Knocked Up By the Russian Boss by Bella King

Chapter 34


At around five in the morning, I slowly ascend out of my sleep on the couch with Ivory still on my chest. She’s sleeping soundly again, and I almost feel evil having to shift myself out from under her, potentially awakening her back into her nightmare world.

I check my phone, and I realize I haven’t heard from Sergei since our falling out at the meeting yesterday.

I go out to the balcony again and call Emery.

“Maxim, my wife is going to fucking strangle me if you keep calling this early. What do you want?” he says groggily, his wife cursing in Ukrainian in the background.

“Have you heard from Sergei at all? I haven’t seen him or anything since yesterday,” I ask, disregarding the warning of his wife’s impending wrath.

“No, nobody’s heard from him. Joey tried calling him, tried going out to Misfits to see if Ryan’s seen him, but nobody has. Just give it another day or something. He’s probably out having a bender from the hissy fit he had at the meeting. I’m going back to sleep. Goodbye.”

He hangs up, and while I’m tempted to call him back and ask more questions just to irritate him, I’m curious as to where exactly Sergei would be without telling anybody of his whereabouts. Typically when he goes out on a binge, he’s a loudmouthed dipshit who gets thrown in jail or ends up losing a fight.

In either case, I’m always the first to find out. This is suspicious.