Wolf Untamed by Alexis Calder


As we walked, I tried to send away any thoughts that entered my mind. There was too much to consider and too much at stake. One thing at a time. That was the only way I was going to get through this. We stopped at a stream and drank some of the best water I’d ever tasted. Other than that, there were no breaks. I was eager to find my friends and make sure they were safe.

“If Wolf Creek tracked us here, you think they’ll find us again?” I asked.

“The others can take care of themselves. I would guess our immediate threat is gone,” he said.

I hated that my friends had to cause harm to others on my behalf. Granted, the assholes from Wolf Creek deserved it, but I didn’t like that my friends had to take on the burden of protecting me. I wanted to be strong enough to fight my own battles and I was willing to put in the work to make myself and my wolf stronger.

Ahead, I noticed a strange looking tower. It was bright blue and might have once been a tree. It wasn’t much thicker than the tree stumps around it, and it was only a little taller. “What the hell is that?”

“That’s our meeting place,” Alec said.

“Subtle,” I deadpanned.

“Nobody knows it’s there. Random hikers find it from time to time, but it’s not on any shifter radar,” he assured me.

“What is it, exactly?” I asked.

“I heard it was created by some artist. Not sure why or what the meaning is.”

“Is it a tree stump?” I asked.

“It’s a big ass pole. They shoved it way down in the earth. It’s not even made of wood,” Alec said.

“That’s the oddest thing,” I said.

“It makes for a good meeting place, though. It’s fairly easy to find and if anyone does see us waiting there, they assume we’re hikers passing through,” he said.

“Unless it draws the attention from shifters we don’t want around,” I replied.

“True, but we’re not going to stay there,” he reminded me.

The strange blue pole looked like it wasn’t too far away, but it was hard to tell how close we were. The path took us straight uphill for a while, then it leveled out and we emerged into a clearing. The blue pole stood proudly in the center. It looked even more out of place up close. The bottom of the pole was covered in spray paint and parts of it were rusting. Beer cans, red plastic cups, and other trash scattered across the clearing. Most of it looked like it had been there for a while, untouched. That made me feel a little better.

“Doesn’t look like this place is too secret anymore,” I said.

“Humans use it in the summer sometimes,” he said as he kicked some of the trash out of his way.

I frowned at the cigarette butts and other debris. It was awful that they’d left it all here. I didn’t have time to clean up other people’s messes right now, though. At this moment, I needed to find my friends and put out the fires already burning in my life.

“Where are they?” I asked quietly. The clearing felt too open and exposed. I didn’t like standing next to such an obvious landmark without anywhere to hide.

“They should be here,” he said.

I looked over at him. “What if something awful happened to them?”

“I’m sure they’re fine. If they aren’t here soon, they must have gone to the next stage of the plan.”

“Truth, remember?” I asked.

“I swear I wasn’t hiding anything. We had this as our meeting place, but if they couldn’t get rid of the attackers, they were to lead them away from our destination,” he said. “They might have had to do that.”

I hated the idea of my friends on the run, being chased by shifters from Wolf Creek. “That’s not a comforting thought.”

“I know. But they wanted to help you. We all do,” he said. “We’ll meet them after. We can’t stay any longer.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” a loud, clear male voice called.

My whole body tensed and I turned in the direction of the sound of my mate’s voice.

Tyler stood near a tree on the outskirts of the clearing. “You shouldn’t have run.”

“What are you doing here?” I demanded.

“My friends chased the others, but I’ve been following your scent the whole time. It was nice of you to split up. Makes this easier for me,” Tyler said.

“I told you, I don’t want to be with you,” I said. “Stop trying.”

“I was being nice. I was willing to wait for you. You are my mate. You are the one who is supposed to comply,” Tyler growled.

“No. You are the one who should,” I snapped. I was done being afraid. Done backing down and running.

Hands balled into fists, I took a step toward him. “You have two choices. You can break the bond and accept your place as a member of my pack, or I will kill you myself.”

Tyler laughed. “Your pack? It’s my pack. You are mine. Same as a pair of shoes or an obedient dog. You’re my property.”

I lifted my shirt enough to show the mark. “I am your alpha.”

Tyler’s laugher died. “I thought they were lying. My dad said he saw the mark, but I thought it was his excuse to kill you.”

“You will allow me to break the bond,” I insisted. “That is your only option.”

Alec growled. He’d been silent this whole time, letting me handle Tyler, but I could sense his rising anger. “She’s giving you a choice you don’t deserve.”

“She’s my mate, not yours. What do you know about pack or mating bonds, feral trash,” Tyler spat.

Alec growled again.

I moved in front of him, preventing him from lunging right for Tyler’s throat. Tyler deserved to die for what he’d done to me. But whenever I tried to allow those thoughts into my mind, the bond pushed back. It was as if my only option was to let him make amends and go on his merry way.

The tiny part of me that was resisting the mating bond wanted to rip his throat out, but the bond had gotten too strong. It was keeping me from acting. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to fight him or if I’d run to him.

My pulse raced and my mind felt like it was at war with itself. Fighting the bond was getting more difficult. I stared at Tyler, determined. “If you care about me at all, you will break this bond. I can’t be with you. After everything you’ve done to me, I deserve this one act of kindness.”

“I challenge you,” Alec said.

“What?” I turned to him, my eyes wide. “No, Alec. Please, don’t do this.”

His jaw was tense, his expression determined. I could tell I wasn’t going to be able to talk him out of this. Challenging for alpha wasn’t the only kind of challenge the packs upheld. You could challenge for a mate. It was archaic and disgusting. Men fighting over the rights of another human being. I’d never seen it done, but I’d heard stories growing up. It was supposed to be romantic or some bullshit. What they didn’t mention was how the woman had no choice but to go with the winner. How was that romance?

“You’d risk your life for her?” Tyler sounded amused and a little disgusted.

I perked up at that a little. There was a part of him that didn’t want to be with me, either. “Tyler, you don’t have to do this. Just let me go.”

“Are you afraid to fight me? Did they even teach you how to fight in that pack of yours or is beating innocent girls all you know how to do?” Alec challenged.

Tyler growled and his body was already tensing unnaturally. He had a wild look in his eyes. “When I win, I’m going to make you watch me claim her.”

“Never going to happen,” I said though gritted teeth. “I’ll kill you myself before I surrender to you.”

“The bond won’t let you,” Tyler said. “I’ve tried to cut you out, but every time I fight it, I just want you more. I know I’m not alone. I see you in my dreams. We’re connected. The bond keeps getting stronger.”

I swallowed hard and tried not to let him know how much his words got to me. It was all my nightmares and fears. I glanced over at Alec.

He nodded and I felt a silent exchange between us. He knew I was afraid and he wasn’t going to let me down. I wasn’t sure how I knew that, but I was certain those were his thoughts as he tossed the blanket aside.

Tyler stripped and suddenly, there were two huge wolves growling at each other.

I grabbed Alec’s blanket and got out of the way, positioning myself behind a tree so I could have something to block me if they came my way. You did not want to be in the middle of two wolves fighting. It wasn’t pretty and I knew if I got too close, I was in danger of becoming collateral damage.

The two wolves circled each other, growling and snapping their jaws. Hackles up, they both looked as tense as springs as they eyed their opponents.

I hated that I was in the background, waiting as two males fought for my honor or some shit. It was everything I said I would work against. I’d been determined to protect myself and stand up for myself since leaving Wolf Creek. I made baby steps by connecting with my wolf, but she was still new at this. We weren’t ready to get in the middle of a fight like this.

Tyler’s dark gray wolf jumped forward, testing the reflexes of Alec’s lighter gray wolf. Alec dodged with ease, moving with the grace I’d come to associate with the feral shifters. Tyler repeated the same thing several times, Alec dodging each attempted attack with ease.

The frustration of Tyler’s wolf was evident. He was impatient, with big movements that Alec saw coming a mile away. At first, I wasn’t sure why Alec was toying with him. I hadn’t seen the feral shifter fight, but he was strong and fast and had been united with his wolf for a long time. He had the mark of an alpha, which in theory, made him stronger and faster.

Then, I realized with each attempted attack, Tyler was getting a little slower and Alec was correcting a little less. Alec’s wolf was wearing him out and studying the other wolf’s moves.

Tyler lunged again, and this time, Alec rose up on his back legs, claws out, striking down the incoming wolf. Tyler’s wolf was knocked to the ground, his paws struggling to right himself before Alec charged him again.

Teeth and claws came for Tyler before he was even on his feet. Alec was merciless in his attack, pinning the other wolf until he let out a pathetic yelp. A moment later, Tyler freed himself from Alec and leaped onto him, slicing him in the stomach. Alec growled and quickly struck back, knocking the other wolf down again. Tyler righted himself and attacked Alec, snapping his jaws around his leg.

Alec yowled and jerked his leg away, but Tyler held fast. My heart pounded and just as I was going to leave my space by the tree, Alec broke the hold. He snapped back at Tyler but he dodged.

I was holding my breath and my brow was creased with worry. Each time one of them got the upper hand, I felt a pull toward the injured male. My mind wanted Alec to win, but my instincts forced a reaction every time Tyler was injured. It was torture.

The wolves continued to fight, their attacks taking them farther from my spot until I couldn’t see what was happening. Carefully, I moved, walking toward the sound of the growls and falls and thrashing.

When I found them, Tyler was on the ground, and Alec was holding him down. Both wolves were bleeding and their fur was matted. I could see Alec’s wolf breathing heavy, his sides moving in and out. He let out a low growl, his gaze fixed on the wolf under him.

Surrender, Tyler. I wasn’t sure if the thought came from me or my inner wolf, but it sent a surge of joy through me. I was able to take a side. I wasn’t feeling the pull to Tyler. Surrender.

Alec released the other wolf and took a step back. He was still tense and ready, but he was giving Tyler space to get back to his feet. Tyler’s wolf stumbled, nearly collapsing as he stood. Good.

The anger and hate I felt toward Tyler wasn’t clouded by my mating bond. I wasn’t going to concern myself with why I was getting lucky, but for now, at least, I was granted a moment of clarity.

Tyler’s wolf shuddered, then his body began to break and bend. I turned away, wincing at the cracking of bones as his human form returned.

When I looked back both Tyler and Alec were fully transitioned. They faced each other, both males breathing heavy. Their bare skin was covered in claw marks and bruises. I knew they’d both heal in a matter of hours, but for now, the fight was over.

“You lost,” Alec said. “Release her from the bond and never speak to her again.”

Tyler turned from Alec and walked back toward the space they’d started the fight. He grabbed his clothes and slowly stepped into his jeans.

Alec followed and I walked over to him, handing him the blanket he’d been using in place of our missing clothing. We stopped in front of Tyler.

“You won,” Tyler said.

“Break the bond,” I said.

“The problem is, I don’t know how to break the bond,” Tyler said.

I turned to Alec. “How does he break it?”

“You two need to be touching,” Alec said. “Then when both your inner wolves agree to break the bond at the same time, it’ll be done.”

“It’s time, Tyler,” I said.

Tyler shrugged. “Fine.”

Alec nodded encouragement.

I walked closer to my mate, ready to break the bond that had kept the two of us connected through a cruel twist of fate. We were so close to escaping the punishment of being forced together.

“Ready?” I asked.

He offered a hand and I accepted. The mating bond roared back to life inside me like a wave, crashing over my senses and sending a shockwave of longing through me. I sucked in a breath and fought against the sensation. You don’t want this. I reminded myself of the awful things he’d done to me, trying to force back the connection I felt between us.

“She feels it,” Tyler said. “She won’t be strong enough to break it.”

“Fight it,” Alec said.

“I don’t want you, Tyler,” I forced the words out, but they were hollow, empty. How could this happen? I glanced over at Alec, his expression was hopeful and encouraging.

Tyler leaned closer to me, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispered. “Complete the bond.”

My breath hitched and I pulled away from him. The bond was there, taunting me, tempting me, connecting me to the male standing in front of me. It would be so easy to let fate win, to surrender. Fighting back was harder. My mind felt fuzzy and for a moment, I wondered why I was pushing back. A mating bond was a gift, wasn’t it? I deserved to be happy. That’s what a mate was supposed to bring: happiness.

That isn’t what Tyler will bring.

My inner wolf was the one who brought me back to my senses. If she was fighting the bond, I knew we could do it.

I closed my eyes, forcing myself to remember the hurt Tyler had caused me. My wolf stirred within me. Is this what you want? She seemed to want to make sure I was ready to break the bond. To live with the consequences of my actions. It was rare to find a true mate. It could bring power and strength and happiness. But that wasn’t what Tyler would bring me. He’d bring me nothing but pain. He has to go.

I opened my eyes. “Tyler, I reject you.”

He snarled, his upper lip curled. “I thought you might say that.”

Suddenly, Alec pushed me aside, and I landed on the ground, no longer holding Tyler’s hand.

Confused, I looked up just in time to see Tyler stabbing Alec with a syringe. Alec’s eyes widened, then he collapsed.

“That was supposed to be for you, but now your feral boyfriend will pay the price.” Tyler’s eyes flashed with hateful malice.

I scrambled to my feet and ran to Alec. I could see his chest rising and falling slowly, but he wasn’t moving. “What did you do?”

“Just some toxin,” Tyler said. “I’ve never given anyone that much. Wonder if he’ll ever wake up.”

“I don’t care if you’re my mate,” I said. “This ends now.”

I sidestepped Alec’s fallen body and punched Tyler as hard as I could in the jaw. Searing pain spread over my knuckles and I winced, shaking my hand out for a moment before throwing another punch.

Tyler stopped me this time, catching my fist. “You are no match for me.”

“Maybe not, but if I die trying, at least I know you’ll never find peace,” I spat.

Tyler pushed me hard and I stumbled, but managed to stay on my feet. He walked away from Alec and charged forward. I put my fists up, ready to defend myself as best I could.

“Lola? Alec? Anyone out there?” A voice called from the distance and I turned slightly, half worried I was hearing things.

“Alec?” Another voice called.

My heart raced. Our friends had found us. “Over here!”

“Enjoy your last minutes with the feral shifter. By the time he’s dead, you’ll be coming for me. You’re never going to break this bond. The harder we fight it, the stronger it gets. So keep fighting it. Then I won’t even have to come to you because you’ll be like a bitch in heat, drawn to me,” he said.

“Fuck you.” I took a step forward and punched him with my other fist.

Searing pain screamed through my left hand, matching the pain I was still feeling on the right. I didn’t care. “You will never win.”

He reached up and touched his eye, which was already blooming with a purple bruise. Too bad it would heal before he returned home.

His eyes went to something behind me, then back to me. “See you soon, Lola.”

Tyler raced off, in the opposite direction from the sound of the footsteps of my incoming friends.

I raced to Alec and fell to the ground next to him. “Please be okay.” I pressed my fingers to his neck, feeling for a pulse. My shoulders relaxed a little once I found it.

“Lola! Thank the moon goddess we found you,” Sheila said.

I turned to catch her eye and watched as the smile faded from her expression. “What happened?”

Sheila, Malcom, and Kyle looked exhausted and dirty, but they appeared unharmed.

“We had a run in with my mate,” I said.

Sheila was next to me now, her hand on his chest. “He’s breathing but not healing.”

She was right. His wounds from the fight were bleeding heavily, and none of them appeared to be slowing. Shit. How had I missed that? I was so worried about the toxin, I didn’t even consider the other side effects.

“What did they do to him?” Kyle asked.

“Toxin. A lot of it. We’re going to need some help,” I said.

Sheila turned to Kyle and Malcom. “Can you two carry him? We have to get him to the witch.”