His Twisted Heart by Ellie R Hunter

Chapter Nine


Every time I close my eyes, I see Victoria laid out beneath me, burning to be at my side when I step farther into the darkness. That shit turned me on like nothing ever has before.

She doesn’t need me to protect or look out for her. She’s not Sara. And for the first time, I find I like it.

Something changed in the way I saw her. I didn’t want her to leave after I was done with her. I wanted her again, and again. I couldn’t get enough.

Standing outside the bar, I watch Harper ride out of the club on the back of JJ’s motorcycle, then turn my attention to the left, settling my gaze on Lily. JJ’s getting Harper out of town while Dad deals with Ellis, but this bitch decided to remain here.

She wraps her arms around herself, because she has no one else to hold her, offer her support, or just give a basic shit about her.

I make her jump when I come up beside her and stand uncomfortably close.

She’s alone now, and I’m going to enjoy every second of tearing her down.

“Now that your daughter’s gone, there’s no point in you sticking around.”

She curls her lip in disgust.

“I have family here.”

I hate the sound of her voice. I hate that she gets to breathe the same air as my mom.

Slowly, I move to stand in front of her, careful to keep a lookout for anyone taking notice.

“No one here would give a shit if you left, so do us all a favour and fuck off, and don’t ever come back.”

Even her incredulous gasp irritates me. It’s another breath she’s stealing from the air my mom breathes.

“I don’t have to listen to a child.”

Coming nose-to-nose with her, I growl, “Keep thinking I’m a child. I promise you, your underestimation of me will bring you a world of hurt.”

Flinching, she whispers, “Slade will—”

“Your brother lives by his code, but it isn’t mine. I have no fucking code.”

“You have the look of your father,” she scowls at me with even more disgust, which only makes me smirk. “It isn’t a compliment,” she adds.

She’s wrong. I’m not my father—I’m worse, because I’m willing to get rid of the one thing hurting my mom where he’s not.

I reckon he’s losing his touch. He’s getting older, and he’s settling for the easier path. Until he proves me wrong, I have no interest in the man or his promises.

“I’m giving you twenty-four hours to get out of town, or I’ll twist your head up so fucking bad, you won’t even remember your own name.”

Walking away, I leave her staring at the gate as Leo jogs over.

“What was that about?” he demands.

“Forget about it. You didn’t see shit.”

He hangs back as I pick up my pace, knowing he isn’t going to get a word out of me. He certainly wasn’t interested in what I had to say the other day.

As soon as I’m in my room, I shoot a text off to Tor, telling her to come over, then jump into the shower. I doubt Lily will leave within the next twenty-four hours, and deep down, I’m hoping she doesn’t. I want to fuck her world up. Tit for tat.

Rinsing the soap out of my hair, I run my hand over my head and turn off the water. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I step into my room to find Tor already here, lounging on the bed.

“I’ve been thinking…”

“Don’t think.” I don’t like it when she thinks, because then she talks, wanting shit from me I’m not willing to give her, and then she fucking cries.

“Luca!” Laughing, she rolls onto her side and rests her head on her palm.


Leaning over the bed, I grip her chin between my thumb and finger, replacing her words with my own.

“Stop thinking. And let me remind you, there is no ‘we.’ You’re helping me with something, and that’s all.”

She doesn’t try to free herself from my grip. Instead, she smirks, and I can’t help but think it should terrify me.

“One day, you won’t fight me,” she vows with confidence.


“And you’re not going to tell me to leave tonight.”


“No. You’re going to fuck me while we wait for Lily to leave.”

I should’ve known she’d be watching from the main house. She’s kind of like me in a way, being told nothing, but still knowing everything. All-seeing and all-hearing.