Chaos by Sarah Bailey

Thirty Three


Right before I was ready to storm over there and tear her away, Scarlett said her goodbyes. Stuart leant down to whisper something in her ear. He pressed his hand to hers in a gesture that looked to me like he was passing her something, but I couldn’t be sure. I could only see the back of her head, so who the fuck knew what she was thinking.

Let it happen, remember? Just let it happen.

Scarlett turned and gave me a bright smile. It fell a moment later, her eyes fixing on something next to me. I turned my head and found the very last person I wanted to see, who had just walked into the room.

Mason fucking Jones.

Before he could move any further, I put my hand out and placed it on his chest.

“If you go anywhere near her…”

My voice was low, and I let the threat hang in the air. Scarlett looked between us, her eyes full of panic. I wasn’t going to make a scene, but hell if I didn’t want to see this fucker’s face around here, let alone anywhere near my woman.

“Trust me, I’m aware,” Mason hissed, brushing my hand off his chest and glaring at me. “I’m not here for her.”

“Then who?”

Mason nodded his head towards a group of people standing by the windows. My stomach dropped. Standing in the middle of a group of men and women was one person I never wanted to lay eyes on again. The Met Police Commissioner, Garrett Jones, who definitely had it out for me, Drake, West and Prescott. He also happened to be Mason’s father. The biggest reason we couldn’t lay a hand on the fucker. You didn’t touch the Police Commissioner’s son without consequences.

I needed to get the fuck out of this box before he saw me, but I did not want to alarm Scarlett either. Holy fuck, this was bad. Really fucking bad.

“Surprised you came with her, didn’t think any of you would dare show your faces around here.”

My hand curled into a fist, but I tried to keep my expression blank. It wouldn’t do me any favours to lose my shit. Calm under pressure. It’s why Drake sent me. And yet, right now, I was full of anxiety for myself and Scarlett.

“You think we’d leave her unprotected?”

Mason snorted.

“She’s perfectly safe here.”

“If you think that, you’re stupider than I thought. She’s not safe with any of you.”

The evils he sent my way made me smile.

“As if you’re any better. I took care of her.”

I scoffed.

“Oh yeah? You took care of her so fucking well,” I hissed. “No wonder she came running to us when she realised you don’t have her best interests at heart.”

“Neither do you.”

He had not a fucking idea. We were who Scarlett needed, not him. We were hers and she was ours. It was how it had always been and it would remain so. Nothing he or Stuart did would ever tear apart our bond. They couldn’t. It was permanent. Didn’t matter if she couldn’t remember. Scarlett gravitated towards us because she couldn’t fucking help herself. None of us could.

“I am who I am, Mason. I don’t claim to be nice, unlike you. Drop the act. You’re jealous and it shows.”

If we weren’t in a room full of people, I reckon he would have decked me for that comment. As it was, his nostrils flared and his eyes were almost pitch black.

“She doesn’t belong to you.”

I reached out a hand towards Scarlett, careful of making any sudden moves. Didn’t want to attract the unwanted attention of Mason’s father. He was too busy talking to the people he was with.

I didn’t give a shit what Drake said about keeping our relationship with Scarlett under wraps. Mason needed to learn his fucking place.

“Doesn’t she?”

Scarlett made her way over, giving each of us a tentative smile. The moment she got near, I took a hold of her hand and tugged her against my side. Leaning down, I pressed a kiss to her forehead as I wrapped my arm around her waist.

“Ready to watch the game?” I murmured into her hair. “We should find our seats.”

She put a hand to my chest and looked up at me when I pulled away.

“Yes.” Her head turned to Mason. “Um… hey, Mase, you okay?”

It was very clear he wasn’t judging by the way the vein in his temple started popping as he stared at the two of us.

“I’m fine, Scar. How have you been?”

“Good. Um, Frankie and I need to go. It was nice to see you.”

She smiled brightly at him, but I could tell this whole situation was making her nervous. Her body shook next to mine. Mason stepped away from the door, but not before giving me another death glare. I gave him a wink, then tugged Scarlett out of the box. I glanced back and found not only Mason but also Stuart giving me daggers. I’d probably royally fucked up by making it clear Scarlett was mine, but I didn’t give a shit.

Drake is going to kill me.

When we were out of earshot, Scarlett looked up at me.

“What was that about?”

I tugged her towards the doors leading out to the stands where our seats were.

“What was what about?”

“You and Mason.”

I shrugged as we walked down to our row. We shifted along it and took our seats, Scarlett having quickly checked our passes. She tucked her bag under the seat and sat back, her eyes falling on the pitch where the footballers were making their way out. I put my hand on her thigh, stroking my fingers along her jeans. Touching her soothed me a fraction. I was still riled up from Mason and the fact I’d seen his father and Stuart.

“It’s nothing, Scar.”

“If you call male posturing, nothing.”

Clearly, she wasn’t inclined to let this go.

“You think I’m going to be nice to a man who hurt you?”

Her eyes met mine.

“Well, no, but I don’t think this is just about that.”

Leaning closer, I captured her chin between my fingers with my free hand.

“You’re mine. He thinks otherwise.”

Her eyebrow shot up.


My eyes went to Stuart’s box situated above us to the left. The man himself was standing by the windows looking out. His eyes were on me and Scarlett. I could see the irritation in them. No longer giving a fuck about his opinion nor the fact I was likely thoroughly antagonising him, I turned my attention back to Scarlett.

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Scar, but he wants more than just friendship from you. And I’ll be fucking damned if he touches you again in any capacity.”

“You’re beginning to sound like West.”

I ran my thumb along her bottom lip.

“If I didn’t already make it very clear, anyone, and I mean fucking anyone who tries to touch you or hurt you in any way shape or form, I will end them.”

Scarlett swallowed. It was lucky no one else was sitting near us because no doubt if they heard me saying something like that, they’d probably think I was a psycho. And they wouldn’t exactly be wrong. Not sure all of those normal people out there enjoyed killing and torture the way me and the others did.

“Now you do sound like West,” she whispered.

“You’re ours, Scar. We protect what’s ours.”

She reached up and curled her hand around mine.

“I don’t think knowing you’ll kill for me should turn me on.”

My other hand moved higher on her thigh, making her let out a harsh breath.

“How long is this game?”

“Ninety minutes, not including half-time.”

“And we have to stay for the whole thing?”

She nodded. I leant even closer and brushed my lips over hers.

“When we get back, I’ll deal with your little… issue.”


“You telling me you don’t want me to bury my tongue in your wet pussy and make you scream, my little whore?”

She shuddered, her fingers tightening on my hand.

“You can’t say stuff like that,” she whimpered. “My parents are like right over there.”

“I don’t care. If it wasn’t considered indecent, I’d bury my face in your pussy right now.”

“Oh my god, Francis!”

My fingers brushed over her crotch before I kissed her. I kept my eyes open, staring up at the box. The hatred in Stuart’s eyes made me smile in Scarlett’s mouth.

Look at me all you want, Stuart, I don’t care. You tried to take her away from us, but she’s ours. She will always be ours.

If Drake found out about this, no doubt I would get a lecture, but fuck it. I wanted the cunt to know.

When I released her, Scarlett’s face was bright red. I smiled as I sat back. My hand went to her thigh again. Scarlett looked around, her eyes frantic. She faltered when she saw Stuart watching us from the box.

“I… I didn’t want him to know about us.”


She turned back to me, her face paling slightly.

“No! You’re technically my boss, Frankie. All of you are. What if he thinks you’re taking advantage of me?”

I licked my lip.

“I’ve taken many liberties when it comes to you, Scar. And I’m going to take a whole lot more later.”

She scowled, crossed her arms over her chest and turned away to look at the game. It had already started whilst I was busy kissing her. I squeezed her thigh, glad she’d not tried to pry my hand off her.

“Are you angry?”


I couldn’t help leaning into her and pressing my face into her hair.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not.”

“I’ll make it up to you.”

She ran her teeth over her bottom lip.

“I know you will.”

“Is that right?”

She turned her head slightly towards mine.

“Yeah, it is. I’ve soaked my knickers and it’s all your fault. So you better make good on your threat to bury your face between my legs.”

“Trust me, I plan on more than that, my little whore.”

She shivered but didn’t respond. I turned my attention to the game we were meant to be watching. A bunch of men running around a pitch kicking a ball was not my idea of a good evening out, but it couldn’t be helped. At least I was here with Scarlett. And I could tease her all I wanted until she was squirming in her seat. I fully intended to make good on my threats.

Maybe I’d turned all my attention on her after seeing people I despised had rattled me. A part of me just wanted her too. To prove to her I could give her as much as the others did. I didn’t want to be complacent. And Drake fucking up so badly with Scarlett made me realise we had to be better to her. We needed to take care of our girl.

“You think any of them are attractive?” I asked, pointing down at the players.

Scarlett narrowed her eyes.


“Just asking.”

She made a show of looking down at the pitch. I wasn’t fishing for compliments, merely interested in how she would respond.

“I prefer my men to be a little more… sophisticated.”


She sat back and gave me a wicked smile.

“They’re not bad looking, but a well-dressed man does it for me.”

I knew what she was doing, trying to pay me back for asking. I decided to humour her.

“I see. And do you have any examples of such men?”

My fingers dipped to her inner thigh.

“Yeah, I do.”

“Care to share?”

“You… you’re far more interesting than this lot.” She waved at the pitch. “But you already knew that.”

I squeezed her thigh.

“I want to take you home.”

She blushed again.

“I wish you could.”

Fuck this game. Fuck being here. I had to be patient and wait. Soon, I could reap my damn reward. And it would be this woman naked, tied to my bed with nowhere else to go.

Just the way I liked her.