Heartless Prince by Brook Wilder

Chapter 7



Blood rushed through my veins as I closed the distance between us and grabbed the back of her neck, my thumb pressing against the great vein that jumped under my touch.


She had no chance to react.


“Let me go!” Her eyes flared with panic as she struggled in my grip.


“Drop the sheet, and I’ll let you go.” I said softly, noting the green flecks in her eyes. Why in the hell was I noticing that particular part about her? “Can’t have it both ways, Princess.”


She struggled against my hold, and I had to bite my cheek to keep from pulling her body into mine. Hell, I knew I was fucked in the head. I enjoyed the fight, the way that it felt when someone was giving me a run for my money. After living for years being on the bottom, no way in hell was I about to give up my throne at the top.


I had been taught well.


“Let me go,” she seethed as I allowed my hand to slide into her soft hair. Fuck, she smelled like fresh oranges, my favorite. And even though I knew that her clothes were hand-picked for my entertainment, I doubted her scent had been.


I released her abruptly and Leda stumbled.


She didn’t see the knife until it was too late.


In one swipe, I had the sheet in half, hanging from her hands. Her belly was uncovered and my cock twitched.


“But I on the other hand,” I murmured as I tucked the knife back into its hiding place in my coat as I drank in the view. “Can have it both ways.”


Fear and rage flickered over her features. She let the silk sheets fall, and gave me my first unobstructed look at her breasts as they rose and fell under the flimsy material. The dusky color of her areolas pressed against the sheer material and I swallowed hard, my cock hard and painful inside my pants.


Her fear, coupled with the way her body looked, was driving me insane. Something I hadn’t expected out of her. I knew the moment she walked onto that stage that I had to have her—that I needed to have her.


And I was right.


“There are rules, Princess.” I repeated, pressing her up against the wall with my body. Her soft curves molded to my body; my cock pressed into her stomach, and I watched as her eyes widened. “Rules that you’ll learn one by one. Rule number one: Your name means nothing to me.” Carmine D’Agostino’s days were numbered. To the rest of the Dons, he no longer wielded power.


I did.


“Your father is nothing more than an old fucking man who is about to find out what it means to lose everything.”


Leda didn’t tremble like I expected her to. Instead, she lifted her chin and stared me straight in my eyes. “What makes you think I care about my father?”


She might not have given a shit about her father, but she was going to fucking care what happened to her.


I took a small step back and hooked my finger around her already tilted chin. “Rule number two: You belong to me, Princess, no one else.”


“What if I don’t want to belong to you?”


I let a cruel smile across my face. “Then I’ll march you back onto that fucking stage and let those leery bastards bid for your virginity. Hell, for a few million more, I’ll let all of them take a turn after the winner takes it.”


Everyone wanted a piece of the D’Agostino heiress, and she’d come to her senses that she’d have better chances here with me than with any of those other ones out there.


Hell, at the very least I was the best-looking one.


The defiance in her eye flickered like a wavering candle and she asked. “What are you going to do with me?”


Ruin you, and make you wish you’d never been born a D’Agostino. “That’s not your business anymore.” I told her.


Leda did not expect me to say that, but I was already at the door, ready to be done with this place. I got what I wanted.


“Time to choose.” I said. “Me. Or them.” My hand gripped the doorknob.


“You,” she said. “I’ll go with you.”


I turned to look back at her, that last flicker of defiance was fading away. “Final choice?”


She straightened, and her chin lifted again. “Final choice.”


“Fine. Come,” I told her, as I stepped outside and held the door.


She looked down at her thin clothing. It was meant to entice me to sample my wares: give me a clear shot of her body and what twenty million had bought. It was cheap and meant to be ruined for the moment that I claimed her.


But for some reason, I felt that I wasn’t ready for that.


Not with her. Not yet at least.


“Can I have some different clothes?” she asked. “At least some shoes?”


“No,” I said, keeping my voice hard and flat. “You come like that.”


She opened her mouth to respond, but I cut her off.


“Rule number three,” I growled. “You will obey my every word. If I tell you to go naked, you go naked. Everything you thought you had is gone. From this day onward, your freedom is gone. I fucking own you, Leda. Never forget that.”


“Like hell you do,” she answered. “You don’t own me. You will never own me, you piece of—"


My hand clamped around her mouth and I pushed her against the door. Her eyes widened in surprise as I pulled my face close to hers. She tried to push me back to no avail. I kicked her legs apart and kept her pinned to the door.


"Don’t talk back like that again,” I warned. “Do we have an understanding?”


The look she gave me was nothing but hatred. But her head dipped in the smallest of nods and I released her from my grip.


Leda sniffed and moved past me, drawing up short when she saw my capo Rocco standing at the door.


“Did you think I hadn’t planned on you running away?”


She refused to look at me as I pushed my hand into the small of her back, urging her forward.


“Escort Miss D’Agostino to the chopper,” I told Rocco.


He nodded and dragged her by her arm into the car that would ultimately take us to the helipad on the Hudson. I turned in the opposite direction and found the auctioneer waiting for me with a tablet in her hand.


“So I assume you’re taking your merchandise?” she asked, her lips pursed.


I nodded. “I will.”


She nodded. “And you found everything to your liking?”


I knew what she expected me to do in that room. Leda was labeled a virgin, and it was my duty—since it it was my fucking money—to ensure that she was correctly labeled. When dons paid for a virgin, it was important that they got exactly what they paid for.


I could look into her eyes and tell that she was innocent. I didn’t need to slide my finger into her to find out.


A virgin. Exactly what I wanted her to be: Something I could break.


“Yes,” I replied. “I can make the transaction now if you’d like.”


A small smile crossed her face as she held out the tablet. “Will that be paid in cash or cryptocurrency?”


“Crypto.” I replied and took out my phone for her to scan. Twenty million.


Not that I gave a shit. I could make it back in a month’s time if I wanted.


The tablet pinged, and the auctioneer pulled it back. “Thank you for your purchase, Don Valentino. I trust that you will be pleased.”


“I already am,” I told her, turning and walking away before she could respond.


It was money well spent in my opinion. Once Carmine found out that I had his precious princess, he might do us all the favor of dying from a second stroke.


Let him. The old man held nothing over me anymore. Neither he nor the other assholes that had been in attendance tonight. They didn’t see me as their equal, and I doubted they ever would.


One look at my face, and they knew who I was—who and what I’d been before I became a Don.


The ones that I could kill, I did. I slit their throats, relishing in their horrified expressions as I ended them. The others knew I could ruin them, never once thinking that I would be in the position I was now.


To show them that their time was over.


Walking up the stairs, I felt the weight of what I had accomplished tonight pressing on my shoulders.


Old wounds uncovered. New wars to be waged.


By the end of it all, I planned to be the final one standing. Leda was just the beginning, a timely transaction that would benefit me well in my plans.


I was going to strip away all defenses, all comforts that she was used to until she had nothing and no-one else but me.


Carmine had plans for his daughter, plans that I was ruining. Soon, he would know who had taken his daughter, and I only wished I could be there to see it.


The wind tore at my coat as I exited the underground building and into the car. The drive to the Hudson was short, barely five minutes and we were walking towards the helicopter. Rocco waited for me at the door, and I allowed myself a glimpse of my purchase on the seat.


Mine. Leda D’Agostino was mine.


Climbing in, I didn’t acknowledge her huddled form next to me. My stomach lurched as the helicopter started to pull into the air. At this speed, we would be at my estate in a matter of minutes, and as much as I enjoyed showing off these days, I fucking hated flying.


Rocco caught my eye, and I gave him a single nod, letting him know that things were going exactly to plan. He would step up the protection now for all my capos and my estates, preparing for whatever war was inevitable.


It was coming; I could feel it in my bones, but it wasn’t like I hadn’t been through this shit before. I had been through far worse.


They tried to destroy me before, and now look at where and who the fuck I am.


I didn’t expect Leda to have the same happy ending as I did. She might be strong now, but I was going to wear her down.


Night after night.


A grin slowly danced on my lips.


I was going to enjoy this.