All In With Him by Lauren Blakely

The Final Epilogue

Years later


The Hawaii sun warms my shoulders. My daughter, Isabelle, does too—she’s perched on them. It’s her favorite vantage point.

“Ooh, Daddy, there’s an ice cream shop down the block, and they have rainbow sherbet.” She points to the rainbow sign in the window of the shop on the main drag in Kauai.

Declan laughs, shaking his head as he holds Caleb’s hand. “Pretty sure that’s not a sign for rainbow sherbet, sweetheart,” he says.

“What’s it for, Dad?” Caleb asks, always inquisitive.

“It’s a rainbow flag. And it means we’re going to have our ice cream there,” Declan says.

“Well, I like it, then, since I like ice cream,” Isabelle says.

“I like it more,” Caleb declares, then tosses a glance at his sister. “Race you there.”

“No fair. I’m on Daddy’s shoulders,” she says.

Reaching up, I grab her hips and swing her down to the sidewalk. “Go get ’em, tiger,” I say. She takes off, an auburn-haired speed demon tearing up the concrete and reaching the shop a few seconds before her blond little brother.

“Kids,” I say, laughing as I take Declan’s hand.

“Always horsing around.” He brings my knuckles to his lips and kisses them as our hellions head into the ice cream parlor.

We follow them, order, and grab a booth.

“What else do you want to do while we’re here?” I ask the little people who rule our lives.

“Surf,” Caleb declares. “I definitely want to learn to surf.”

“Ooh, me too,” Isabelle chimes in.

That seems like an excellent way to spend the day, so that afternoon we take a family surfing lesson, exhausting ourselves in the water and the sun and the waves.

Isabelle and Caleb crash early, and that’s how I like it. With the kids conked out, Declan and I curl up on a lounge chair under the stars, many years past our first spring training and still wildly in love.

I sigh contentedly, running my fingers through his dark hair. “Kids are tiring.”

Declan laughs softly, then yawns. “They sure are.”

“But . . .” I slide a hand down his stomach, playing with his abs. “I’m not that tired.”

“Mmm. I’m never that tired,” he murmurs, then curls a hand around my head and kisses me, soft and deep, under the stars.

After a few minutes, we take it inside.

We still want each other. I don’t think we’ll ever stop wanting each other. It’s been more than twenty years since I met him, and every day with Declan is a good one.

I pull him down on top of me in bed, hold his face, and meet his dark gaze. “You and me.”

“Me and you.”

We come together like we did many years ago in Arizona, like we will many years from now, wherever we may happen to be.

He’s mine, and I’m his, and that’s just the way our love story was always going to be.


River and Owen’s story comes next in the sexy, flirty, snowed-in, friends-to-lovers novel THE BROMANCE ZONE… and you won’t believe what goes down one night in a cabin! That standalone is available everywhere and I have a delicious teaser below! Jason’s story comes in the sexy, emotional, rivals-to-lovers second chance romance THE BOYFRIEND COMEBACK, also available to order and with a teaser below! Keep reading to grab THIRST TRAP, your free book as promised, for preordering ALL IN WITH HIM!

Here’s a teaser from The Bromance Zone…


Driving with someone for four hours can make you feel like you’re a thing.

When you’re not.

We cruise through the gourmet shop, picking up snacks for the drive, as well as little items here and there for the cabin, including another tin of cocoa for Declan’s mom. At the counter, the cashier rings us up, then I slide my card out of my wallet, eager to pay.

“I mean it. I’ve got it,” I say firmly.

“Let’s split it. You already paid for gas,” Owen says, taking out his wallet, but I shake my head, curl a hand over his to stop him.


That’s quite nice . . . more than nice. I don’t want to stop. I want to run my thumb across his knuckles, touch him slow and sensual, learn how he reacts to my hands on his body.

Great. Fucking great.

I’m getting turned on yet again in the gourmet convenient store on the side of the California road as I imagine seducing my best friend.

“Why don’t you pay for the snacks on the drive back?” I suggest, grasping for logic as I let go of his hand.

“Fine,” he says, tucking his credit card away, then grumbling, “You’re so bossy.”

The clerk packs the items, then flashes a grin. “Drive safely, now,” she says.

“I will,” I reply, as I grab one bag and Owen snags the other. When I push on the door to leave, a blast of cold air lashes me. “Brrr. It’s Antarctica.”

Owen gestures to the car, several feet away. “Want me to run over there first and get your jacket for you? Would that help?”

“Mock me with your Canadian blood, why don’t you?”

“Well, do you, River?”

Shivering, I growl. “I’ll survive the ten feet.”

“Look at you. Braving the elements. It’s amazing and, honestly, a little inspiring,” he says, faux choking up.

“I’m endlessly inspiring. I’m also freezing,” I say, as we quickly set the bags on the back seat, then hop in. I turn the car on, then arch a brow. “Want to go wild?”

“Is that a trick question?”

“Maybe it is.”

“I’ll bite. What are we doing that’s wild?”

“Butt warmers,” I say salaciously, then hit the button on the console to turn up the heat on the seats.

“Bring it on,” Owen says, and tosses me a sly grin. “Nothing I like better than a hot ass.”

I fan my hand in front of my face, reverting to flirting once more. “And now I need to cool off.”

“Cooling off is overrated,” Owen says, as I pull out of the lot, and back onto the highway.

Maybe I don’t entirely want to cool off either.

Once we hit the stretch of concrete ribbon, my thoughts return to Owen’s comment at the register. To my own wayward mind. And sometimes, wayward minds win. “By the way, you’re right.”

“About what?”

I shoot him a sly smile. “I am definitely bossy.”

My remark takes a few seconds to land, but when it does, I catch a glimpse of his lips curving into a sexy little grin. The tip of his tongue flicks across the corner of his mouth, then he turns to face me. “Is that so?”

“Yes. It is.”

Owen leans his head back against the headrest, grinning. “Have to say, I’m not at all surprised to learn that.” Then he adds, his voice dropping lower, hitting a smoky tone, “Also, bossy can be good.”

I should pump the brakes.

Truly, I should.

But the more miles I put between San Francisco and us, the harder that gets.


Now, here’s a sneak peek at Jason’s romance. His story takes place when he’s twenty-six and a starting quarterback in the NFL in THE BOYFRIEND COMEBACK!


Three words that are always satisfying to hear—you were right.

And I will be waiting for them from my bud when I head into the gym today. Yup, I’ll take a handful of I can’t believe I ever doubted you any second from Harlan. The wide receiver bet me that workout dates were no fun.

When they are the best.

I push open the door of the gym on Fillmore Street, spotting the regular crew at the weights. I head over to join Harlan and Cooper, setting down my water bottle with a satisfied grin.

“Don’t look so pleased, kiddo,” Harlan says.

I give an easy shrug as I stretch my quads. “Pleased? Me? Why ever would I look pleased?”

Harlan pushes up from the weight bench. “Gee, I wonder. Let me get my wallet. I’ve got a Benjamin. I presume you take cash for your bets, duckling?”

“Sure…if you don’t want to do Bitcoin.”

Harlan rolls his eyes.

Cooper hoots. “Oh man. Jason, you better watch it. You don’t want to piss off the king of the jungle.”

Actually, he’s dead-on. I don’t want to tick off Harlan or Cooper. I like this pack of friends I’ve made in the NFL, and I damn well want to keep them. They’re good guys, and the world doesn’t have enough of those.

“Actually, we’re all good,” I say to the receiver.

Harlan laughs. “I always make good on my bets.” Then he inhales deep, squares his shoulders, and says, “You were right, Jason. Workout dates are awesome. I took my woman out on one and we had a great time. How was your workout date with your dude?"

I just shrug, picturing the lukewarm date from the other night. "Eh, it was whatever. There was no spark. And that's vital."

“Yes, it is,” Harlan says, then pays up. I pocket the dough, and the three of us lift weights.

As we shoot the breeze, my mind wanders to that all-important spark.

I’ve sparked with others in the past, especially with one other guy.

A guy I can't figure out. A guy who’s back in town.

But I probably won’t see Beck again, and that’s fine by me.

After we finish working out, I’m getting ready to head to the Hawks training facility for practice when the door swings open to the gym.

And Beck walks in.


It’s been five busy years since that night.

Didn’t have much time to think about Jason.

Or about that night…when I knew for sure who I was and what I wanted.

And I’m not going to now either.

This is just a gym. He’s just another pro baller.

Who happens to be heading my direction.

I stop at the treadmill, set down a towel on the bar, grab my AirPods from my pocket.

Does he even know I’m here?

But the answer comes in his eyes. They laser in on me, and in a heartbeat…my chest heats up.

Don’t think about that night.

And maybe while you’re at it, don’t think about how good he looks now, all that determination in his gaze. That focus he’s known for.

The focus he lacked in the game the day after.

When I destroyed his team on the field.

Ah, that was a good day.

“Of all the gin joints in San Francisco,” Jason says when he reaches me.

“They serve gin here now? Who knew it was a full-service gym,” I say.

“And who knew it was a full-service gym frequented by…your rivals,” he says, stretching out that multimillion dollar right arm to indicate the other guys here.

What other guys? That arm is all I want to stare at. Better than college, more toned, stronger.


Bet both those arms would feel great wrapped around me again.

“Huh. I had no idea,” I say, offhand.

I knew. I totally knew.

Jason's expression turns deadly serious. “Oh yeah, I’m sure. Since it’s so secret that my team works out here.”

“Oh, does your team have a special fort here too?”

He picks up the trash talk like we did on the field. “Yeah, we have a clubhouse. I’d invite you to hang out, but you’d have to have won your last few games.”

I won't let on he’s under my skin. “So you’ve been watching my games.”

“They’re…how to phrase it? Entertaining.” He lifts a brow, like a taunt.

I can’t resist the bait. I take a step closer, lower my voice to a whisper. “Bet you liked what you saw.”

“Your senses might need a tune-up, man. But then, they always kind of did.”

Oh, that cuts deep.

Best to dodge this one completely. “Pretty sure there’s room for both of us in this city. Unless you’re worried I’ll win the big one again.”

I deliver the taunt, since it’s easier than telling him the truth.

That it drives me crazy to be in the same city with him.

That I can barely focus when he’s around.

That I still think about him and that night.

Jason doesn’t answer though. Just laughs, and even that looks good on him. Easygoing, open, vulnerable. Like he was the night I touched a man for the first time.



And don’t forget, Chance’s romance with Sierra is available in THE VIRGIN REPLAY!

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And now, as promised, I’m thrilled to share your bonus novella for preordering this book! Here is Gunnar’s and Rafe Rodman’s sexy, flirty, dirty romance, THIRST TRAP. This will only be available till Sept 10!