Bluebeard and the Outlaw by Tara Grayce

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Thanks so much for reading Bluebeard and the Outlaw! I hope you enjoyed Guy and Robin’s romance. If you loved the book, please consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Reviews help your fellow readers find books that they will love.

Thank you to everyone who made this release possible! To my writer friends, especially Molly, Morgan, and Addy for loving Guy and Robin so much! Thanks also to Savannah, Sierra, and the entire Spinster Aunt gang for being so encouraging and helpful. I would not be where I am without you guys! A special thanks to H.S.J. Williams for the lovely artwork of Robin!

A special thanks to my dad and mom, my sisters-in-law Alyssa and Abby, and my brothers. You guys are the best! To Bri for helping me brainstorm Bluebeard and the Outlaw and being so excited about this book! To Paula and Jill for always being excited about my books no matter what I write. To my proofreaders Tom, Mindy, and Deborah, thanks so much for helping to eradicate the typos as much as humanly possible.

A special thanks once again to the entire A Villain’s Ever After gang: Camille Peters, Lichelle Slater, Nina Clare, Allison Tebo, Lea Doué, Alesha Adamson, W.R. Gingell, Lucy Tempest, J.M. Stengl, A.G. Marshall, and Sylvia Mercedes. This was such a great experience working with all of you!

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If you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll receive a free novella, Elf Prince (Elven Alliance Book 1.5). This novella shows the beginning of Fierce Heart from Farrendel’s point of view.

Farrendel Laesornysh, prince of the elves, never expected he would marry, much less that he would marry a human princess.

When a marriage alliance is the appeasement the humans of Escarland demand, this marriage is a price Farrendel is willing to pay, even if it is probably a trick by the humans for some devious purpose. It is either marriage or war, and Farrendel has already killed enough for a lifetime.

The human princess is probably a spy. Or an assassin sent to kill him on his wedding night. Yet if he can make this marriage work, as his grandmother seems to think, it might be the first breath of hope Farrendel has had in over a decade.

You will also receive the free novella Steal a Swordmaiden’s Heart, which is set in the same world as Stolen Midsummer Bride and Bluebeard and the Outlaw!