His Twisted Heart by Ellie R Hunter

Chapter Fifty


At the last rest stop, Dad instructed us that we’d be stopping at the diner when we get back to town before heading for the club. The run couldn’t have come at a worse time. With this new MC rolling into town, we should’ve shown a united and untouchable front. However, from what Dad’s been told from brothers showing up for the wedding, the Dead Rats haven’t even tried to get close to the clubhouse, though they’ve been seen hanging around the diner often.

As we ride down Main Street, there must be around eight motorcycles parked outside of Hank’s. Dad comes to a stop alongside the curb instead of riding into the parking lot. Sparky parks beside him, as we all do one by one down the line. Angel cracks his knuckles in preparation of a fight.

Engines are cut, but there’s no doubt the bikers in the diner would’ve heard us arrive. And in less than a couple of minutes, they walk out the door and linger by their rides.

The guy I saw the other night steps forward as Dad climbs off his bike. His VP moves to stand at his side, and Sparky joins Dad.

“You must be lost,” Dad calls out, loud enough for the guy to hear.

“Nope. We’re right where we’re meant to be.”

“Then we’re here to welcome you to town.”

Dad holds his hand up, signalling for the club to climb off their bikes. Movement ripples down the line, and the Dead Rats broaden their shoulders at our show of force.

Rolling my neck, I crunch my knuckles and bounce on my toes.

“You don’t want your pretty face getting marked two days before your wedding,” Leo points out beside me.

“You’re assuming I’m gonna let them get that close.”

My bruises will fade enough before the wedding from the twins. I can’t afford new ones.

“You think because we’re outnumbered we’ll back off?” their president yells over.

“Quite the contrary. My guys are looking for an outlet. I’m hoping you give them a good fight.”

With one flick of his wrist, the brothers and I move forward as one, and all hell ensues.

Us against eight is hardly fair, and does nothing to ignite adrenaline. But reputations have to be upheld, and every punch and headbutt dished out reignites the club’s hunger to be on top.

Their president stands back, lighting a smoke as he watches the scene around him with a twisted, gleeful look on his face. Joining Angel, I stomp my boot down on a Dead Rat’s head while he works his stomach and ribs.

Women’s shrieks soon fill the air, and Dad whistles for us to fall back. Once by my bike, I catch my breath and take in the scene of the Dead Rats, minus their president, down on the ground, moaning and bleeding.

“Welcome to Willow’s Peak!” Sparky hollers, spitting on the ground near a fallen brother of theirs.

“You think this will scare us off?” their president snorts.

Dad’s eyes narrow as he steps forward. “This was a welcome. You wanna find out what a goodbye looks like, hang around and find out.”

Slowly, they help each other up and linger near their rides. The fucker Angel and I done over glares our way, and I blow him a kiss, infuriating him further. He lurches forward, but his brother grabs his arm and yanks him back. Angel and I laugh, and the fucker’s cheeks redden with anger.

“I guess we’ll be finding out, then, ’cause we ain’t goin’ nowhere. Willow’s Peak is our home now.”

“Go on, say it…” their VP says, “This town isn’t big enough for the both of us.”

“Oh, the town is big enough for us both, we just don’t want you here.”

“Then I guess we’ll be seeing each other around.”

Their president gives the nod to his men and they mount their rides, and we’re left watching them ride off.

The faint sound of police sirens come from the east. Hopping our bikes, we head toward the club before they show up.

“Everyone in the back room at eight tonight,” Dad shouts before walking into the bar. I look around for Victoria, but I don’t see her anywhere. I head for my old room. We’ve been riding since sunrise, and I could do with a few hours’ sleep myself. The fight woke me up a little, but now that I’m here, fatigue is creeping up on me.

Tucked under the sheets, I close the door quietly and lock it behind me, as not to wake her, and then remember she wouldn’t hear it, anyway. I don’t need to creep around, but I still don’t want to wake her and give her a fright.

Undressing, I climb into bed with her and pull her against me. Of course she wakes, but once she sees it’s me, she relaxes and snuggles into me.

“I’m so glad you’re back,” she murmurs sleepily, and in response, I kiss into her neck.

Grinding my hard-on against her ass, her hand finds its way to my dick without her rolling around. Her grip is like a magical fucking handshake. It’s addictive, and a pleasure I get to keep for the rest of my life.

Stroking me harder, she lifts her leg onto mine and slides the tip up and down her sweet pussy. It doesn’t take long for her wetness to coat my dick, and I take over, needing to be inside of her. From behind, I push into her and bite down on her shoulder simultaneously.

Cupping her breast as I keep a slow pace, I pinch her nipple. Her sharp intake of breath ignites me into fucking her deeper. There isn’t a level I’ll not go with her, and I’ve struck out when it comes to luck, because she’s the same as me. It’s like I can never get enough of her, but I never stop trying. The need to have her all and completely is a hunger that never dulls, only intensifies.

Victoria showers first, and while she dries off and gets dressed for the day, I jump in the shower and wash off this morning and the two-day ride.

Victoria’s on my phone when I get out, and I pop my head over her shoulder to see what she’s doing. She’s looking up sprinkler systems.

“You need to get a new phone,” I sign once she looks up.

“I don’t need one. I can just use yours.”

“It’ll make my life a lot easier if you have one.”

“We’ll manage,” she mutters.

Grabbing the phone from her, I tuck it in my back pocket and take her hand. We need food, and in the kitchen, JJ, Leo, and Mason are already eating. The fuckers better have left enough food for us.

Sitting Tor at the table, I get busy frying up some bacon and filling the coffee pot with more beans.

“Look at my little brother, quite the domestic goddess,” Leo teases, and everyone laughs.

Over my shoulder, I see Tor smirking too.

“It’s a few rashers of bacon. It’s hardly a gourmet meal,” I snort.

“It starts with coffee and bacon, then ends with gourmet shit,” JJ mocks.

“Yeah, you find out that for yourself with my sister, who told me she was going to make an effort with me, and is yet to return a single fucking text?”

“Yeah, what’s going on with her?” Leo asks.

Before JJ can either tell him or lie, I butt in. “She doesn’t want to get attached to us in case we die.”

That’s what it boiled down to. “I thought I got through to her, but obviously, I was wrong.”

“That girl changes her mind like the wind,” Leo mumbles.

“She’s keeping away so if one of you die, it won’t hurt her as much. Plus, she’s been on new meds the last couple of months and it’s messing with her.”

Everyone looks to Mason, JJ’s jaw hanging. “How the fuck do you know that about my old lady?”

Shrugging, Mason shovels in a mouthful of eggs. Speaking around his food, he tells him, “We’re friends. She talks to me.”

I have to ask, “You have friends?”

Leo laughs, but JJ’s still glaring at Mason.

“Fuck off,” he snipes at me, and then to JJ, he says, “It’s not anything you don’t already know. She’s more sensitive than you lot know, but you already know she suffers with paranoid thoughts. It shouldn’t be a surprise that she’s worried her new family might die.”

Silence fills the kitchen until Leo offers, “Luc and I will go see her later and sort this shit out.”

Glad that’s sorted out on my behalf.

I finish breakfast and take a seat next to Tor. Her hand slides down my thigh and I inhale, happy to fucking hell I’m home.

Victoria’s arms wrap around my legs as I sit behind her on the bench top, her head resting against my knee. The sun is beginning to set, and Leo wants to leave soon to go and see Harper. First, we have a meet in the back room, and it’s not like we can bail on it.

Stroking Tor’s hair, I burn to fist it and pull her lips up to mine, but I’m interrupted by the sheriff driving in. Mason and Myles stop their fight. Zach scoops up little Sebastian from Nina, and Leo sends Holly into the main house with Rayna. I slide my hand down from her hair to the back of her neck and keep her between my legs.

Ricky disappears into the bar, no doubt to warn Pope to stay out of sight, while Dad, Sparky, and Slade head toward the sheriff.

“Out here again? What do we owe the pleasure?”

“There was a fight in town this morning. Complaints made said there were a bunch of bikers fighting out front of Hank’s.”

“Sounds like you’re visiting the wrong club,” Sparky surmises.

“Oh, right. You’re not the only biker trash in town anymore.” The sheriff sighs. “However, the other club hasn’t pissed me off yet, so I’m only looking at you. Now, if you’re not going to tell me who was involved, I’ll just have to collect the CCTV from the stores and Hank’s and find out for myself. And if those tapes should magically disappear, I’ll have to magic up myself some evidence on a bunch of you and put you away.”

Without another word said, he climbs back into his cruiser and drives off.

“He’s really beginning to piss me off,” Dad growls. “Everyone, in the back room, now.”

Kissing the top of Tor’s head, I slide off the bench and around her, pulling her up to her feet as I go.

“I won’t be long.” With a quick kiss, she heads over to the main house.

Being the last one in the back room, I close the door behind me. Dad’s pacing the room as I take my seat.

“This sheriff isn’t like Jake. If he’s planning on fitting us up, we have to expect anything, and I’m not prepared to put the club through hell for shit we haven’t even done.”

“Not much we can do,” Sparky observes.

“Yeah. Besides, it was just a scuffle where everyone walked away. No harm, no foul,” Slade assures.

“And if he magics up evidence from somewhere like he promised?”

Pope leans forward. “You’ve already thought of something. What is it, Cas?”

“One way or another, the sheriff has to go.”