Bad for You by Weston Parker



Tristin was rock hard between my legs, his hips moving as he kissed me like he’d die if he stopped. Or maybe that was just the way I felt and I was projecting those feelings onto him. Whatever it was, I hadn’t ever felt this level of need or urgency.

Things had been intense between us when we’d been together before, but it hadn’t come close to what it felt like now. His lips were firm and sure, his body harder and bigger than ever before.

There was no fumbling, no pausing, and no uncertainty. We didn’t laugh, play around, or have to keep an ear out for parents or in the case of it having been at his house, servants who could come through the door at any moment.

It was just us, our need for each other lighting me up from the inside out and making me feel downright wanton. There was no going slow and steady toward the finish line. It was a race, a sprint, but if everything went according to plan, we would both be winners tonight.

His long fingers reached around my back and unhooked my bra without any hesitation at all. I remembered the first time he’d tried that, and it had definitely become much smoother movements since.

Not wanting to think about all the practice he must’ve gotten over the years, I lifted myself up on my knees when he reached for my panties and kicked them free as soon as I could.

My mouth left his to kiss a path down his jaw, meeting the prickly stubble that had grown there during the day. It didn’t put me off, though. In fact, it just reminded me of how much we’d both grown, spurring me on to move further down.

I kissed his neck and grazed my teeth over his collarbones, licked and sucked at his nipples as my fingers hooked into the waistband of his underwear. He sucked in a sharp breath, trembling a little when my hand brushed over the wetness of his tip as I lifted the fabric over his straining erection.

He took over from there, his hands under my arms as he tried bringing me back up. I shook my head, my tongue tasting the skin of his abs before I flashed him a grin. “Nuh-uh. Wait your turn.”

“Fuck that,” he groaned. “I’ve waited long enough.”

Arms like a steel band around me, he hauled me up until I was sitting on his face, and his warm breath ghosted over my very slick core. I moaned, or he did, or maybe it was both of us, but the semantics didn’t really matter.

Before he could get his mouth on me and make me forget even my own name, I repositioned myself to be able to carry out my earlier mission at the same time. Since we hadn’t switched on any lights in our haste to get to my bed, it was dark in the room.

The only light came from the one fixture I had outside in the backyard. My bedroom faced the garden, and I liked being able to see the lawn and trees from my bed, so my curtains were sheer. They were drawn, but I could make out enough that I saw the arousal glistening on his smooth head.

When I took him into my mouth, he moaned my name before spreading my thighs apart with his large hands. I kept my hands on his legs for balance, my fingers stroking over the coarse hairs there as I tried to give as good as I got.

Tristin’s tongue was like magic, though. Better than anything I’d felt since, well, probably ever. When his fingers joined the party and crooked inside me just as he flicked my throbbing clit with the tip of his tongue, I had to stop. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I was pretty sure I was going to be too lost in a minute to remember not to bite or squeeze too hard.

He murmured against me, his own muscles tensing and relaxing as he drove me to the edge. “Let go for me, baby. I want to taste your sweet release before I feel it.”

“Fuck,” I ground out between clenched teeth, my head bowing even as my back arched and I strained back against him. “Since when do you talk that way?”

“Since I grew up and wasn’t too shy to tell the truth anymore,” he said in a voice that bordered on a growl. “Come for me, babe. I need to fuck you, but I’m not sure how long I’m going to last once I get inside you. Do it. I can feel how close you are.”

Well, okay, then.I hadn’t known how much dirty talk turned me on until that very moment, but as soon as his mouth was back on me, I was a goner. Such a goner that I actually screamed when I followed his command and let go.

My orgasm was so powerful that it sucked every ounce of strength out of my body, making me see nothing but bright white light and hear only a faint ringing in my ears for several minutes after it subsided. Tristin didn’t give me much time to recover, his own desperation winning out after he gently lowered me to the bed.

He was hovering over me, his dick right there when he let out a loud curse. “We need a condom.”

“Nightstand,” I panted, a little amused by the look of sheer panic that had crossed his face when he’d thought he had to get up. “Don’t worry. The box is still sealed. It’s been in there for a long time.”

He didn’t ask any questions, though his nose scrunched up for a second before he let out a heavy breath. “Fine, but we’re chucking out that box and replacing it with one I’ll bring next time.”

A shiver passed through me. “Next time?”

“Next time,” he promised, kissing me hard and then getting down to the business of protection.

It didn’t take him long, his movements jerky but lighting fast. When he settled back over me, he reached for my hands, brought his lips back to mine, and kissed me deeply as he sank into me.

Despite his worries, it turned out that I was still sensitive enough that he got me right back to the edge before we went tumbling over it together. He stretched me out in ways that were too delicious not to drive me to the brink of insanity, filled me up and rolled his pelvis against my clit at the exact moment I needed it most.

When I felt his movements becoming less rhythmic, I held him tight and chased my own release just as he found his. It was even more intense than the first one had been, the moment so intimate that I knew it would be imprinted on my mind for the rest of time.

“Wait a second,” Tristin murmured once we caught our breath. He lay with his head on my pillow and mine on his chest, one arm hooked behind his head as he looked around. “This is your bedroom.”

“Yeah?” I frowned before poking him in the side and letting out a soft giggle. “Did you think I’d taken you to someone else’s house?”

“No.” He chuckled and glanced down at me so I could see him roll his eyes. Withdrawing his arm from behind his head, he reached out to flick on the lamp on the nightstand and propped himself up on his elbow. “I wasn’t really listening when you gave the driver your address, and then I was so wrapped up in you that I didn’t realize it was the same house. What I meant was that this is your room, the same one we spent so much time in as teenagers.”

I shrugged as I tracked his gaze when it swept around the space now bathed in muted light from behind the lampshade. It was the same room, but it had changed a lot over the years. “I took down the posters and got some new furniture.”

“You also changed the outside,” he commented, his fingers stroking lightly along the bare flesh on my shoulder. “I’d have recognized it immediately otherwise.”

Smirking playfully, I lifted my head to arch a brow at him. “Really? Because I could’ve sworn you were too busy groping me and looking at my ass while I was trying to unlock the door.”

“True.” He laughed, tickling my side as he rolled over to pin me to the bed with his upper body. His expression sobered as he stared lazily into my eyes. “I can’t believe this is the same room. Some of my favorite memories were made in here.”

“Yeah?” I smiled and ran my fingertips up and down his muscular arms, relishing the gooseflesh they left in their wake.

He kissed the tip of my nose, a lock of his dark hair falling across his forehead. “Yeah. Don’t you remember all the afternoons we spent in here pretending to study when we were actually making out? Those were some of the best times of my life.”

“Mine too,” I agreed quietly, then broke eye contact in an attempt to hide the emotions suddenly trying to overwhelm me. “We were damn good together until we weren’t.”

Tristin’s heart beat steadily against my chest, but something about the way his body tensed above mine made me look back at him. “I still don’t really understand why or how we ended. We were damn good together. If you ask me, there was never a time when we weren’t. I mean, fuck, we still are.”

The urge to tell him the truth slammed into me, but I couldn’t do it. Driving a wedge between him and his family during such a difficult, delicate time for them just seemed wrong. Just earlier tonight he’d been telling me how things already weren’t easy for him.

If I told him now that Selena had been responsible for our breakup, there was no telling how much more difficult I would make things. It wasn’t fair to pile that onto him right now along with everything else he was going through.

I didn’t know if his father had been involved in what she’d done, but I’d always assumed he had to have at least known about her little chat with me. With Luke already being in such poor health, I was also afraid of how any possible fallout might affect him.

So no. Now isn’t the time for the truth. I would tell Tristin eventually. Once things calmed down a little. I’d been keeping it to myself for fifteen years; another few weeks wouldn’t make a difference. Especially not in light of his father’s heart attack and the strain they were all already under.

“We are good together,” I agreed but left it there. Brushing his hair back with my fingers, I wriggled to get free. “It never felt right to move into my parents’ bedroom, so I stayed in here. I did make some changes to the exterior, though. There was a lot of repair work and maintenance to be done. I painted, broke down the old porch and replaced it with a longer, narrower one, and got a new door. A landscaping company also came in to spruce up the front garden a bit. Make it easier to maintain.”

“You’ve done a great job.” He sat up after lifting himself off me, the sheet falling to his hips, making him look like a cover model for one of those sexy romance novels I loved so much.

“Thanks.” My robe hung from the hook next to my closet, and I pulled it on once I’d climbed out of the bed, securing the belt around my waist. “I’m just going to take a shower. I need to be up early, and I never sleep well if I don’t rinse the day off first.”

“Okay, I can take the hint.” He grinned and showed me his palms in surrender. “You should know that now that you’re single, I’m going to do my best to sweep you off your feet. I’m leaving now, but I’ll be back, Brittany Cleaver. Count on it.”

Long after he was gone, I replayed those words in my head. Nerves meshed with excitement in my insides, stealing sleep away from me even now that I had washed the day off. I’d wanted a second chance with him for so long, and it seemed like I was about to get it.

My heart soared at the possibility, but my brain was a little more reserved about it. Just because we still had incredible chemistry and the sex was even better than ever didn’t mean we’d be able to make it work as adults. Losing him a second time would break me, shatter my soul into so many pieces I wasn’t sure I’d ever recover.

It also wasn’t even just that. I hadn’t told him the truth before because I’d been a kid who had been scared of his mother, but I couldn’t hide behind that now. I wasn’t eighteen anymore, and while I hadn’t had any interactions with her since, I couldn’t claim Selena still scared me as much.

Sure, I had my reasons now for not telling him, but they weren’t the same reasons as before. Irrespective of how great all of those reasons sounded to me, I wasn’t sure he would agree that any of them were good enough to have kept this from him then and to be keeping it from him now. Which meant that after everything, our past might very well come back to haunt us. To break us apart. For good this time.

But I still couldn’t take the chance to tell him. Not when his father’s life potentially hung in the balance.