Chaos by Sarah Bailey



I’d always known Scarlett was a magnificent being, but today only proved it once and for all. The fury consuming her as she’d lost herself in killing the man Penn had provided for us was like watching a regal queen claiming her crown.

Here she was in front of me, her face splattered with blood, and fuck if the sight of it didn’t make me lose my damn mind. She was stunning in her stained clothes and her skin marred by red liquid.

My little wisp. You’re everything I’d hoped you’d be and more.

My hand left the sink and traced a line through the blood on her face. She stared at me as if she wasn’t sure whether she should be afraid of me or not.

“Drake, what are you doing?”

“You know that’s not what you say when we’re alone.”

“If you think I’m calling you sir after what you lot made me do—”

I used my finger to smear blood over her bottom lip, silencing her. As much as I’d love to suck it off her, I wasn’t in the habit of licking blood from a source I didn’t know was safe.

“I think you’re going to close this bratty little mouth of yours and let me clean you up.”

Her eyes widened, but she didn’t open her mouth again. Probably too scared she’d get blood in it. Leaving her by the sink, I moved back over to the bag I’d placed on the toilet seat and extracted a cloth. We had planned for all eventualities this evening, hence why we had supplies to clean our girl up.

Scarlett didn’t move from her spot, and when I approached her again, she stared at me with no small amount of defiance in her expression. If she tried anything, I would have no qualms about punishing her for it.

Reaching behind her, I ran the tap and soaked the washcloth with it. Then I brought it up to her face and wiped the blood from it, taking my time as the water ran in bloody rivulets down her cheeks and chin. Placing the washcloth in the sink, I set my hands at the bottom of her bloody t-shirt and tugged it up off her head. Her skin rose in goosebumps with the cool air. She didn’t stop me from removing her bra. I threw the garments on the floor before popping the button on her jeans and unzipping them.

Scarlett’s bare chest rose and fell with increasing heaviness. She gripped the sink counter behind her with both hands, watching me pull her jeans from her body. She kicked off her flip-flops and stood there, waiting for me to make my next move.

My fingers traced a line along the top of her underwear. I didn’t strictly need to take these off, but I didn’t give a shit. I wanted her bare for me.

“You’re such a defiant little brat, aren’t you?” I murmured as I snapped the waistband of her knickers. “You should know better than to try that with me.”

I tore her underwear down her legs and set her on the counter. Scarlett’s eyes were wide as I lowered myself to my knees. Her gasp echoed around the room when my mouth met her inner thigh. I held her legs open so she couldn’t stop me from kissing my way up towards her pussy. The moment my tongue met the softness of her lips, she squeaked. I looked up at her. If I couldn’t fucking well taste the blood from her body, this was the next best thing.

I spread her lips with my fingers and found my way to her clit, flicking my tongue over it and eliciting more gasps from her lips. Dipping lower, I tasted her essence. Fuck, my woman was so wet. Moving back to her clit, I slid two fingers inside her dripping heat.

“Drake,” she whined, her fingers going to my head. The ones stained with the blood of the man she’d killed. My dick throbbed in response. The idea of my woman stabbing a man to death, and being covered in his blood, appealed to me on some primal level. I wanted to fuck her whilst she was bathed in blood, but right now, her being splattered with it was a fucking high in of itself.

Scarlett might not be particularly happy with me. She wasn’t happy with any of us, but I didn’t care. She was mine. And I wanted her body close. I wanted to feel her clench and strain around me.

My fingers thrust inside her, making her buck and her fingers tighten in my hair. She let out another whine and I was done. I tore her hand from me and stood. My fingers went to my trousers, tugging them open as I held her hand down on the counter with my other one. She panted, her pupils dilated and her body trembling. The moment I got my dick free, I stepped up between her legs and rubbed the tip over her wet little pussy.

Letting go of her hand, I gripped her chin, forcing her to look at me.

“Defiance won’t be tolerated going forward, Scarlett. If you talk back to me, I won’t hesitate to show you exactly why you need to keep your smart mouth shut.”

And with that, I thrust inside her. Her lips parted in a silent gasp. I didn’t give her a chance to adjust, pulling back and slamming inside her again. My hand wrapped around her hip, dragging her closer to the edge so I could have full access to her deliciously hot and wet pussy.

She gripped my wrist with her blood-stained hand, but she didn’t pull it away. She held it there as if she was taunting me. The redness of the life-sustaining liquid against her skin almost fucking mesmerised me.

It spoke of violence.

It spoke of passion.

It spoke of death.

“Did you like it? Huh? Did it give you a fucking high?”

She whimpered but didn’t reply.

“I think you did.” I punctuated my words with my hips thrusting into her. “The first time is always the worst, but it gets easier. It becomes beautiful… watching their life fade away.”

The way her eyes fixed on mine and her expression told me how conflicted she felt about the fact I was fucking her right now. How I’d told her I liked blood and death. The way I was taunting her.

“I require an answer, Scarlett. Did. You. Like. It?”

Her teeth dug into her lip. My hand around her chin tightened. The violence of my thrusts increased, punishing her for her unwillingness to give me what I wanted. This woman was sent to drive me to distraction. She was testing my patience and damn self-control. Every time she was near me, I wanted to do things to her little body. Paint her skin red. Bleed her. Make her cry.

Leaning down, I sucked her bottom lip in my mouth, pulling it from her teeth. And I replaced them with my own, biting down almost hard enough to break the skin. Her high-pitched moan only made it worse. She was in need of a serious fucking lesson.

I let go of her lip but kept my face close to hers.

“Do you like to defy me, hmm? Are you trying to test how far you can push the limits of my patience?”

“No,” she whispered.

“Answer the question.”

“I didn’t like it.”

I smiled.


Her nails dug into my wrist as if she hated the fact I could see right through her.

“No, I didn’t want to kill him. I didn’t like it. I had no other fucking choice but to do it. You didn’t give me one.”

We hadn’t, but it was hardly the point. She could have told us all to go fuck ourselves and left. She hadn’t. It meant she was more terrified of something other than getting stuck with us. And I intended to find out exactly what it was my woman was so damn afraid of. Not now, but soon.

I shouldn’t have stripped her off and sunk my dick in her, but fuck if I could control myself after witnessing her rage-filled stabbing fest. All that blood called to me. Her passion lit a fire under my skin. It burnt way too hot.

I let go of her chin, pulling her grasp from mine and dropped my hand into her lap. It landed on her thigh and my thumb found her clit, stroking her whilst I continued to pound into her pussy like I could never get enough. And I couldn’t. Just because I hadn’t taken her since the night we’d drugged our woman, didn’t mean I hadn’t thought about it.

Her hips bucked into me and her hands gripped the counter. She moaned and made it very clear she wanted me to drive her higher no matter how she felt about this situation.

“You want to come, hmm?” I whispered, my lips dragging across hers.


I chuckled.

“Please, what?”

Her eyes flashed with irritation. If she wasn’t going to obey, she wouldn’t get her pleasure.

“Please, sir.”

My thumb worked harder on her clit and I kissed her, pressing her mouth hard against mine. Scarlett didn’t hesitate in kissing me back even though her hands remained on the counter. Trying to convince herself she didn’t really want what I was giving her, no doubt. But fuck, her mouth was sweet and the way she kissed me… so fucking raw. It’s like she wanted to cry in my mouth over what she’d done, but she held her tears back.

When she came, it was violent and unforgiving. Her teeth latched onto my lip and her muffled cry echoed around the room. Her hands stayed on the counter, holding onto it whilst her body shook and trembled. I let her do what she wished. If she needed to hurt me with her teeth, then so be it. Seeing her overcome with pleasure was my only focus.

Releasing my lip, she slumped back against the wall, closing her eyes as her fists unclenched from the counter. I held her hips and continued to take her. Seeing the blood on her arms made my balls tighten. It was a one-way train and I couldn’t get off. Grunting, I emptied myself inside her spent body, wanting nothing more than to stay locked together in ecstasy forever.

Her eyes snapped open when I slowed. She didn’t look happy, but she didn’t look unhappy either. More like resigned to her fate. Reaching behind her, I wet the cloth again and took her arms, wiping away the blood from them and her hands. She didn’t stop me from cleaning her up the best I could. There was still blood in her hair, but there wasn’t much I could do about it.

Pulling out of her, I zipped myself up and grabbed the bag, fishing out a towel to rub her down with. Scarlett didn’t say a word whilst I helped her dress in a t-shirt, a warm jumper and jogging bottoms we’d bought for her. She slid her feet into her flip-flops after we’d rinsed them off. I stuffed the bloodied clothes in the bag along with everything else. We’d get rid of the evidence before returning home to Fortuity.

I opened the door, allowing Scarlett to stalk from the room, her flip-flops slapping along the concrete floor. I followed her, knowing she was about to unleash hell after what I’d done. It hadn’t been my smartest idea to fuck her, but the sight of her overcame my common sense.

“Well, you took your time,” West said as she neared them.

Penn had already disappeared with the dead guy. Probably a good thing, given Scarlett’s current state of mind.

“Do you ever just shut the fuck up?” Scarlett spat at him, coming to a standstill on the fringes of the lit area.

West’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t make a move towards her. He looked at me when I entered the fray.

“What did you do to her?”

“Nothing,” I replied. “It’s time to leave.”

Scarlett’s eyes blazed.

“I don’t recall shoving me up against the sink and fucking me as being nothing.”

I gave her a look. Clearly, someone had decided she wasn’t in the mood to be a good girl any longer.

“And if you think I’m going to get into a car with you after that, you’re fucking insane.” She stabbed a finger in West’s direction. “I’m not going with him either.” Then she turned her gaze on Prescott. The venom in her eyes made him flinch. “And I would rather jump off a fucking cliff than be near him.”

With that, she stalked over to Francis, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

“You can take me back on the condition you do not fucking talk to me or touch me.” She turned her head, looking at all of us. “None of you are going to touch me, you hear me? I will fucking hurt you if you come near me.”

Francis gave me a helpless look, but I shrugged. I didn’t think anything the rest of us said or did would calm her temper right now.

“Just take her, we’ll deal with the rest of this.”

We had two cars, so it wasn’t an issue.

Francis let out a sigh and looked at Prescott, who dug the keys out of his pocket and tossed them. Francis caught them and put out a hand to Scarlett. She stalked away towards the door. He trudged after her.

When they left by the door, Prescott turned to me, his eyes full of conflict.

“Do you think she’ll forgive me?”

West scoffed. I gave him a dark look.

“With the mood she’s in right now, who knows.”

Prescott looked at his feet. Clearly, he wasn’t happy with all this shit, but he had to deal. His crap with Scarlett was his own problem to work out. I didn’t have time to pander to his feelings.

“Anyway, let’s finish this and get out of here. Be thankful you’re not Francis right now. I have a feeling he’ll be getting an earful from her.”

“Too fucking right,” West agreed.

Prescott didn’t acknowledge us, merely moved away towards the door.

“You think he’ll be okay?” I asked West.

“Why the fuck do you care?”

“I’d rather not have him moping around the damn place like a lovesick puppy.”

“He’ll work it out. Just needs to fuck her stupid after grovelling at her feet for a bit.”

If only it was the solution to Prescott’s problems with Scarlett. Something about the way they were together told me both of them had feelings that ran deeper than either of them was willing to admit. And I hoped he did work it out. If he didn’t, having her living with us might utterly derail all of our plans.