Lily and the Lion by Honey Phillips

Chapter Eleven

Somehow, Lily had ended up in Leo’s arms, but she didn’t mind. A warm glow of contentment suffused her body. She felt so close to him. Even though he had still revealed little about himself he had listened sympathetically to her life story. He even seemed angry on her behalf at the way the men in her life had treated her.

“Beautiful Lily,” he murmured against her ear, and then his mouth went to her neck. God, she loved that. But despite the excitement shivering through her body, she wanted to explore him.

She swung around in his lap, running her fingers through the sleek fur covering his broad chest. She found his small copper-colored nipples and twisted them playfully. He growled, but it didn’t sound like a protest. Her fingers dipped lower, finding the head of his cock pushing up to meet her from beneath the waistband of his loincloth.

As golden as his fur, she thought dreamily, but when she swiped her thumb across the top, it was smooth and hot. A little pearl of fluid appeared, and she gathered it up with her finger, popping it into her mouth. She closed her eyes and sighed happily. Delicious. Like salted caramel. She thought she heard him groan, but she was determined to see more. She fumbled with the loincloth, trying to free his erection, but his big hand covered hers.

“Are you sure?”

Something about his voice sounded different, but she was too impatient to care. She tugged on the scrap of leather again, and he groaned. Then he unfastened some hidden knot and the leather fell away. His cock sprang free, huge and thick and perfect. She ran a curious finger over the small protrusions that covered the wide base and he groaned. They had an almost rubbery texture that teased her fingertips. The thought of feeling them inside her sent arousal rushing through her body, even though she wasn’t sure that her channel could stretch far enough to take the swollen base.

“What are these?” she whispered.

“My barbs.”

That sounded painful, but when she ran her finger across them again, they moved against her in a way that promised pleasure rather than pain.

“What are they for?”

“To hold my female in place as I plant my seed.”

Part of her mind thought that it sounded barbaric, but it didn’t prevent a wave of excitement flooding her empty pussy. Then she frowned.

“That was a whole sentence.”

“Yes,” he growled in her ear as his mouth dropped to her neck again. He lapped at the precise spot that made her quiver, his rough tongue adding to the sensation, and her question suddenly seemed less important than exploring the physical connection between them.

She wound her fingers in the thick silk of his mane and tugged gently until he raised his head.

“Kiss me,” she demanded.

His eyes blazed blue fire as his mouth came down over hers. Oh my God. This was nothing like the brush against her lips that he had given her before. Either his people were seriously good kissers, or he was an unnaturally quick study. He thrust his tongue into her mouth the same way she imagined he would thrust that enormous cock into her pussy. He growled against her mouth, tangling his fingers in her hair to hold her in place as he delved deeper.

One of his fangs caught her lip, and he immediately licked away the light sting, groaning with pleasure. A big hand closed over her breast, kneading the soft mound as his thumb stroked across her nipple. The thick length of his tail curled around her thigh, tugging it open as his other hand cupped her mound. A searing wave of heat raced through her.

“So wet,” he growled. “Are you in heat?”

Dazed by pleasure, she struggled to make sense of the question.

“I don’t think so.”

“Human females are always this receptive?”

Something about the question bothered her, but then he brushed his thumb across her clit and her thoughts went up like sparks of fire.

“Only for the right man,” she managed to stutter as he slid a thick digit into her empty channel.

“And I am the right male.”

The smug satisfaction in his voice penetrated, and she started to frown up at him.

“Just as you are the right female,” he added. “My female.”

The dark, possessive growl made her channel tighten around his finger, and he groaned approvingly.

“That’s right. Squeeze me with that sweet little cunt.”

He made one of his lightning-fast moves, and then she was on her back in the soft moss. He leaned over her, firelight turning the edges of his mane to liquid gold. His thumb continued to circle her clit as his finger thrust into her with a steady, demanding rhythm.

“Come for me, love,” he ordered. “Let me feel you milking my fingers.”

His mouth closed over a throbbing nipple as he added a second thick finger, and she arched helplessly against him as a shockingly intense climax swept over her body. She had always considered sex pleasurable, but this wasn’t anything as mild as pleasure—this was a far more overwhelming sensation. She was still seeing sparks behind her eyes when she felt the thick head of his cock at her entrance. She expected him to plunge into her but when he didn’t, she opened her eyes and saw him looking down at her. The flickering light from the dying fire made it difficult to read his face, but she could feel the intensity in his gaze.

“Do you accept me?”

Her head was still spinning, but she didn’t have any doubts. She wanted him inside her.

“Yes,” she whispered.

His cock surged forward, but even as wet and ready as she was, her body resisted the massive intrusion. He groaned.

“Your cunt is perfect. Perfectly hot, perfectly tight.”

She could feel her body beginning to stretch around him as he tried to work his way deeper.

“Almost too tight,” he panted. “Open for me, love.”

Once again, her body reacted to that demanding growl, and she instinctively tried to raise her hips.

“Yes, just like that. I’m going to fill you so full.” He reached between their bodies and pressed his thumb against her clit. She could hear the satisfaction in his voice as her channel fluttered in response. He pushed deeper, keeping his promise, filling her.

“Halfway there,” he groaned, and her eyes flew open.

Only half?But then he pressed forward again, and she realized she had forgotten that thick textured base. The small protrusions raked across her inside walls, and she saw stars again. Too big, a distant part of her mind protested, but the stinging stretch of his intrusion only added to the heat racing through her system. Another climax swept over her, her channel convulsing around his massive shaft.

She heard him roar as the increased wetness eased his way and he finally filled her completely. Sensations overwhelmed her—the enormous throbbing heat of his cock, the soft moss caressing her back, even the warm air stroking her exposed skin. Her climax never seemed to end, pulse after pulse of heat roaring through her, echoing the pulse of his cock as it throbbed inside her. She felt it expand, felt it gripping her, but the pleasure was too much. The stars spun overhead, and she felt huge fur-covered arms close around her, holding her against him as she started to slip into darkness.

She could have sworn she heard him whispering to her, telling her that she was beautiful and perfect and his. She knew it was only a dream, but it made her happy.

“I’m yours,” she whispered back as she fell asleep.