Her Alien Rebel by Presley Hall



By all the gods,she feels so slanching good in my arms.

I’ve had women in the past, but nothing can compare to the way Felicity feels against me. Her lush curves, her sweet scent, the softness of her skin and hair and mouth.

She’s the opposite of me in every way, physically. Soft where I’m hard. Yielding where my body burns with the urge to claim, to conquer, to possess her entirely. Far back in my mind, someplace where logic still has roots, I can hear myself questioning why I’m doing this, why I’m kissing this woman with a hunger that defies reason when in fact I’m furious with her.

It feels like I’m out of my own body, watching myself as my hands rove over her frame, clutching and squeezing and pulling her against me, reveling in the feel of her. She smells and tastes so good. The scent of her arousal fills my nostrils, telling me that she’s every bit as overcome with desire as I am.

I feel drawn to her, pulled toward her by something deep within me, and I can’t seem to sate the hunger burning inside me.

It rages on, no matter how long or hard I kiss her, no matter how fiercely I wrap her long sunlight hair around my hand and hold her mouth to mine, no matter how eagerly I run my hands over her body.

The fire between us, the one that started with our argument and was sparked into a blaze by the slap of her hand against mine, rages higher and higher. It defies all sense, all logic—but I’m beyond those things now. Five years of pent-up lust are coming alive all at once, my former apathy toward the idea of taking a woman washed away in an instant by the soft, sweet body of the female in my arms now.

She lets out a soft whimper against my lips, and something about that plaintive sound snaps me out of my daze. I release her and jerk my head back, stepping away as if she’s burned me.

In the same moment that I put some space between us, Felicity seems to come back to herself too. She’s flushed and panting, and she drops her arms to her sides as we stare at each other, neither of us able to look away.

I wait for her to say something, to acknowledge what just happened, but she just raises that delicate, pointed chin of hers and stares defiantly back at me.

It sets a fire in my blood that I’ve never felt before, and I want to kiss her again just to prove a point.

But I don’t.

Instead, I clench my jaw, refusing to give in if she won’t.

“I’ll give you one more chance to back out,” I tell her in a low voice, roughened by the desire still pouring through my veins. “Say you changed your mind about going on the mission. No one will blame you.”

“No freaking way.” Felicity presses her lips together, unflinching. “I’m going.”

Akhi.Frustration and lust mingle together inside me, boiling in my blood as I clench my fists.

“Fine,” I grind out through gritted teeth. “If you want to get yourself killed, be my slanching guest. Just don’t take any of my men with you.”

And with that, I turn on my heel, stalking away from her and heading back toward the camp.

I go straight back to the area I’ve claimed where I’ll sleep for the night, frustrated in a handful of different ways and more out of sorts than I can remember being in a very long time. I feel exhausted, as if forcing myself to walk away from the infuriating Terran woman took physical effort.

Even now, I want to go back, to see if she’s still standing in the cool shadows of the forest, her lips red from my kisses, her body arching toward mine.

That is the last thing you need to be thinking about, I remind myself.

The mission isn’t over, and I can’t allow my focus to lapse now. My quest won’t be fulfilled until Drokar is dethroned and the rebellion has succeeded, until Droth’s brother is brought to justice and peace returns to Vox.

Thatis my purpose, not lusting after some Terran woman whom my cock has decided it wants.

Giving my head a firm shake to clear it, I get to work preparing for the journey up the mountainside tomorrow. I check my gear and stuff a cloak and several furs into the pack I’ll be carrying. My fellow warriors have continued to dress in the customary loincloths that our people wear back on Vox, although the ones they’ve fashioned for themselves here are less ornate than the style worn on our home planet.

In the muggy, jungle-like air of the forest, the leather wrappings are more than enough. But higher up on the mountain, the atmosphere will grow much colder, so I’ll need to be prepared.

As I’m testing my comms device to be sure it’s in good working order, I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I look up to see Kaide coming to a halt by the small fire that I’ve built against the chill of the night. He grins when our gazes meet, then sinks down onto a nearby stump.

“I should’ve known you’d be one of the first to volunteer,” he says with a chuckle. “You’ve only been on this planet for a day and a half, and you’re already eager to see what kind of trouble you can get up to here.”

I snort. “It sounds like you’re talking about yourself, not me. I remember your reputation back on Vox.”

His grin widens. “Ah, but those days are behind me. I’m not as reckless as I once was.”

Cinching the ties on my pack, I glance over at him. “Do you think this mission is reckless, then?”

“No.” He shakes his head, his expression growing more serious. “I think it’s necessary. If we have a shot at getting off this planet and back to Vox, we have to take it. On Vox, there will be a chance at a better life for Raina, as well as for any children we have. I want to give her a true home, and that will never happen here. I’m grateful to you for answering Droth’s call and bringing the ship. If your team’s mission up the mountain is successful, it will change everything.”

I raise my brows curiously, feeling a fresh respect for him. It reminds me how much has changed in five years—the Kaide I knew back on Vox was cocky to a fault, but rarely so introspective or thoughtful.

“I’d feel much better about our chances of success if that slanching woman wasn’t coming along,” I mutter, blowing out a breath. “She’s going to hold us back, I’m sure of it.”

“The Terran women will surprise you,” Kaide says. When he sees my skeptical look, he laughs and holds up his hands. “They’re stronger than they look. They seem small compared to us—and they are, physically. But they’re warriors at heart. I wouldn’t underestimate them.”

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s vouching for the Terrans, since he’s mated to one. Still, I can’t fully erase the doubtful expression from my face.

“Felicity will be a good addition to your team, I’m sure of it,” he insists. “She’ll be useful in getting up the mountain. Especially since she has smaller hands, and—”

I nod sharply, cutting off the conversation. I don’t want to think about Felicity’s hands, or the rest of her, the way she fit into my hands, or the way her palms felt sliding over my chest.

My cock twitches again at the memory, and I clear my throat, turning my attention back to my pack in an attempt to distract myself again.

“I trust my prince’s wisdom in choosing the team,” I tell Kaide, more curtly than I mean to as I try to ignore the insistent pulse in my groin.

“Good. Then I’ll leave you to it,” he says, nodding to the gear I still need to sort through. “See you in the morning, Ren.”

“See you,” I grunt as he pushes to his feet and strides away.

I meant it when I said that I trust Droth’s wisdom. I do.

I trust the wisdom of my fellow warriors as well, and none of the others seem to be unhappy that Felicity is joining us. So whether I like it or not, I’ll have to get used to the idea that she’s going to be part of our team.

Now I just have to figure out how to keep my head on straight around the slanching woman.