Knocked Up By the Russian Boss by Bella King

Chapter 24


This is insanity. I feel like I will die without Maxim’s cock in me again, like I’m a junkie on the cusp of a withdrawal. The intense, raw exposure of my need both disgusts and arouses me. I’m not nearly experienced enough to know how much I want this.

When he had his mouth on me like that, I felt almost sick with pleasure. It was a fever of combined desperation and ecstasy that no fantasy or deadbeat boyfriend could have ever replicated.

No, this time, it was completely real, and I don’t think there’s any coming back once you’ve had a taste of it.

Maxim’s grip on me was so firm yet uncharacteristically gentle of the men I’ve been around, even only to make out at parties with. His kisses, while somewhat painful, were calculated and practiced, like he had accessed a whole new part of my brain that could convert pain into pleasure instead of just hurting me.

In the passenger side of his SUV, I sit with my legs sprawled out, lying flat against the seat with my panties down. I can still feel the aftermath of my own orgasms, however many I had. I’m not sure.

When I close my eyes, the sensation registers to me as being a bright capillary red, an ocean of depth up and down the walls of my vagina, pulsing in and out in time with my heart reminding me that the two are, after all, connected.

My face is flushed, and I’m almost too embarrassed to even look over at Maxim. From the corner of my eye, I can see that he’s in a similar position to me, his huge cock out still, lightly throbbing as it loses its rigidity.

Even though it was just inside of me moments ago, I refuse to look at it. I want it inside of me again, but I can’t force myself to look at it. I’m still too shy.

As if to rescue me from my own stupid immaturity, Maxim pulls his pants back up and conceals himself. Suddenly, I’m reminded of my own exposure, and I graze my foot along the floor of the vehicle until I find my panties, a wet sticky mess balled up in the far corner.

Without a word, Maxim starts the car and backs out of the parking space, both of us becoming aware of a cluster of people emerging from the trails near the bat caves.

“Shit, I didn’t even know there were other people here,” he says, breaking the prolonged silence and startling me out of my trance.

“Do you think they got here while we were …” I begin, too embarrassed to say it out loud. We were fucking, and people might have seen us.

“Well, if they did, they didn’t seem to mind much,” he replies, smirking.

As we pull away from the park, I look out the window at the people nearest to us. It’s a couple in their early 30’s, all relatively close in age. They appear so in love, exchanging knowing glances and gentle touches between banter.

I straighten my seat and compose myself. I’m not about to get domestic on Maxim, not a fucking chance. He doesn’t need a college girl running around distracting him from ... whatever important work he does. I still don’t even know what it is he does for a living or what he’s studying, yet I let him cum inside of me.

But I guess it doesn’t matter. It’s not like I intend to fall in love with him. I know where that leads.

Watching my parents’ marriage devolve was absolutely agonizing when I was a kid. My mother is a repressed harpy who grew up Protestant, and my father is an absolute player who could buy gifts and dinners for eternity but never knew that my mom hated lilies, which was what he bought her routinely.

The idea of marriage or any closely bonded relationship terrifies me for this reason, not even considering all of the friend’s parents who divorced and ripped each other to shreds in court.

As we pull into the city again, rain begins to fall, and part of me is disappointed that the rain hadn’t come earlier. Maybe it would have scared away the other people, and Maxim and I could have fucked in the rain.

Is that as romantic as I want it to be? I’m not sure. But right now, in my head, the fantasy is forming and embedding itself into my synapses.

“I think I want to take you out somewhere nice for dinner. How’s that sound?” Maxim says, reaching into his jacket for a cigar and sighing in frustration when he can’t find one.

I’m relieved. Cigar smoke in a vehicle would choke me nearly to death, sending my asthma into full swing once again. I’ve already made it worse with all the smoking I’ve partaken in lately.

“Are you sure? That sounds amazing, actually,” I reply. I think sex might make me hungry. If this is the case, I’m not complaining. “I definitely want to change my clothes, though.”

Maxim nods in agreement, and within seven minutes, we’re back at my apartment complex, dodging the rain and splashing through puddles as we nearly sprint into the building. My hair is matted to my forehead, and I curse myself for washing and styling it so meticulously on a day when rain was a possibility.

“Um, do you want to come in with me while I get ready?” I ask, praying that my casual attitude will conceal how nervous I am to let him watch me undress completely.

“Yeah, I can do that,” he replies, that evil little smirk crawling across his face again, sending unearthly chills through me like a vengeful spirit trapped beneath my skin.

As we enter, my thoughts race as I try to remember what clean clothes I actually have. I had been so busy with school all week that laundry had totally slipped my mind. Had I not attended that stupid party with Courtney, I’d still have that bandage dress to wear. Since then, Courtney has suddenly dropped me as a friend and has clung needily to the other girl that Chad had been harassing.

Maxim follows me into my bedroom, and for a moment, I’m hoping he’ll reach out to touch me.

He doesn’t, and as much as I want to grab his hips and pull him in close to me, I know that playing the part of the desperate horny woman will only appeal to him if it’s his idea. Otherwise, I’ll just come across as obsessed.