The Bonds We Break by Becca Steele


First of all, thank you to everyone that has read The Four series! Thank you for taking a chance on Cassius and Jessa’s story, and I hope you loved it!

To Claudia, for convincing me that I had to stay true to Cassius and write his story with Jessa, even though almost everyone else thought it was insane! I love you! I’m so thankful for your support and encouragement.

Thank you to to Jenny, Megan, Jen, and Ashley, for your endless support and alpha/beta feedback. Jenny and Jen—you both work so hard and I’m so grateful for everything you do! Love you guys.

Sandra, Rumi, and Sid—dream team! Thank you for getting this story into shape, and for not complaining (much) about my liberal use of commas.

Thanks to all the team at Wildfire, my awesome street team and ARC team, and to all the bloggers who helped to promote this book.

To the readers, bloggers, bookstagrammers, and everyone who has shared, read, enjoyed the world of The Four, you are amazing!

A huge thank you to my Facebook group Becca’s Book Bar for voting on a middle name for Cassius, and to Marissa Rash for coming up with the final choice! And I have to give a special mention to the two very kind people who helped me out with the Russian pronunciations in this book.

Lastly, I have to thank my husband, who will never read these words, but you support me in more ways than you know.

Becca xoxo