Dirty Curve by Meagan Brandy



“Okay, one more time.” Meyer hops off the cement wall and comes closer. “The basic system that makes up the human body include ...?”

“A list longer than Neo’s sexual history.”

She laughs and Neo flips me off from the dugout.

We’ve been taking our study sessions to the field the last couple days because my times been limited and cutting her out of it is something I don’t want to do. That, and if I fail, I’m fucked.

This is the last section test before the midterm and can bump or bust my grade. If I tank it, I have to get a ninety or higher on the midterm and that sounds damn near impossible.

Neo was out here running drills when we got here yesterday, and then popped up again today for some quick sprints, but he’s already swapping out his cleats for the ridiculous Crocs he swears by.

I throw another one into the netting, nodding my chin at Neo as he says goodbye.

“Bye, Meyer,” he singsongs, giving her his best grin and earning one back.

I spin, pretending to throw a ball at his ass and his hands fly up, an embarrassed laugh following.

My lips curve into a smirk.


“Come on, name the first three, at least.”

“I’m never going to remember these.” I turn back to the netting.

“Yes, you can. You said you study stats, right?”

My eyes fly to hers, narrowing, and a hint of a grin finds her lush lips.

I want to bite them.

“You’re onto something, Tutor Girl. I watch twenty-minutes of game film a day.”

She pops both brows. “And we study for two hours almost every single day. You got this. Name the first three.”

Squaring my shoulders, I send the ball flying, and it smacks the little square made of red tape perfectly. I bend to pick up another, frowning when I find the bucket empty, but then Meyer steps up. She’s got a paper in one hand, a ball in the other.

She tosses it up, catching it on its way back down without taking her eyes off me, a small smirk on her lips. “Name three and it’s yours.”

I turn my body so I’m fully facing hers and she squares her shoulders in triumph, as if I couldn’t simply walk my ass over to the net and refill the bucket with the thirty balls waiting there, like I have once already.

She tips her pretty little head as she tosses the thing in the air, but I’m quick, and dart my hand out to catch it.

Meyer jerks forward with a little growl, playfully shoving at my chest, but before she can pull back, I grip her hand with my own.

I expect her to pull away, but she doesn’t. She stares at the contact, so I lace my fingers with hers, and she allows it, coming closer when I give a little tug.

Her eyes find mine and stay there.

They stay there until she whips her other hand out, snagging the ball from mine.

My shoulders fall and she tugs free, a triumphant smile spreading across her lips.

“So easily distracted, Mr. Cruz.”

“Girl, I’m telling you, you could breathe near me and I’d be fucking distracted.”

She blushes, squashing her lips to the side to fight away her grin. “Unless you’re on the field, right?”

I open my mouth, but all that comes out is a laugh. “There’s one way to find out ...”

She rolls her eyes and a few minutes later, we’re packing up our things.

Later that night, I’m lying in bed, and I can’t stop thinking about her, but it’s not that same frustrated feeling like before. At least not tonight.

I saw the way she smiled at me today, it was different. I’m not sure in what way, but it was. So, tonight, I’m gonna sleep good, ‘cause I know without a fucking doubt that Tutor Girl is going to bed thinking about me, too.

Chuckling, I flip onto my stomach, close my eyes, and fall asleep.
