His Twisted Heart by Ellie R Hunter

Chapter Twenty


Days pass, turning into weeks. Everything in the club has changed. India was laid to rest, Harper returned home, and the brothers are angry with Cas for killing Ellis behind their backs.

None of it affects me, so I spend most of my time in the greenhouse. Luca has avoided me since the night I lied to him and told him I’d aborted his baby.

It’s easier for him to hate me than let him live, knowing Ellis took more from his family than they originally thought. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s easier for me this way too. My lie has caused him to hate me, and with him cutting off all contact between us, it’s made everything clear to me, especially how he feels about me.

Yet the little voice in the back of my head keeps replaying him offering to go all in. He opened up to me for once, and while I knew it was pointless, I still craved that future with him.

Mom’s kept her word. She hasn’t told a soul about what happened that night, and we’ve quietly decided not to talk about it.

I told her I wanted to move on, and she accepted it. The few times I’ve been to the club, Luca’s walked out. One time, Alannah had him drop something off for my mom, and when I opened the door, I found it sitting on the porch, and him nowhere in sight.

“Are you ready, sweetheart?” Dad asks, waiting at the front door.

We’re spending the day at the club, because Alannah thinks all of us celebrating Thanksgiving will help with moral, but the nausea in my stomach says otherwise. Today isn’t going to end well.

I collect the pies from the counter and look around, making sure I haven’t forgotten anything, and head out. Mom and Dad talk during the drive to the club, leaving me to run over my plan of keeping myself sane for the day by avoiding Luca at all costs.

The old ladies are already over in the bar, setting up the food tables. Following Dad across the yard, I hand the pies over to my mom.

I can’t help but scan around for Luca, needing to know where he is so I can stay clear of him. When I don’t see him, I sigh in relief and take a seat next to my Grandpa. He’s tense today. Now that I think about it, everyone is.

I haven’t slept soundly or through the night since I thought I was going to die. And the guilt over lying to Luca has been building to a crippling point. There’s so much darkness in me, I want to scream.

I once told Luca lying was bad for the soul, that it rots you from the inside out, and I was right.

Telling Grandpa I need to use the restroom, I make my way through the club. Opening the door, I lock myself in a stall and sit down to take a breather. I should never have gotten involved with Luca Jackson. It’s my own fault I feel like shit now, believing I could change him, or I that I could make him love me if he just spent enough time with me. How wrong was I?

Taking three deep breaths, I wash my hands and head out. Everyone is taking their seats at the table that’s been arranged to seat everyone. Finding Gramps waving me over, I’m relieved to see he’s saved me a seat. Making small talk while the old ladies place bowls and plates of food on the table, I look up to find Luca glaring at me, and I quickly look away. I should be thankful we have nothing tying us together now. He’s an asshole, and always will be, so it doesn’t make sense that I want him with every fibre of my being.

He’s an asshole, but I want him to be my asshole. God, I’m screwed.

The place is awash with brothers chatting, drinking, and delving into the food once Alannah says for us to begin, then suddenly, silence falls over the table.

We all watch as Slade leads Kristen down the stairs, sets her in her seat, and begins fixing her a plate.

Gramps nudges my arm and jerks his chin at mine, his look telling me to stop staring and eat. Getting his message loud and clear, I turn my attention to my food.

The only one who wasn’t gawking was Luca, who’s already finished half of his potatoes.

“Who wants to go first and say what they’re thankful for?” Leo calls out. All eyes focus on him, but no one says a word. Clearing his throat, he picks up his beer and stands. “Well, then, I’ll start—”

“Before we get to that shit, I have something I want to say,” Cas calls out, interrupting his son.

With Cas at one end of the table, and Leo at the other, it’s like watching a tennis match.

The tension is so thick, not even the sharpest kitchen knife could cut through it.

Sitting back on his chair, Leo tips his head for Cas to carry on.

“The last few months have not only brought devastation to our lives, it’s brought us to our knees. I took something from you all when Ellis was killed, and I’ve been trying to make it up to you all ever since. At the Old Mill, there are twenty-nine Crow fucks waiting for you brothers.” He looks directly at Leo. “The three Crows who held you down, Leo, we have them, and they’re yours to deal with.”

Back on his feet, he snarls at his father, demanding, “Is that supposed to be enough? Our justice?”

“That’s not what I’m saying…”

“Then what are you saying, Dad? Because all I’m hearing is how you’re offering us scraps. You took it upon yourself to take him out, and I’ve been driving myself mad as to why you did it? I don’t get it, I really fucking don’t, so tell me, tell us all, why you killed him, and give us the truth.”

I’m shocked at hearing Leo talk to Cas like this. I haven’t heard anyone, ever, speak like this to Cas.

“I’ve already told you, I did it for the club.”

“I asked for the truth!” Leo roars.

I shrink back in my chair, trying to make myself as small as possible. The Jacksons all have a darkness in them, and when turning on each other, they’re so dark, there’s no light around them at all.

“Son, I—”

“No!” Leo yells, slamming both hands down on the table, the impact rattling the glasses and silverware around him. “Let’s have a show of hands. Who here believes their President?”

The sarcasm drips from his tone, and I dare to take a peek at the brothers around the table. A handful of them raise their hands, but it’s JJ Leo glares at when he raises his.

It’s the number of brothers who don’t raise their hands, the ones who don’t believe Cas, that speaks volumes.

“Looks like I’m not the only one who thinks you’re full of shit. Give us the fucking truth, or rip your patch off.”

Shock ripples through everyone, and Grampa tenses beside me. Alannah stands, clearing her throat. “Leo, you can’t do this.”

“Sit down, Mom. This is club business.”

I didn’t realise how serious shit was around here. I wish it would just go back to normal.

I tune out of the rest of the fighting and run through everything I have to do in order to revive my flowers, the one’s that nearly died while I was on lockdown.

It’s not until Harper stands and blurts out, “He did it because of me!” that I open my eyes.

“Harper? What are you talking about?” Leo asks, taken aback.

“Ellis made me choose. He twisted everything in my head till I couldn’t think…”

“What did you have to choose, darlin’?” Slade asks.

“He gave me an ultimatum.” Fisting her hands, she takes a deep a breath. “He made me choose who would die—India or Leo.”

Oh my God.

Ellis was the fucking devil on crack. Why would he do that to someone he confessed to being in love with? He was sick. I don’t care who killed him or how they did it. I’m just glad he’s dead.

“You chose her?” Slade’s voice is so loud, so forceful, you would think the God of Thunder was speaking through him.

Not wanting to see this play out, I lean into Gramps and whisper, “I don’t want to watch this.”

He puts his finger to his mouth, silencing me, and I sit back. This isn’t my business, and it doesn’t help with my inner peace knowing this shit. I’m a firm believer in staying out of other people’s business. Harper’s going to have everyone talking behind her back now.

Resting my head in my hands, I do my best to block out everything going on around me, but it’s nearly impossible to when Kristen screeches and lunges for Harper. I scoot my chair way back, trying to stay out of the fight.

This is getting out of hand now. Why hasn’t Cas put an end to it? My heart is breaking for Kristen. Her pain is so tangible, I could reach out and touch it.

“I’m taking my wife home. I’ll be back, and I’ll want answers,” Slade barks, taking Kristen from Sparky’s arms.

Once they leave, Gramps stands and announces,

“Old ladies should go home too. This is club business.”

I’m the first to push up out of my seat, followed by my mom. Whatever happens in this bar tonight is no business of mine. As soon as I step outside, I inhale the fresh air, hoping to clear the bad juju. If only it cleared all the shit stirring inside me.

It’s a day of revelations, and I think it’s time Luca knew the truth. I shouldn’t have lied to him about the abortion, and after listening to the old ladies go on and on about Harper and Cas’s actions, I realise mine will have long-term consequences.

I was wrong.

Luca rode out of the club a while ago, and I’m about to go wait in the house for him to return when he rides in with Leo.

I walk over as he parks his bike next to his brother’s. Leo tips his chin at me in greeting, but Luca acts like I’m not even here.

“Can we talk?” I ask as he continues to act like I don’t exist.

“I swear to God, I’ll lay our shit bare for all to hear if you don’t give me five minutes.”

Leo climbs off his bike and turns to his brother. “Give the girl the time she wants. We don’t need any more drama today.”

Turning away from Luca’s menacing glare, I head for the back of the club. I wouldn’t have said anything about us in front of anyone, but he doesn’t need to know that.

I hear his boots pound the gravel behind me, and before I can stop and face him, he’s pulling me back, slamming me into the wall.

“Never try calling the shots with me again. What part of you don’t exist to me do you not understand?” he growls in my face.

The Luca who slid a gun into Lily’s mouth is standing in front of me, and everything I wanted to say is stuck in my throat. No matter how hard I try to fight them, my tears break free and run down my cheeks.

“I need to—”

“You need to keep your distance from me, that’s what you need to do.” His nostrils flare as he wipes one of my tears away.

“Don’t you dare cry in front of me. In the end, it was you who was so consumed with Sara, you couldn’t see anything else. I would’ve been there for you and our baby, no matter what.”

“Please, listen to what—”

“You have nothing to say I want to hear, Victoria. Fucking nothing. You’d do well to go home and stay there.”

Pushing away from me, he walks toward the bar and doesn’t look back. I slide down the wall and land on my ass with my head hanging in my hands.