Heartless Prince by Brook Wilder

Chapter 23



My curiosity piqued at Leda’s reaction. I spanked her a few more times so that both cheeks matched before I flipped her around. Her eyes were wide with heat, her entire body flushed in a delicious shade of pink, and my hands twitched to roam down her body.


No. Fuck. No. My touches had to dominate, not explore. They were meant to be harsh, to show her who was in control.


There would be a time for pleasure, but not from my touches. That honor was reserved for my cock. Everything else was off-limits.


When my hand went to my waistband, Leda unknowingly licked her lips, and I fought back a groan. It was almost like she wanted my cock in her mouth, almost as much as I did.


“On your knees,” I ordered as I opened my zipper and pulled out my cock.


Leda did as I asked. I stepped forward until my knees hit the side of the bed, my cock in my hands.


I gripped at my cock hard to keep my hand still. Maybe it was her eagerness that was affecting me, but I had never felt like this before with anyone. “Put it in your mouth.”


She didn’t even give me a protest as her tongue darted out and touched the bulging head, tasting me tentatively.


“All of it,” I demanded, not wanting to play fucking games. I needed to gain control again, and this was the best way to do it.


Leda needed to know she had no control over me. I was the one in fucking control, not her.


Stretching her mouth, she slid my cock between her lips, and I felt a tremor slide through me, torn between wanting her to stop and wanting to continue. This was fucking torture at its best. The Mafia princess before me had no fucking idea just how much power she wielded over me in this exact moment.


For a brief second, she owned me, and I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would.


I couldn’t let her discover that power.


Angrily, I pushed deeper until she started to gag against my cock.


I was pissed at myself for allowing any thoughts other than ruining her to cross my mind. Fuck her beautiful body. Fuck the fact that she wasn’t scared of me.


She was going to be.


Leda reached up to adjust herself, and I slapped her hand away, pulling out slowly before ramming back in. Tears welled up at the corners of her eyes as I thrust, and a twinge gripped my chest. I was supposed to teach her a lesson, wasn’t I?


This was Leda D’Agostino, the daughter of the most hated Mafia don at this moment.


She deserved far worse than what I was doing to her. She deserved to pay for her father’s crimes, to have real fear in her eyes as I did unspeakable things to her. I should chain her to this fucking bed and use her repeatedly until I was the only person she answered to.


I wanted to mark her body with my seed, to cum all over her until there wasn’t an inch of her skin that hadn’t been violated by me. I thought I would use her up and then drop her off right on her father’s doorsteps as a sign of my own power.


To show the other Dons: look at the D’Agostino princess. Her father thought she was untouchable. You thought you were untouchable? You thought wrong.


Yet here I was, about to ruin all the plans I had drummed up in my head. Now, all I could think about was burying my cock deep between her legs until she forgot who she was.


Until I forgot who I was. The terrible things I had done and endured.


I watched her suck my cock with an enthusiasm I hadn’t planned on, and it took every fiber of my being to utter the next word.


“Stop,” I gritted out, feeling the pressure build in my balls. If she kept doing it like that, I wouldn’t be doing anything but embarrassing myself all over her fucking face or in her mouth.


Leda did as I asked, her gaze meeting mine, but her hand still held onto my now wet, aching cock like she owned the damn thing. Her fingers trace the bulging head, idly finding the vein that stood out against the stretched skin. She was exploring me at her leisure, her lips parted as if she wanted to take me in her mouth again.


Every touch and every stroke was fucking ruining me.


Without a word, I grabbed her hand, stilling her touch as I tried to find harsh words to say. What I really wanted to tell her was to continue torturing me like she was—to bring me to the edge only to pull away until nothing could hold me back anymore.


“Valentino?” she asked hesitantly. Did she even know my full name? Why should I even care? I shouldn’t care, but there was a small piece of my dark soul that wanted to hear my name pass through her lips the same way that my cock did.


No. This was getting out of hand. I was going to end these warm feelings right here and now. I hadn’t bought her to explore my desires. I bought her because I needed her as just another part of my plans.


That was why she was here, no other reason but that.


I squeezed her hand tightly until she winced under the pain. That was more like it. She was supposed to be scared of me.


That had been the plan. “You don’t get to ask any fucking questions,” I snarled before pushing her away. Her chest heaved as she fell onto the bed, but I was no longer paying attention to anything but the glistening pussy before me. Did this turn her on?


It sure as hell turned me on.


I was acutely aware that I was hard as a rock. It was almost painful.


One look at Leda’s face, however, only pissed me off more. She looked hurt, and her eyes begged me for an explanation. As if she did something wrong.


No. You did nothing wrong.


“Turn over,” I told her in a near growl. I didn’t want to watch her expression as I fucked her. In fact, I preferred to keep my partners facing away from me because to meet their eyes was too much. Eyes were a fucking glimpses to a person’s soul, and right now, I wanted nothing else but to keep mine hidden.


When Leda flipped over, I grabbed her hips and pulled her to the edge of the bed, ignoring the softness of her skin under my fingers. She felt like heaven to me as my rough and callused hands ran over her skin, the same silky skin that begged to be kissed.


I rested my cock at her entrance. “Wait,” she breathed. “Wait.”




I had waited long enough. All my plans had gone to hell at this point. All I had now was Leda D’Agostino.


No more fucking waiting. I was taking what I wanted.


I pushed the head of my cock into her warm moist entrance. She gasped. I reached out and covered her mouth as I started to push myself deeper.


“You don’t get to fucking talk.”