Burning for Love by Evangeline Anderson


Rissa couldn’t believe how much she still hurt, even though James had pulled the awful plug out of her. She ached inside—a deep, grinding ache that made her feel battered and bruised and so tender she could barely stand to move. Yet, move she must—her hips twitched restlessly as she sought to ease the ache.

“Hold still, sweetheart.” James was still kneeling over her as she lay in the middle of the big bed with her filmy white peignoir pulled up to her waist. He put his big, cool hands gently on her hips, as though to keep her from moving. “I’m going to help you feel better,” he told her.

“You are?” Rissa felt her eyes widen. “How, James? Do you have some kind of Kindred medicine?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. Though, probably not the kind you think.”

He took a breath and looked into her eyes. “Ka’rissa, I’m going to heal you with my mouth. My mouth and my tongue.”

She shook her head.

“I…do not understand.”

Briefly, he explained about his Blood Kindred DNA and how that kind of Kindred produced healing compounds with his mouth and fangs.

“So…you’ll lick me?” Rissa whispered. She nibbled her lower lip. Somehow, despite everything they had been through and done together, this act still felt forbidden. Also, did he really want to do this? It was certainly something that Lady Mildew—and probably most of the Court—would consider a “dirty” act.

James seemed to see the questions and doubts in her eyes, because he leaned over and stroked her cheek gently.

“Ask,” he murmured. “Whatever you’re wondering, go ahead and ask me, sweetheart.”

The gentle way he talked to her—so natural and human and not robotic at all now—gave Rissa the courage to do as he said.

“James,” she whispered. “I appreciate you wanting to heal me. But, well…are you sure you want to…to lick me there?”

“Princess,” he growled softly. “If you know anything about Kindred, you’ll know I have wanted to lick your sweet pussy almost from the first moment I met you. It’s not just that we desire to taste our mates—it’s a biological need.” He stroked her cheek. “Though of course, right now, what I need most is to heal you. Please, Ka’rissa—let me do it. Let me heal your soft little pussy.”

Rissa felt herself melting under those soft, gentle words and the tender look in his eyes.

“All right, James,” she whispered, spreading her thighs a little. “If…if you really want to and you think it would help, I trust you. Do what you need to.”

They were almost the same words she’d used earlier, when she’d given him permission to tear the awful Chastity Device off her. And just as he had before, James went to work at once.

He was shirtless, wearing only his tight black trousers as he lay between her legs. Rissa had a vague memory of him tearing the shirt off and laying down beside her in the cool green grass of the palace gardens what seemed like a hundred years ago. But the main point was that his muscular arms were deliciously cool as he wrapped them around her heated thighs and pressed his mouth to her pussy mound.

She felt a cooling sensation as his tongue lapped over the heated flesh of her mound again and again. To her surprise, it really did work—wherever his tongue touched her, the awful ache seemed to fade. Rissa moaned softly in appreciation.

“Oh yes, James—that does feel better!” she told him, reaching down to stroke his thick, dark hair. “It doesn’t hurt at all anymore, where the shield dug into me.”

He looked up briefly, his eyes blazing.

“Then I’m going to heal you lower…deeper. Is that all right with you, Princess?”

She nodded, a bit shyly.

“Should…should I do anything?”

“Just keep your legs spread for me,” James directed. “And keep stroking my hair,” he added, his voice dropping to a hoarse growl. “I like the feel of your hands on me while I heal you…while I taste you.”

Rissa found it very easy to comply with his directions. She loved the feel of his thick, silky hair between her fingers as he continued to lick her.

He started with her outer pussy lips, healing the tender flesh where the harsh nubs had dug in as the shield pressed against her. He spent quite a long time doing it until Rissa felt completely healed and said so. She was also feeling quite restless between her legs. Though his tongue occasionally grazed the tender little bud of her clit, giving her a tiny spark of pleasure, it wasn’t his main focus at the moment.

“James,” she whispered breathlessly, tugging lightly at his hair. “I…I think the, er, outside of me is quite better now.”

He surveyed her pussy mound and outer lips with the critical eye of a craftsman making certain he has done a good job. Finally, he nodded.

“Yes, I think you’re right.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you ready to let me heal the rest of you now, sweetheart? I may have to put my tongue deep inside you—inside your soft little channel—to heal you everywhere.”

“You…you will?” Rissa bit her lip.

“Don’t be afraid,” James murmured, stroking her inner thigh tenderly. “I know you’re hurt inside but I’m going to be very, very gentle. Just think of it as a kiss, all right? A long, deep kiss inside your soft little pussy.”

The thought of him kissing her so deeply in such an intimate area gave Rissa a funny little quiver in her belly but she was quite certain that she could trust the big Kindred. And if he said he wanted to kiss her there in order to heal her, she believed him.

“All right, James,” she murmured. “I trust you. Go…go ahead.”

“Good, sweetheart.” He dropped a gentle kiss on her inner thigh. “That’s good. Just lie back and open your legs wide for me. Lie back and let me heal you.”

A shiver of something—need? desire?—rushed through her and Rissa did as he said. Relaxing back against the pillows of the big, Kindred-sized bed, she spread her thighs even wider, baring her pussy for him completely.

“I am ready, James,” she murmured. “Ready to let your tongue inside me. Go ahead and heal me now.”