Dirty Curve by Meagan Brandy



“Okay, what’s wrong?” Meyer sets the textbook face down, careful not to lose the page we’re on.

“It’s almost eight.”

“I know, I’m sorry, she usually falls back asleep by now.” She glances over at her playpen, and little mama’s eyes are just beginning to close. “Once she’s out, this will go a little faster. We should have a least an hour uninterrupted.”

“What, no.” I pin her with a fixed expression. “That’s not at all why I said that. If anything, she’s keeping me from passing out from boredom.”

A short laugh leaves Meyer. “Okay ...”

Fuck. Okay. “Any chance she’ll be okay to sleep in her car seat again today, just for a short twenty-minute drive?”

She tips her head, suspicious.

“I don’t have to be at the field for a few hours.”

“I’m aware.”

“Are you also aware that Poly is in San Luis Obispo?”

“Am I aware of what town I’m in right now? That would be a yes.” She fights a grin. “What’s up with you?”

I hold her gaze, and after a moment, hers widens.

She starts shaking her head, but I’m already nodding mine.

“Tobias, no.”

“Come on.”

“No way.”

“Please, you just said you were hungry, but room service sucks. This is free breakfast.”

“I don’t—”

“I need a reason to leave soon after arriving,” flies from my mouth before I can even fucking think, and now Meyer’s looking at me warily. I shrug. “Help me out, Tutor Girl?”

She chews on her lip, looking to Bailey, and when her eyes come back to mine, I know I’ve got her.

To my parents we go.

God fucking speed.
