Knocked Up By the Russian Boss by Bella King

Chapter 46


I’ve keyed in the code to summon Emery and Joey, and I wait impatiently as they speed down the driveway. To their credit, they arrived at the estate inhumanly fast, giving me a better chance to rescue Ivory than I ever would have had on my own.

They’ve decided to take the armored truck, which is a choice I would have made for them had I been able to maintain the presence of mind to do so. I’m realizing now more and more that I’d be completely fucked without the Mafia Family I’ve crafted.

When they pull up to me, they hardly stop the truck before Emery pulls me in and slams the door shut behind me.

Joey drives like we’re being chased by a mile-high wave. While I doubt Steven would put his daughter directly into harm’s way intentionally, he clearly has no issue with whatever collateral damage might befall her in order to protect his political empire.

Eventually, we catch up to an understated but lavish sports car that looks exactly like the one Steven and Ivory escaped in.

I instruct Joey to stay two cars behind them at all times, and we follow the car in and out of the streets for what feels like hours until they finally park at an office building in the middle of the business district.

After leading us through neighborhoods and under bridges for three hours at least, I’m annoyed at how blatant his plan was the entire time.

We stay back as they park, and I watch as Steven aggressively tears Ivory from the front seat.

Even from a distance, I can see that she’s terrified. My blood boils as I watch him drag her through the glass door as he keys in a code. Fuck, I wish I had been close enough to see what the code was. I’ll have to make do another way.

“In fifteen minutes, you’re going to call in a helicopter to intercept two adults. Understand?” I say to Emery.

He nods, and with that, I brace myself for the madness that will ensue.

I’m going in.

Once I’ve seen Steven leave my line of sight, I exit the armored truck and approach the front doors. They’re made of glass, and one shot to the middle of the door shatters the entire front structure of the glass entryway. The shards fall to the ground, and a small group of overdressed businessmen look on in horror, unable to speak or move.

The administrative assistant decides to play the hero, and I see him reach for his phone to call the cops. When I make eye contact with him, he quickly drops the phone and raises his hands up, but it’s too late for him. Nobody’s making any moves until I’m out of here with Ivory.

I fire a bullet into his chest, barking a warning for everyone else. “Don’t call the cops unless you want to die.”

I scan the perimeter of the lobby, and I notice that the only elevator has made its ascension to the 24th floor, the very top of the building. If I have any chance at rescuing Ivory, I need to make sure I can make it to the top of the building as fast as they do.

There’s a set of stairs along the opposite wall, and I sprint towards them.

Running up twenty-four flights of stairs is no fucking joke, but neither is allowing my lover to be kidnapped by her own father and taken from me forever.

On the twentieth floor, I feel like I could collapse into a heap on the floor and never walk again, but I persevere. Whenever I feel the strength leaving my body, I remember the way Ivory looks when she’s sleeping peacefully on my chest, safe and at peace. I’d give anything to see her like that again, even if I have to die trying.

On the top floor, I slam through the door into the hallway where the elevator is just now arriving. I miraculously reach the elevator doors before they opened to reveal Steven maintaining his vice grip on his daughter’s arm.

He looks shocked to see me, but he should’ve known not to fuck with a Russian mafia boss.

Now he will die.

I draw my weapon and fire twice, hitting him in the chest and abdomen to spread out my chances of killing him.

Ivory screams and falls to the floor on her knees, covering her ears and sobbing hard, almost inhumanly.

I rush to her and gently pick her up from the floor as her father gargles blood less than two feet away. She’s so light and small that, for a moment, I’m worried that I could break her in half just by holding her close to me.

I have to get her out of here. No matter what, I have to make sure she’s safe.