Burning for Love by Evangeline Anderson

Author's Note #2

This has nothing to do with the book, so skip to chapter one if you want to start reading. I don’t want to be in any way political, I just wanted to answer some questions some of you had about my experience getting vaccinated.

Back in April 2021, my hubby and I got the J&J shot. DH had a few flu-like symptoms and fatigue for a couple of days afterwards. I, on the other hand, only had a sore arm for a little while. Then he felt better and life went on—we had no bad effects. (In case you’re wondering, he is 55 and I am 48.)

In June, when it was allowed, I got my son, who is 13, vaccinated as well. He got both Pfizer shots and barely even had a sore arm. (Ah, to be young again!) Having him vaccinated made me feel better about sending him back to regular school this fall. (Because this last year of homeschooling was really tough, people! I seriously didn’t think I was going to survive the math!) So getting him the shot made both of us *very* happy. He was getting really tired of "The School of Mom" as we called our homeschool program, lol.

Anyway, that’s all I wanted to tell you. Just that my family and I are all vaccinated and we have had no ill effects from it. I hope this answers the questions some of you had when you asked for my personal experience.

Hugs and be safe!
