Dirty Curve by Meagan Brandy



The soft click of the door closing has my eyes fluttering open and I’m instantly struck with memories of last night.

Of the irresistible charge of desire that darkened Tobias’s eyes.

Of the rough texture of his hands as they ran over every inch of my body.

Of how, even after our second round, it wasn’t enough.

He needed more.

Wanted more.

My fingers lift, running along my neck, the spot he refused to neglect for more than five seconds. Be it his hands, his chin, his tongue ... he kept coming back for more, lighting the sensitive spot on fire with any and every move he made.

Not once was his focus on himself. It was all me, all night, and when he fell asleep beside me, all I could think was how perfectly he fit there.

Rolling onto my back, my arm falls to the now empty space and my lips curl. The heat of his body is still there, as is the indent in the pillow.

An unexpected sense of comfort washes over me, but it’s short-lived, because in the next second, I push up onto my elbow, and the first thing I spot ... my wallet.


My chest caves and I can’t breathe. It’s as if metal is seeping into my lungs and hardening by the second.

No, no no ...

I scramble off the bed, falling onto my knees as the blankets tether around me and lift my wallet toward my face.

My driver’s license.

It’s gone.

Dashing around the room, I search for my phone, tearing it from the charger and quickly dialing his number.

It rings once and goes to voice mail.

“Shit!” I hiss, trying again, but this time, there is no ring.

In a panic, I try the man I know he went to see, but the line just keeps ringing.

I call Bianca to see if she can come sit with Bailey, so I can find him before he finds him.

“Hi, I’m busy!” Her voice mail picks up. “Leave a message and if you’re lucky, I’ll call you back.”

Damn it.

My heart cries and I fall onto my butt again, gripping my legs as I look to the ceiling, praying I didn’t put myself into a situation I’ll regret for the rest of my life.

It’s with that thought in mind that I open the long since ignored acceptance letter from UOF and click on the link provided.
