Kissed by Krista Street

Chapter 20


Something is going on with Avery. I paced in one of the palace’s large open rooms used for entertaining guests, as Nick and Reese prepared themselves for the ritual.

A niggling feeling ate away at the back of my mind. Avery had been tired since we’d arrived in the fae lands. I knew she’d been through a lot in the past few days, but I had a feeling that something else explained her tiredness.

But what exactly that was, I didn’t know.

I paused, my feet coming to a stop on the stone floor. If only Avery would talk to me.

I’d checked on her after she’d retired to the bed chambers. She’d been fast asleep, but twenty minutes had already passed since. If she was only taking a cat nap, it was likely she would wake soon, and I needed to lay my eyes on her. I needed to know that she was okay, and most importantly, I wanted to know exactly what was going on as soon as she woke up.

I’d demand . . . no, scratch that. I’d request that she speak with me and tell me what was bothering her.

Fucking A. It was hard to fight my instinct to dominate and demand submission, but I’d learned my lesson. No forcing my mate.

I was two steps away from the door just as Nick and Reese were finishing the last of their preparations for the unlinking ritual, when Avery careened around the corner and barreled right into me.

I fell back, my foot automatically planting behind me on the stone to stop us from falling. I caught her, my arms closing around her. She’d been moving so fast, even faster than a vamp. Gods, she’d grown so powerful.

“Whoa,” I managed. I held her to me, peering down at her frantic expression. “Looks like you’re awake.”

Her eyes flashed to mine, violet light swirling in them. Shit, what the hell is going on?

“Where are Nick and Reese?” she blurted out, but then her eyes widened when she saw them behind me.

“They’ve been preparing for the ritual. I believe they’re almost—”

She broke free from my arms and raced toward the sorcerers. That churning feeling in my stomach increased as I took in her manic energy.

She blurred to a stop, Nick doing a double take when she suddenly reappeared. “Are you ready? To do the unlinking ritual?” she asked.

Nick and Reese had been in deep discussion, but both stopped short.

I prowled closer to them, my gut clenching. I didn’t fully understand how they would conduct the ritual, but I knew it was complicated. Not many sorcerers were capable of what they were about to attempt.

“Yes, I believe we’re ready,” Reese replied evenly. “It’s not a simple ritual, though. We must get everything precisely right, or it could result in more harm than good.”

Avery grasped his hands, violet light bleeding through her irises again. “You need to unlink Verasellee and the elf lord now. We cannot wait any longer.”

Nick and Reese glanced at one another warily, then at me.

When I reached Avery’s side, energy wafted around her. It was so strong, even my dominant energy wanted to submit. Fuck, she was powerful.

As if feeling similar, Reese took a cautious step back. “What’s most important right now is that we save you, Avery,” he replied calmly. “We need to unlink your soul from theirs so that the elf lord can no longer track you.”

“No!” she exclaimed, and the force of her command thundered through my ears, rose the hair along my arms, and made me want to drop to my knees. The goddess shone in her eyes, and the power of the Gods demanded that we do her bidding.

Nick and Reese responded, too, both lowering, bowing, as if intrinsically aware that we must do as she desired.

My breath caught in my throat. Gods. What is happening?

“You must unlink Verasellee and Lord Godasara only,” she continued. “Do not unlink me and the goddess. Please. I know what I’m doing.”

I shifted to stand behind my mate. Some of her power eased, releasing the chokehold she had on all of us. My hands automatically lifted, coming to rest on her shoulders as the urge to touch and comfort her nearly overwhelmed me. She was still my mate. Mine to protect. Even if she wielded enough power to command an army.

She jumped at the sudden contact.

“Avery,” I said softly, gently turning her to face me. My heart stopped. That anxious feeling again coated my stomach at the frantic swirling violet light in her eyes. “What are you not telling us?”

She took a step closer, her expression yearning, until her hands settled on my hips. Squeezing, she said, “Please, just trust me. You trust me, don’t you?”

“With my life.”

“Then believe me when I tell you that this is how it has to be.”

My jaw locked, as warring emotions battled inside me. On the one hand, I knew that she was in full panic mode. And rarely did a panicked decision result in a good outcome.

But on the other hand, she’d proven me wrong, time and time again.

Before, I hadn’t listened to her. I hadn’t let her make her own decisions. I’d forced my will and dominance on her, and each time it had ended disastrously.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to submit to her. “What do you need us to do?”