.

As best as I could see, it was a bunch of random crap, but I didn’t say anything.

Instead, I hoped the good mood held and would give me an opportunity to see Angel.

When we got back through the gates, I looked around quickly, exhaling when I saw her.

She was far off in the distance but seemed okay and seeing her loosened some of the knot that had built up in my stomach.

It didn’t go away completely and wouldn’t until I was a half a continent away from this place, but it was something.

“Clean up, food in fifteen.”

The man unhooked the leather belts and I stretched, relieved at having everything off. I followed Hunter to another outbuilding and made use of the shower.

I had gotten used to the cold water and low pressure at the prison, so the makeshift shower didn’t bother me.

And I was glad to be clean, have the grime and gunk off me.

“So what now?” I asked Hunter as we dressed.

“Nothing. We eat. Sleep. Do the same shit tomorrow and the next day,” he said.

I nodded but then looked around.

There were two guards on the outbuilding, but they were clearly distracted and having a loud argument about something.

“I’m not staying here,” I said.

Langley was nearby, listening, I didn’t try to hide my words.

“Me either,” Hunter said, “I was just counting the time, looking for the right opening.”

“What about you, soldier boy?”

“What about me?”

“I don’t get a sense you’re keen on sticking around either.”

“I’m not, and I won’t.”

“Then we agree. But we do this together. It’s the best shot we have,” I said.

Hunter nodded, and after a moment, Langley did the same.

“They run a tight ship,” he said.

“Yeah, but there will be an opening. I know there will be,” I said.

“And when there is, we’re taking it,” Hunter said.

I nodded, feeling even more relieved.

There was no question of getting out, but having their agreement helped.

Now I just needed to make it happen and not lose my mind until it did.

I followed Hunter to the blue building we had breakfast in and saw Angel there, but I didn’t acknowledge her.

The other women served the food, and though I didn’t look at her, I was acutely aware of her presence and was aware when it was gone.

Hunter sat with me but didn’t speak, something that held until we were finished and were back in the shed for the night.

“What’s going on with you and that lady?”

“What are you talking about?” I said.

“Don’t play dumb with me, Lucas. Are you thinking right?”

I looked at Hunter, trying to figure out what he was thinking but certain that he disapproved.

“Always,” I said.

“Make sure it stays that way,” he responded.

I could have said more, but I held my tongue.

After all, what did I know about feelings and that kind of shit? Whatever I knew, Hunter knew even less. Still, it would have felt good to say something out loud, but I decided I’d save those words for Angel.

And make sure it wasn’t too long before she heard them.

I woke up the next morning, and the next, the one after that, all the days the same.

About a week after we arrived, we didn’t go out, and I was free, or semi-free, to wander around the camp.

So I did, exploring places I hadn’t seen before, trying to get a lay of the land.

As best I could tell, this had been a campground or a mobile park that they had taken over.

There was a perimeter fortified by a fence, heavily guarded, the main gates as the way in, and another smaller, secondary exit. Probably there just in case somebody needed to make a quick getaway.

I figured out where they kept the food, their gear, and saw the makeshift garage with trucks and jeeps all parked.

Wasn’t sure whether there was fuel for it, as that wasn’t something that we had been tasked with scavenging. But I assumed it was coming from somewhere.

I took in every detail I could and kept it in, knowing it would come in handy one day.


The voice was low, the word whispered, but I went toward it, trying to be cool, but anxious.

I followed the sound to the outbuilding far off to the side, at the far end of the camp.

She was there, and when I saw her, all the control that I had held onto was lost.

I grabbed her, held her tight, exhaling deeply when she embraced me back.

“I’ve been so worried about you,” she said, her voice still quiet, the emotion in it unmistakable.

“Don’t worry about me,” I whispered, my voice rough with emotion that was still so new to me.

I could feel her smile against my cheek.

“Always such a hard ass,” she said.

“You okay?” I asked.

I pulled back, studying her face, my gaze drinking her in, looking at her as though I might never see her again.

“I’m fine.”

“What do they have you doing?”

“Paperwork, of all the ridiculous things,” she said, her face twisted into a grimace.

I quirked a brow, and she shrugged.

“I don’t ask questions,” she said.

I nodded. “Good. Don’t ruffle any feathers. Just do whatever you need to. We’re gonna get out of here,” I said.

“I know,” she responded.

“How has everyone been treating you?”

“Fine. The leader is a fucking creep, but I can handle him,” she said.

Rage, and worry, crept over me, and I fought to hide it. I’d hoped she hadn’t had to deal with him, but her words gave me even more urgency.

“Angel…” I whispered.

“Don’t worry, seriously, Lucas. I can handle it. Just work on getting us out of here,” she said.

Her voice wasn’t urgent, but a cloud passed over her expression, and I tightened my grip on her arms.


She shook her head, as though trying to shake a thought away.

“I’m just being stupid. But I hate this place. Something is wrong with it,” she said.

“Yeah, there is. But don’t worry, we’re going to out of here,” he said.

“Promise,” she whispered.

“I promise.”

I’d never meant anything more.

I wanted to say so much more, but the words wouldn’t come. So instead of speaking, I kissed her.

She kissed me back reverently, her emotion unmistakable. This was stupid, risky, and I knew I should pull away, but I didn’t.


Needed her more than my next breath, and from the urgency in her kiss, she felt the same.

She moaned low, and I swallowed the sound, swallowed every panted-out breath that came after it. I shifted so that her back was against the outbuilding, and she widened her legs to give me access.

Which I took, opening and lowering both of our pants until I could enter her. When I was fully seated, I breathed out, feeling peace, a peace I wanted to hold onto forever.

As I emptied myself inside her, I kissed her and then pulled back until she opened her eyes.

“We’ll get out of here, Angel. I promise.”