Dirty Curve by Meagan Brandy

Quick Note From the Author

I cannot believe this book is in your hands!

I started this baby in 2017, but something held me back, and I think it was the fact that in order to love Tobias, you had to see every bit of who he was. In short? I was afraid, but telling his story the way I saw it was the only way I could write this book.

He’s a young man. A college student. He had sooo much growing to do and his path from beginning to end is one I am immensely proud of.

Finishing and sharing this story with you feels truly special to me. Thank you SO MUCH for reading.

These two have been with me for so long and it means the world to me that you wanted to meet them.

I hope you loved Tobias and Meyer’s story as much as I enjoyed telling it.

If you’re ready to dive right into and meet your next book boyfriend…I have another cocky athlete for you.

How about a football player this time around?

Read the first Chapter of Fake It ‘Til You Break It HERE (or keep Turing the page for a full list of stories by me!):