Mist Rising by Eve Langlais

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Weapons droppedto their sides as Maric strode in, expression fierce, every inch of him vibrating. “Where have you been?” he barked.

Agathe arched a brow. “Hello, General Knight. Did you forget how to knock?”

“Don’t you start with me. What have you been doing? Where did you go?”

Her Soraers eased out of the room and closed the adjoining door.

“Well, since you’re asking so nicely, I was exploring your fine city. Even stopped for a bite to eat. Is that a problem?”

“It is when you disappear,” he growled.

“Hardly disappeared since I’m right here. What I did was lose the tail you put on me.”

“For your safety.”

She snorted. “I don’t need your protection.”

He stalked closer. “You can’t wander around by yourself.”

“Why not? I’ve been doing it for a while now. Or are you claiming the city you defend isn’t safe?”

“Safe enough.”

“Really? Because the kind baker who fed me had a problem with oversized rats and a mutant in her basement.”

His turn to appear surprised. “Where?”

“Ask Xaav. He’ll know the place, I’m sure. And don’t worry. I took care of it. But I assume where there’s one infestation, there’re others.”

“Which will be handled.”

“By whom? Your soldiers are stretched thin, what with guarding the Citadel, the city wall, and patrolling the vastness of the kingdom.”

“I’m aware.”

“If you’re aware, then why aren’t you doing something about it? Like asking the Abbaes for aid or training the citizens to fight?”

He kept walking until her back hit a wall and he bracketed her with his arms. “I don’t need you telling me how to defend this Kingdom.”

“Are you sure?”

“You need to stop testing me. I don’t have time for this.”

“If my words bother you, then just ignore me. It seemed easy enough for you this morning.” She could have kicked herself for revealing that it bothered her.

“Nothing easy about it. Would you rather I’d ravished you in front of everyone?”

Her mouth went dry. “I would have liked for you to acknowledge my existence.”

“Your existence is the problem. I can’t afford distraction.”

There was something heady in the fact that he considered her distracting, but at the same time… “You acted like a cad.”

“You would have preferred I show everyone how we spent the night?” He grabbed her buttocks in a firm grip and drew her against him.

“On the previous legs of our journey, you managed to comport yourself like a professional soldier.”

“That was before I discovered my weakness.” His eyes took on a dangerous glint.

Agathe licked her lips. No denying his intent. It sent a thrill through her, but she wasn’t about to melt. He’d treated her abominably.

“I want nothing to do with you.”

“I wish I could say the same.” He ground into her, and her breath hitched.

“Not happening.”

“Are you sure?” he teased, his breath hot against her lips. It wouldn’t take much to kiss him.

“Last night was a one-time affair. It won’t happen again.”

“Is that a challenge?”

She didn’t reply to that query, mostly because she wasn’t sure she could resist if he decided to seduce her. “Now that you’ve seen I’m not missing, you can leave.”

“Are you sure you want me to go? I haven’t told you my news. I’ve asked the King if you can visit his library.”

“And?” she asked, holding her breath.

“He said no.”

“What?” she exclaimed. “Why not?”

“As he reminded me, only the Blessed are allowed inside. How would it look if he broke his own rules?”

“Like he’s a man capable of changing with the times,” was her snarled reply.

“He’s also not a dumb man. He knows you want to kill him.”

Anger flared. “What did you say to him to make him believe that?”


Her lips flattened. “You do know I am perfectly capable of detesting people without murdering them. Your continued existence is a prime example of my control.”

Male arrogance shone in his chuckle. “As if you’d ever try. You know I’d best you.”

It irked that he might be right. Not because she lacked skill but because he also had abilities along with the vitality that came with a younger body and the strength of a man much larger than she.

“If I’m not a threat, I don’t see the problem. Or are you saying the King’s men are incompetent?”

“More like the King would rather not provide a tempting target for your knife. But there is some good news. He has granted your other request. Books from the King’s library will be delivered for study. My understanding is that your friend already has one detailing our early history. In addition, the chief librarian is scheduled to pay a visit so that you can relay exactly what kind of texts you are looking for.”

It wasn’t ideal because the book Agathe needed would likely be under lock and key or hidden. But she could hardly say that. This was a start, at least.

“That sounds excellent. Thank you.” She ducked under his arm and moved away before she succumbed to his allure.

“I have a better idea of how you can thank me,” he growled, reaching for her.

She danced out of his attempted grip. “Sex for favors? I don’t think so. I only fornicate for fun.”

His lips flattened, and his nostrils flared. “You’re not a whore.”

“No, but I am a woman who has no issue indulging her needs. Surely you noticed my lack of virginity,” she mocked.

“How many have you been with?” No mistaking the jealousy in the almost-shouted words.

“Enough to know it’s none of your business.”

His expression grew so taut she thought he might shatter. Then it smoothed and he said, “It is hard to keep count, isn’t it? Harder for me since I travel extensively, always seeing new faces. Sleeping in a different bed every night.”

Bitterness hit her, hot and furious. She wanted to hurt someone. Him. The women he’d touched before her. Instead, she snapped, “Better hurry along, then. Wouldn’t want to keep the person warming your bed waiting.”

She held open the door and waited.

He stared at her, his expression flat. “Stay away from strangers.”

“You can’t tell me what to do.”

“Don’t test me.”

“Or what? You’ll execute me? Throw me in a dungeon?” She knew she risked much by being intentionally antagonistic, and yet what simmered between them… It was fraught with too many emotions. Not to mention, she would betray him if it got her what she wanted. Maric might have started this stupid game of hot and cold, but she would end it by freezing him out.

He stared at her, face impassive, fists clenched by his sides. “This isn’t over.” An ominous declaration to make.

After he left, she half expected him to return. To once more kick open the door, draw her into his arms, and seduce away her protest. He didn’t.

She had dinner with her Soraers and went to bed alone. Had a dream with him in it that might have been fulfilling if she’d not woken abruptly.
