The Boys Down South by Abbi Glines



Every motherfucking redhead caused a sharp kick in my gut. My head knew it wasn’t her but dammit if my heart didn’t seem to care. I reacted the same every damn time. I couldn’t fuck a redhead anymore. Once. I had tried once. It was a fail. I’d had to walk away before I physically got ill.

All I could see was Scarlet. All I wanted was Scarlet. I was moving on physically, just to shut everyone up. But my head wasn’t in it. My heart wasn’t in the equation because that fucking organ didn’t work properly. Scarlet had made me feel something. And if that didn’t screw it all up.

Asher was standing at the window in Dixie’s living room, looking out at the people filling the chairs outside. I knew most all the faces. They were this town. I wondered if the streets were empty in town because everyone was here.

“That’s a hellalot of folks out there,” I said as I sat down on the sofa. “Sit down. You’re about to be standing in this uncomfortable bullshit you’ve got us dressed up in for far too long.” I added the last bit just to get a rise out of him.

Asher’s head swung in my direction with the scowl I expected on his face. Grinning, I propped my right foot up on the coffee table.

“It’s not that bad. Don’t be an asshole.” He sounded disappointed in me.

I shrugged. “You’re just in love and all that sappy shit. This motherfucker sucks ass.”

Asher grunted and turned back to the crowd. “I get afraid,” Asher said, changing the subject or just ignoring me, “that this isn’t real. That I’m going to wake up and still be living the hell I survived without her. Am I allowed to be this damn happy?”

I wasn’t sentimental or emotional. Rolling my eyes was my first response but I refrained. “Are you seriously asking me this?” I replied. We both knew I wasn’t the brother to go to for comfort. Brent was better built for this.

He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I am.” He kept watching out the window though. Not looking my way. “You love her, Bray. You just don’t recognize it because that isn’t an emotion you’re familiar with.”

It was my turn to ignore him. “How long does this thing last? I need a beer.”

Asher sighed then shifted his gaze to me. “You snapped. Lost it. The… darkness that comes in your eyes was there. I’ve only seen you reach that level a handful of times. Each time it was because someone you loved was involved. The time Dallas came home from school with a black eye because that senior had beat him up for his smartass mouth. You almost killed that guy.”

I stopped him. I knew the stories. I remembered why I had gone off. “Dallas was twelve. That cocksucker deserved it.”

“I didn’t say he didn’t. What I am saying is you only react that way to protect someone you love.”

I glared at him. “I changed my mind. I want a goddamn whiskey.”

Asher smirked. “One day you’ll have to accept it,” was all he said then moved away from the window as the door behind us opened.

“Did y’all invite the whole damn county?” Dallas asked.

“Ten minutes, bro. You ready?” Brent was all smiles. Living in his happy world.

Steel was the quiet one. He had loved Dixie once too. I wondered if he always would. A little. No one talked about that though. It was done. Over. Like they pretended Brent and I hadn’t almost killed each other over Scarlet.

Asher was grinning. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

“Good because her daddy has paid a fortune for this thing. Have you seen the food?” Dallas’s tone was one of excitement and amazement. “I’m gonna eat for hours.”

“Just have to survive standing out there in these damn tuxes first,” I said.

Steel shot me a warning glance.

“They’re not that bad,” Brent said as he took the seat across from me.

I didn’t respond. If they all wanted to lie and pretend that we were fucking comfortable, that Steel wasn’t hurting a little, and that Scarlet not being here felt wrong, then fine. But I wasn’t going to fucking pretend.

“Dixie wanted something small. It grew as her mom and dad added things. She wanted them to be happy so she went with it.”

“Sweetest bride I’ve ever seen. Aren’t they supposed to be bitches? There’s a show about it or something,” Brent drawled

Everyone turned to look at Brent after that comment. He shrugged. “Well, there is. Don’t tell me y’all haven’t seen the damn commercials,” he said defensively.

“Dix has never been a bitch,” Dallas told him, something everyone already knew.

“Steel will disagree. He called her one loudly drunk on main street once,” I added, since they all wanted to act like that shit didn’t happen. All this jolly happiness annoyed me.

“Jesus, Bray. For once use a filter,” Brent said angrily.

“Just pointing out the obvious,” I said with a smirk.

“It’s okay,” Steel said, walking toward us like we were about to tie up right here and start swinging. “He’s right. I did. I was hurt. I was drunk. That was a different time then. Dixie has never been a bitch, but I was a jerk. I was also selfish. I knew who she loved. I wouldn’t let her go, even knowing I wasn’t her first choice. I was wrong. I made it right though.” Steel paused and then turned his gaze to Asher. “And today I get to see the brother who has never had one selfish motive when it comes to us get to marry the girl he was meant for. I’m happy for you. No one needs to doubt that.”

Asher stood there only a moment before moving toward Steel. They hugged. Mushy shit. I needed that whiskey.

“If I get called a pussy by any of you for crying, I will beat your fucking ass. I am bigger than all of you now. You don’t want any of this,” Dallas said as he wiped a tear away.

Asher laughed and I saw the unshed tears in his eyes. They were all a bunch of pussies.

“Don’t,” Brent muttered.

I looked at him and he was staring at me. “Don’t. Whatever you are thinking… don’t say it.”

I laughed then. “Whatever,” I replied then stood up to put some distance between me and the emotional outburst, heading to see the crowd for myself.

“Ten minutes,” Brent said.

“Wooohoo!” Dallas cheered.

I ignored their ridiculous cheer and studied the crowd. They were all seated now. It was packed. Standing room only. They would all see the beautiful bride and believe in the fairy tale that they’d watched unfold. If anyone deserved a fairy tale, it was Asher. I wanted them to have their day. To be happy. I just fucking hated that no one seemed to care that Dixie’s best friend wasn’t here. No one noticed her absence. It was as if Scarlet had never existed.

A flash of red hair. The jolt that came with it. I scowled and cursed myself. Always. I did it every time. I didn’t stand there any longer and try to see more of the girl attached to the hair. There was no point. It was never who I wanted it to be.