All In With Him by Lauren Blakely



Once upon a time, I could compartmentalize anything.

Baseball, dating, men. They all went in separate drawers.

I kept love and sex on opposite sides of my life, separated by sky-high walls.

That seemed like a good idea at the time.

Turned out to be the worst. I was so used to wearing blinders I nearly missed a second chance with the love of my life.

But I got my act together, learned my lessons, and opened my heart. Now, my guy is back, and I’ll do just about anything to make Grant Blackwood happy—because he makes me happier than I’ve ever been.

Happier than I ever thought possible.

The trouble is, the closer we get, the more Grant challenges me in ways I never expected. He pushes me past my comfort zone and straight into the public eye, where the lights are much brighter than the ones at the ballpark at night.

As our life together stands in the spotlight, I’m coming face-to-face with hard choices. What I’ll give up. What I won’t. I finally have the peace and freedom I never had when I was young. But I want my life to be mine. I want ours to be ours. I want to shut the door at night and just . . . be.

But the more time I spend with Grant, the more I learn that the man I love does more than rock my world—he rattles it out of orbit.

After far too long with too many people knowing my secrets, I’m not sure I want everyone knowing my un-secrets.

Somedays, I just want Grant all to myself.

Trouble is, I don’t know if that’ll be enough for the man I love.