Heartless Prince by Brook Wilder

Chapter 51



I wanted to hate him.


Lucas was panting before me, his eyes wary, and I wanted to take my hand off his cock and walk away. He had cut me deep with his words the other night. And the fact that he thought that he could just walk back into the penthouse with flowers and I would fall into his arms pissed me off to no degree.


I was tired of being used. I was tired of him thinking that his words could sway me to his side again. He was hiding something, something that wouldn’t let him fully commit. I thought he might make a real fucking apology, instead, it was just more of the same fucking bullshit.


The same fucking excuse. Oh, he was a Don. Oh, he lost control.


No, fuck you.


Fuck you for stomping all over my heart. Fuck you and your flowers. Fuck you for thinking your dick is the fucking magic pill to make it all go away.


Right now, I wanted him to suffer. And there was only one way I knew how.


“Leda,” he growled, his eyes finding mine. “What are you doing?”


“Didn’t you want to fuck?” I snarled through gritted teeth, my heart racing. When he had pushed me against the wall, I thought I was about die. Then he ripped my yoga pants open, and fucked me like I was just his property.


The way that he kept fucking me no matter how hard I struggled under him. No matter how hard I cursed him.


I hated to admit that it had turned me on more than anything else we’d done.


And now I had him in the palm of my hand.


“Shut your fucking mouth.” I pushed at his shoulders.


I didn’t care that we were outside or that if anyone heard my screams. Let them hear me scream. Let them think he’s raping me. Or killing me.


To my surprise, he obliged, and I mounted his now-hard cock, shuddering as his familiar presence filled me again.


He was growling something as his hands reached up to grab my hips. I didn’t want to think about what he was saying. Sex was the only constant with us, the only thing that didn’t require feelings or talking, for that matter.


I pushed his hands away.


The message was clear.


Fuck you. This is for me. Not for you.


So, I rode him, rough and fast. I heard a sharp intake of his breath before I felt his hands reach up to grab my breasts cruelly. He felt it, too, the need for both of us to hurt each other.


Not only physically. I wanted to punish him for every tear that I had shed over his cruel, hateful words, every lie that had crossed his lips, and he wanted to punish me for making him feel like he was anything other than a Don who had to be in control.


We were quite the pair.


I picked up my pace, and felt another orgasm making its way from deep within my core. The way he squeezed at my tits. The way he matched me, stroke by stroke. It was too much.


Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!


When the orgasm hit, it fucking hit. It swept through me like a hurricane raking at the coast. I couldn’t suppress the shriek of pleasure rising from my mouth even if I tried. I squeezed my eyes shut.


His hand moved up to cover my mouth. Without thinking, I bit his finger.


Lucas roared underneath me and I felt a sharp sting on my cheek.


Stunned, I stopped moving, and my eyes flew open at the realization that Lucas had slapped me.


I liked it.


I liked him.


I hated him.


I loved him.


The initial shock turned into anger. My hand reached up and felt something wet and when I pulled away, I saw blood. I looked down again and the finger I bit was bleeding.


Without thinking, I slapped him back. The sting of his face on my palm probably hurt me more than I could hurt his stupidly handsome face.


His eyes hardened and his look turned feral. His hand returned to my hips and I screamed as he thrust roughly into me, rattling my teeth as he made me bounce atop of him.


“You want it rough, you bitch?” he asked, his hands guiding me up and down on his hard cock. “You want to take control? Fucking do it! Show me that you deserve to take control!”


The words went in one ear and out the other. I knew how he felt about me from the way he fucked me.


This was nothing more than a game between us. One of us was going to win, and neither of us was about to give up. This was crazy, but I wanted more.


I wanted him to hurt.


I wanted him to feel the pain. When his hands tried to move from my hips to my breast, I grabbed them and pinned it at his side.


“No! You don’t get to fucking touch me like that!”


Lucas’s eyes flashed with something more than just sexual heat, and he tried to wrench free from my grip. Anger gave me a strength I never knew I had.


I kept him pinned while I rode him like he was the last man on earth, teasing him while torturing myself to the endless waves of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm me.


It wasn’t going to be like the others. It was going to be more.


The heat curled in my stomach, and I watched Lucas’s jaw clench, seeing the warring struggle he had going on inside him. “Leda,” he warned, moving his hand a fraction of an inch underneath mine. This was likely killing him, not having any way to take control, and it made me want to draw this out as long as I could.


I liked Lucas like this, nothing like the strong, proud don I knew him to be.


I wanted him under me. At my mercy.


“You will come like this,” I seethed as I rocked against his hard cock. “Or not at all.”


He swore, sweat dotting his forehead, and my arms started to strain against his. Though I wasn’t holding him hard, he was following my commands.


He was letting me take control, and something broke loose inside me. Lucas trusted me, and while it should have been a victory, I felt like it was something akin to sadness instead.


“You bastard,” I whispered, letting my guard down for a moment as my world swam behind a veil of tears. “You fucking bastard!”


Lucas’s hard eyes found mine. “Look at you,” he answered roughly, withdrawing himself the best he could with me sitting on top before he was thrusting into me again. “Mine.”


Oh God. I was his, completely and fully. It made me elated and angry, torn and content.


“Fuck you! I’ll never be yours.”


His lips curved into a smug smile, and I felt myself start to lose control. “Yes, you fucking will be, Leda, even if you don’t know it yet.”


I shifted my hips suddenly, hating the way his words made me feel. He wasn’t wrong. I was going to lose myself to him.


“That’s it,” he urged, matching his hips to my rhythm. “Show me how much you belong to me. Take it out on me. You fucking love this, don’t you?”


The word love shot through me like a bolt of lightning, and for a moment, I felt it in his voice, in the way he was giving it to me as much as I was taking it. Grunting, I closed my eyes and decided that I had tortured us both enough.


So, I let go, crying out his name as I flooded him with my orgasm. His raw cry followed a moment later, pouring into me for the second time tonight. For a moment, I felt him touch my soul, tainting it with his touch.


It angered me, knowing that no matter what Lucas did to me, I was deeply, irrevocably in love with him.


He could ruin me, and I would love him still.


Did it make me weak? I didn’t know.


Angry with myself, I pushed off his body suddenly, not caring that his seed was running down my thigh. This had gotten out of control. I was supposed to hurt him, but somehow I was the one suffering for it.


My heart ached in my chest, but it wasn’t the only thing.


“Get out.” I sobbed.


Lucas pushed up to a sitting position, his expression hard. “What?”


“Get the fuck out!” I yelled, my voice breaking.


I didn’t want to fall apart in front of him, but this was too much.


What we had done was too much.


His jaw clenched, but Lucas rose to his feet and tucked his cock back in his pants, zipping them up in jerky movements that made me flinch that he could hurt himself. He was a hot mess, his clothing wrinkled from my attack on his body, and he looked nothing like the cool, calm man I once knew.


If nothing else, he looked just as confused as I felt.


“This isn’t over between us,” he said softly, raking a hand through his hair. “But I will give you this one night, Leda. After that, I’m not walking out again.”


I couldn’t even look at him right now. My body was shaking from what we had just done, and I knew he was doing the same.


Something had passed between us tonight, something that was hard to process, and right now, I didn’t want him here. I wanted to be alone.


“Just leave,” I said tiredly, biting my lip and looking out over the city. “Please.”


I felt Lucas draw close to me, and his lips brushed my temple. It was a tender gesture, one that brought tears to my eyes.


But before I could say anything, he was gone, and the terrace door closed a moment later.