The Boys Down South by Abbi Glines



For three years, I’d wanted answers. Countless nights, I’d lain in bed, thinking that just knowing Asher still loved me would’ve made everything okay. That was all that mattered. Nothing could hurt more than Asher not loving me anymore.

I’d been wrong.

So very wrong.

“Come on, Dix. Let’s take you home,” Bray said, as we began moving toward my Jeep. Home. My home. Was it still my home? Did Daddy know this? Did he love me anyway? Could I tell him? How could I tell him?

“Does my daddy know?” I asked Bray.

He reached around me and opened the passenger’s door. “I didn’t even know. So I’m not sure who knew, but it won’t make a difference to your daddy. He loves you and has loved you all your life. In his heart, you’re his little girl. That’s something I’m fucking positive about.”

I let Bray help me up into the Jeep. I felt as if I was walking through fog. Nothing made sense. My bearings were destroyed. I’d watched as Asher’s truck drove away, but I never saw Steel leave. I couldn’t look at him now; he’d been the one I hoped could eventually heal me, but he’d just made it all worse.

“Why would he keep this from me?” I asked, staring out the window at the field of hay, the birds moving, dipping, enjoying themselves, while I was trapped in hell.

“Because since you were a kid, he’s protected you. He’d do anything to protect you, Dixie. It wasn’t the right decision, but it was because he loves you. He’s suffered alone for three years with this and all because he loves you. He didn’t want you to know it. He wanted you happy. You can’t completely fault him for that.”

He wanted me happy? He’d broken my heart. How was that making me happy? “He can’t love me. His actions prove different.”

Bray sighed and cranked the Jeep. “His love ain’t normal when it comes to you. Never was,” he replied. “But don’t doubt that he loves you, Dixie. Damn, he smashed in our little brother’s face because he was trying to protect you. Asher’s never hit one of us. We’ve hit each other and he’s broken it up, but he’s always brought it to a halt. He picked you over Steel. That’s fucking huge. Be mad at him for not telling you, but don’t think he doesn’t love you.”

I couldn’t listen to this. He was my brother. Asher was my brother. The horror of that washed over me, a wail filling the Jeep as I curled into a ball and allowed the sorrow to consume me.

Four Years Ago…

Asher stood with his arm around me as he laughed at Brent mocking Bray, the two battling it out over pool. I was at Jack’s after a game and I was with Asher. This was another daydream I’d repeatedly played in my head so many times that I had a hard time now believing it was happening. That I was here with him, my daddy knew about it, and everything was okay. Asher went to see him after school, before he’d gone to the fieldhouse to prepare for their game. He’d talked to daddy and promised him I’d be safe and with him at all times. When daddy agreed to let me go, I threw myself at him, hugging him tightly and thanking him right there in front of Asher. I’d expected him to say no. But Asher was good with people. Everyone liked and trusted him.

“You want another Coke?” Asher asked me.

“No, thanks. I’m good,” I replied.

He pressed a kiss to my temple and whispered, “If you’re bored, we can go.”

As if I could ever be bored with Asher Sutton. “I’m enjoying myself. This is the first time I’ve ever been in the front of Jack’s. Daddy always made me pick up the food in the back.”

Asher chuckled. “I know. I’ve seen you more than once through that door over there.”

“And I’ve also seen you,” I replied. I’d been looking for him. I knew he was in here. I’d seen his truck. But that sounded stalkerish, so I kept that information to myself.

Andrea James then cooed, “Hey, Asher, you were amazing tonight,” sauntering up to him, and pressing her body against his as if I wasn’t standing right there next to him. “I have a special treat for you. Want to leave this party?”

Asher tightened his hold around my waist, scooting close, and moving back from Andrea. “I’m here with Dix. I thought that was obvious.”

Andrea finally looked at me, as if she hadn’t realized I was there. “Oh, I didn’t think you’d be with her. Asher, she’s a freshman.”

“I’m aware of that and yes, I’m with her.”

Andrea smirked. “Okay then. When you get tired of babysitting, you know my number.”

When she turned to walk off, Asher looked down at me. “She’s a bitch. The crazy kind. Sorry about that, Dixie.”

“And Asher never tapped that ass. He’s smarter than that,” Bray said, a little too loudly for my taste. “But I might now that Asher’s off the market.”

“You know he’s an idiot, right?” Asher said with an apologetic smile. “But he’s right. I’m off the market.”

I laughed. It felt right. Being with Asher. Laughing at his brothers. I’d grown up with the Sutton boys. I had daydreamed of something like this but I had never truly thought it would happen.

As for Andrea James’ antics and comments, Asher would get a lot of that kind of attention all his life. I could get jealous every time it happened or accept it for what it was. The way Asher had kept his arm around me and dealt with her made it easier for me to handle, giving me no reason to feel insecure. He was beautiful and women loved him, but now he was mine.

“Don’t worry about her sister either. He won’t be going after Emily James’ ass. After Asher set her straight for doing that shit to you, he wrote her off. Hell, we all did. She messed with our Dixie,” Brent said, winking and smiling at me, like I knew this had happened.

I tilted my head back and looked up at Asher, who was glaring at his brother. “You made Emily stop?”

He sighed then nodded. “Yeah.”

“How did you know it was her?”

“Asked a few questions,” he responded. “Didn’t want you suffering anymore.”

There was no possible way for me not to love Asher. He owned my heart. I stepped to his front, wrapped my arms around his neck, and held him tight. “Thank you,” I said. “You’re my hero.”

“Hey, I threatened her, too,” Bray called from across the pool table.

“She’s not hugging you. Back the hell off,” Asher returned as he hugged me back.

If my life could always be this perfect, I never wanted it to end. There’d be no one for me but Asher. I may be young, but that I knew. When your soul finds its match, there’s no doubt in your heart. Telling Asher I loved him right now was too soon, I knew I had to wait. So as much as I wanted to pepper his face with kisses and tell him how I felt, I didn’t. Instead, I let him turn me in his arms and hold me against his chest. I would have been happy to stay there forever.