Burning for Love by Evangeline Anderson


Rissa stared at him, uncomprehending.

“What do you mean?” she asked, at last. “How can I have wrong information? A man kisses a woman on the lips and when he puts his tongue in her mouth, his seed goes down her throat and gets planted in her belly—then a baby grows. Everyone knows that!”

But James was shaking his head.

“I’m afraid you’ve got that completely wrong,” he said quietly. “Completely and utterly wrong, Princess.”

“I have it on good authority that I am right,” she protested.

He raised his eyebrows at her.

“On whose authority?”

“Well, my friend Alyssa,” Rissa said.

“Is that the silly little redhead I’ve seen flirting with every male in the palace?” James demanded.

Rissa glared at him.

“Alyssa is not silly! She is very knowledgeable.”

“She’s misinformed,” James said gently. “Probably because your culture chooses to keep females ignorant of the facts of procreation.” He shook his head. “But I didn’t know you were this ignorant.”

“I am not!” Rissa protested.

“I’m afraid you are, sweetheart. Gods…” He ran a hand through his hair. “I was grown in a tank but even I know you can’t get pregnant just from kissing.”

“How do you know I’m not really pregnant?” she demanded. “After all, my Moon Blood is late.”

“That’s probably more to do with your Heat Cycle than anything else,” James told her. “In the book about Royal anatomy that I scanned, there was some mention of the fact that a strong Heat Cycle in a Royal female could interfere with her menstrual cycle.”

“Really?” Rissa looked at him, still half disbelieving.

“Yes, really.” He nodded. “I’ll show you the passage from the book if you want to see it.”

“All right.” Rissa nodded and he got up and drew the curtains, casting the room into darkness. Then he pointed his ocular scope at the blank wall and began showing her the relevant passages.

As Rissa read from the book he had scanned in the restricted section of the Royal Library, she began to feel a cautious measure of hope. Could it be that he was right and her Moon Blood was only late because of her Heat Cycle? Did that mean she really might not be pregnant?

There was so much other information in the book too. It chiefly interested her to find that it was not necessary for her to have a man with Royal blood in his veins to slake her Heat. According to one of the footnotes, an ancestress of hers—Queen Lenore the Headstrong—had actually fallen in love with one of the gardeners from the Royal gardens and married him. They had been blessed with six children, all of which had the Sheen to their skin and had carried on the bloodline of the Very First Family with no problems.

If Queen Lenore could do it, why couldn’t I? she found herself thinking, as she looked at James. But no—he had no emotions for her. Or did he? Rissa was beginning to wonder about that…

“Do you feel better now?” James asked her, interrupting her thoughts.

“I am beginning to,” Rissa said cautiously. “It’s only that my Moon Blood has never been late before and the way the Duke kissed me—”

“You’re going to have to get over the idea that a kiss can get you pregnant,” James said flatly. He switched off his scope and looked at her. “The normal, biological method of procreation involves more than just a kiss—at least in most species of humanoids,” he added.

“What does it involve then?” Rissa demanded. “How does the man’s seed get planted in the woman’s belly and grow into a baby if not by him sticking his tongue in her mouth?”

“First of all, your womb is not connected to your mouth in any way,” James lectured. “That’s a whole different organ system. And secondly, a male’s seed does not come out of his tongue, it spurts from his shaft. So you cannot get pregnant from a kiss. You get pregnant when a male puts his shaft inside you and fills you with his seed. Incidentally, that is also the way your husband is supposed to ‘slake your Heat’ when you are finally Joined to him,” he added.

Rissa was still skeptical. She had never had any kind of lesson on humanoid anatomy—it was considered an indelicate topic for a young lady. And Alyssa had seemed so certain when she had given her the forbidden information. She wanted to believe that the big Kindred was right, but he was contradicting “facts” that she had known since the age of fifteen—it was difficult to wrap her head around.

“Prove it,” she said to James, frowning up at him.

He frowned back. “Prove what?”

“The part about the male’s seed coming out of his shaft,” Rissa said. She looked at the crotch of his tight leather trousers—he still persisted in wearing his Kindred uniform of a black shirt, trousers, and boots with a more colorful frock coat over it for appearances sake. In fact, some of the other, more fashionable males in court, had begun to copy him. They had even started wearing silver gloves on their right hands in imitation of his metal arm.

But it wasn’t his fashion sense that Rissa was interested in now. She wanted him to prove that everything she’d thought she knew was wrong. She wanted to see his shaft for herself.

“You gave me a lesson on female anatomy, in a way, when you, er, ‘introduced’ me to my own forbidden areas,” she said to James. “Now I think I need a lesson on male anatomy. And since you happen to be male, you can show me, James.”

He frowned, his brow wrinkling.

“Princess, I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

“Yes, it would!” Rissa insisted. “I want to see if your information is correct! Please, James…” she added, giving him a pleading look. “If I can just be certain that you are right and I am wrong about how babies are made, I shall feel so much better. Also…” She stopped, nibbling her lower lip.

“Also what?” he asked, making a go-on motion with one hand.

“Well, eventually I am going to get married,” Rissa said haltingly. “And, well…I want to know what to expect on my wedding night. Please, James—do not leave me in ignorance.”

She wasn’t sure if it was her words or her pleading looks but at last the big Kindred nodded reluctantly.

“All right,” he said at last. “What do you want me to do?”