The Silent Highlander by Donna Fletcher

Chapter 24

Odran carried his wife to the keep and up to their bedchamber. He was glad no one was about. His da had retreated to his bedchamber, Dorrit alerting him to how upset Lady Margaret was when news of the day’s events had reached her ears. She feared the curse intended to claim them all.

His men had tried to quell the rise of the whispers that his return had brought the power of the curse full upon the clan. As soon as one fearful person painted a symbol of protection on his door—it was too late. The whispers were like fire to kindling, spreading so rapidly nothing could stop them. What troubled him was how they had gotten started when all had seemed relatively calm after Cowan’s death.

Odran didn’t want to release his wife when he entered their bedchamber, fearful she would scurry away from him and allow whatever divide he sensed between them grow wider. And he would not see that happen.

He lowered her feet to the ground, though kept hold of her arm.

Elysia tilted her head to look up at him.

“Do you fear me?” he snapped and scowled, annoyed at hearing anger in his voice.

“Should I?” she asked and shook her head bewildered by her own question. As soon as he had scooped her up in his arms and hugged her tight, all her fear and worries vanished. She was safe and even more than that she was reminded of how much he loved her. “I am sorry for not thinking more of the consequences of bringing Crissa into the keep and forcing you to take a stance that resulted in the aftermath that followed.”

Odran never expected his wife to think this all her fault and to offer an apology for it. She laid no blame on him or on the curse only what she perceived was her failure. He silently berated himself for thinking that a divide could exist between them. He was the one who had failed to count on the one thing that would never change between them—their love.

His hand cupped her face, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. “Having failed to defeat me in battle, Cowan came here looking for an excuse to fight me. If it hadn’t been his daughter, it would have been something else. He was determined to put an end to me and claim victory over the Clan MacBridan. Whatever reason, he would have met his death today. You, wife, are in no way responsible for what happened here today.”

His need to kiss her, to lose himself in her and forget everything existed except the two of them and their love, overpowered him. He lowered his head to kiss her and silently swore just as his lips were about to touch hers when his wife’s name was shouted from outside the door.

“That’s Lendra. I’ve been worried about her, not having seen her since earlier when Bram refused to see her,” Elysia explained quickly.

The crinkles around his wife’s eyes warned of her worry and Odran went to the door and opened it.

Lendra flew in. “Thank you, thank you, my lady, for helping Bram and for being so good to me. I will tell Bliss how well you do and that she has no need to worry about you. I’ll be ready to leave with Bram in the morning.”

“You’re not going with Bram,” Odran ordered.

Lendra’s joy vanished from her face in a heartbeat. “He needs me, my lord.”

“Does he, Lendra? Or is it you who needs him?” Odran asked, though expected no answer. “Either way, you’re not going with him. This is Bram’s punishment and he will serve it alone.”

Lendra looked to Elysia, her eyes begging her to do something.

“Lord Odran is right, Lendra. You cannot go with him. You must remain here,” Elysia said, her heart heavy for her friend.

Lendra’s eyes filled instantly with tears. “But I love him.”

“But he doesn’t love you,” Odran said bluntly. “Bram loves no one but himself.”

Lendra’s chin went up and tears began to spill from her eyes. “I have enough love for the both of us.”

“A love that will turn bitter with neglect and time. Let him go and free yourself, Lendra,” Odran said.

Her lower lip trembled and she stumbled her response. “I-I can-cannot li-ve without him.”

“Let’s see about that,” Odran said. “If at the end of six months’ time you still feel the same, I will send you to him.”

Her eyes brightened, though tears still swam in them. “Truly?”

“You have my word. Serve Lady Elysia well and six months to this day if you still want to be with Bram, I will see you escorted safely to him.”

“Thank you, my lord,” Lendra said with a bob of her head and turned a hurried glance at Elysia. “Is there anything I can do for you, my lady?”

“Aye,” Odran responded. “You can see food brought to us and then see that we are not disturbed for the rest of the night.”

Lendra bobbed her head again. “As you say, my lord.”

“Thank you for that,” Elysia said, falling into her husband’s arms as soon as the door closed.

“I only hope she realizes the foolishness of wasting her time on someone who doesn’t love her,” Odran said, tucking his wife close.

“I was foolish like her once, thinking someone cared for me and having him reject my marriage proposal.” She couldn’t keep the chuckle from her voice.

“You knew full well I cared for you as much as I knew you cared for me. I purposely dirtied the bandage on my finger so I had an excuse to return to you for a clean one.”

Elysia laughed. “Truly? You did that?”

“I did and I was thrilled when you offered to tend my throat problem, since I knew the dirty bandage wasn’t an excuse that would last long and I didn’t fancy giving myself another splinter.”

Elysia’s eyes shot open wide. “You purposely gave yourself a splinter so you could seek my help?”

“I will only confess so much.” He chuckled and gave her a quick kiss.

“Wait,” Elysia said, a thought hitting her. “That would mean you made sure Bliss was not around when you sought healing for your finger.”

“Again, I will only confess so much.” He stole another kiss.

Her eyes turned wistful, and she smiled softly. “You loved me from the very first glance.”

“And I will continue to love you far beyond our last glance on this earth. On that you have my word, wife.” He kissed her again but this time not quick.

This time he didn’t swear silently when a knock sounded at the door. “Bloody hell, who now disturbs me.”

Elysia poked him in the stomach. “You requested the food and I’m glad you did. I’m famished.”

“Eat well, wife,” he warned playfully. “You’re going to need your strength tonight.”

* * *

Elysia yawnedand watched with amusement as her husband’s head bobbed with sleep only to lift up suddenly and force his eyes to spread wide. He was exhausted and sore from the fall on the steps, having taken the brunt of it, grimacing now and again as he shifted in the chair.

While her mind had been on making love with her husband earlier, and partly throughout the meal, full stomachs, the heat of the fire, and a peaceful quiet after a troubling day all managed to loll them both to sleep.

She stood and went to her husband, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Bedtime.”

His head shot up and his eyes sprang open. “Aye. Aye, what I’ve been waiting for none too patiently, wife,” he said, resting his hand over hers.

“Hurry to bed and I will join you there as soon as I see to some personal things,” she said.

He stood, swayed a moment, and headed straight for the bed. “Don’t be long—” A yawn cut off whatever was meant to follow.

Elysia smiled and admired her husband’s body as he stripped off his garments, his fine form and muscles enticing as ever, though it had been his tenderness with her that had won her heart and the memory of that time with him now tempting her passion. She thought to strip off her own garments and go to him, but when she saw that he was not the slightest aroused, she stopped herself. He was exhausted and needed sleep.

She turned away, forcing her thoughts elsewhere, anywhere but on her husband naked in bed. It was only a few moments later that she heard the first light snore and smiled. It had taken less time than she had thought for him to fall asleep. She waited a while longer, her own eyes growing heavy with sleep, and after his snoring remained light and steady she went to the bed and climbed in beside him. Sleep was a bit more difficult for her since passion poked at her letting her know her need was far greater than she had thought. A throbbing ache settled in her nether region and no amount of trying to ignore it, to force her thoughts on something else helped. Her husband’s warm body didn’t help either. She stuck her hands beneath her backside to stop from touching him and disturbing his peaceful sleep.

She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, trying to stop the image of him rising over her and slipping his stiff manhood into her slowly at first, then quickening his pace, and her body began to move with the imaginary tempo.

She bit her lower lip after a small moan escaped and she warned herself to stop but her body refused to listen. Her hand slipped from beneath her backside to drift between her legs. It stilled there, not sure if she should touch herself, but aching to do so. A little enticement wouldn’t hurt. It would help her find much needed release, then she would sleep.

Her fingers found her sensitive spot and she failed to catch another moan that hurried out when a fiery spark of passion shot through her. She needed this. She had to do it if she was to sleep at all tonight.

She gasped again, louder this time when her husband’s hand settled over hers.

“I can see to this, wife,” he whispered and eased her hand away, his fingers replacing hers.

She let the moans that she had held prisoner deep in her throat escape.

“You should have woken me, wife,” Odran whispered in her ear after nibbling along the edge and sending shivers racing through her.

“You were tired,” she said, a bit breathless.

“I’m never too tired to make love to you,” he said. “Now let’s see how many times I can bring you to pleasure.”

Elysia gasped when his head disappeared between her legs and his hands grabbed hold of her backside to lift her enough so he could tease and tempt her mercilessly. Her body sprang taut as she gripped the bedding at the intense pleasure rocking her body, and it took barely a few minutes for his talented tongue to have her screaming out in a much needed release.

She was still reeling from the forceful climax when he turned her on her stomach.

“On your knees,” he said with a gentle pat to her bottom and his hands were suddenly at her waist helping her up. He leaned over her, his shaft poking between her legs as he kept one arm around her waist while his other hand slipped to cup her breast and tease the hard nub between his fingers.

She wiggled her backside trying to get his shaft to slip inside her, his teasing touches igniting the passion that still lingered in her.

“Not yet, wife,” he warned playfully, dipping the tip of his shaft just enough inside her to tease.

“You’re mean,” she accused, hearing the hunger in her voice.

“Aye, I am and I intend to be for an hour or more,” he cautioned and slipped himself a bit deeper inside her.

Elysia dropped her head back and groaned, then cried out when he plunged into her. She was relieved when his hands settled at her waist holding her firm as he drove in and out of her. She let out a startled cry when she felt herself lifted as he rocked back on his haunches and kept her balanced on his shaft with the strength of his hands at her waist.

Her hands went instinctively to his forearms at her sides to seek her own balance and the next thing she knew her body took on his rhythm and she soon found herself bursting once again in a maddening climax.

It was as if he knew her perfectly, knew when she was near to finishing that he could ignite that spark of passion in her once again and bring her to what seemed like a lingering climax.

“One more time,” he whispered near her ear and nipped playfully at her shoulder that sent a shudder through her.

He lifted her off him and with a quick turn dropped her gently on her back to hover over her, his hands planted on either side of her. “My turn—but you’ll come with me.”

It was a sharp, decisive order that sent another shudder through her and she tried to lift her legs to wrap them around him. “Passion has stolen my strength.”

“My passion fires hot and strong enough for us both,” he said and got to his knees between her legs. His hands went to her backside and he lifted and fitted her against him with a quick thrust.

How passion ignited so quickly once again baffled her, but it did. She savored every powerful thrust, each one drawing them closer and closer until it finally felt as if they merged and became one. One heartbeat. One breath. One love united, never to be separated.

She cried out in complete joy as her husband released a roar that echoed throughout the room and she feared throughout the keep. He groaned as his climax subsided and shut his eyes tight as if savoring every last bit of pleasure, then he dropped down over her, his breathing rapid.

He rolled off her, worried his weight was too much for her and while he usually took her with him to rest against his side, he didn’t this time. He thought she might need time to catch her breath just as he did after their heavy bout of lovemaking.

He was wrong and selfishly pleased that she followed, his arm spreading out to slip around her after she cuddled against his side.

“That was amazing,” Elysia said with a heavy breath.

“Aye, it was,” he agreed. He slipped his finger beneath her chin to tilt her head back. She smiled up at him. “There is no need to see to yourself, wife. It’s my duty to see to that.”

“And you do a much better job at it than I ever could,” she said with a chuckle.

He saw a question in the squint of her eyes. “Something you wish to ask?”

“Is that something I shouldn’t do? Is it not proper?”

“Nay. There is nothing wrong with it. It’s just that I feel a failure as a husband if my wife has to please herself.”

Her eyes squinted again in question.

He chuckled. “What now?”

“Men do it as well?”

“Aye,” he laughed. “Some more often than others.”

“So a wife fails her duties if her husband pleases himself?” she asked.

“Nay. Men can be a greedy lot when it comes to poking a woman so many a wife probably wouldn’t mind him seeing to himself.”

“I prefer you come to me when in need,” she said, her expression serious.

He smiled. “I hope you continue to feel that way, for I have every intention of doing so. Though be aware that our randy ways may slow with age and time.”

She laughed softly and poked him playfully in the side. “Then we should take full advantage of it while we can.”

“Again, I have every intention of doing so.”

She settled her head comfortably against his chest ready for sleep.

“It is a good thing you take that brew every day or we would have a slew of bairns,” Odran said. When after a short time his wife didn’t respond, he asked. “You do remember to take that brew, don’t you, Elysia?”

A soft even breathing told him she had fallen asleep and he reminded himself to ask her in the morning. It probably wasn’t necessary, she knew the importance of not getting with child, but he would remind her again. Content and tired, sleep soon claimed him.

Elysia almost sighed with release when she heard her husband’s steady, light snore. She hadn’t known what to say when he asked her about the brew. She hadn’t wanted to lie to him, but she also didn’t think that it was the right moment to tell him she was already with child.

Soon, though, very soon, she would have to tell him.