Bad for You by Weston Parker



Being with her again was the most powerful, most intense moment of my life. I didn’t tell her, but she might also have had a point about the not needing that long thing.

I didn’t think I’d ever been this hard, and if I had been, I couldn’t remember it. It was worse than it had been that first night we’d been together, the night I’d taken her virginity. Worse than it had been all the times since—alone or with her.

My cock was straining to get to her, and yet there wasn’t any part of me that wanted to rush this. Not when she was lying beneath me, laughing and threading her fingers through my hair, her expression happier and more relaxed than I’d seen it in a long time. Certainly since before we’d broken up the first time.

Lust burned in her eyes to the point where they looked like twin flames of mercurial fire staring up into mine, but she seemed to be just as content about taking it slow. I unwrapped her like she was the best gift I’d ever received, but truthfully? She was.

Not even the Porsche I’d gotten for my sixteenth birthday had been better than this chance she was giving me. Nothing in the entire fucking world could be better than that—with the exception of if I’d had a ring with me this afternoon after all and she’d have said yes to me.

I was pretty sure that was going to top every other moment in my life, every other gift I could or ever had received. But I could be patient for now. There were more pressing things we needed to discuss anyway, like the house I’d signed for this morning and was being put in both our names, but even that could wait for now.

Removing every piece of her clothing until she was lying naked on her bed, gazing up at me with so much heat in her eyes that it was threatening to consume me, I started by taking one dusky pink, peaked nipple into my mouth.

Only when she was moaning and writhing beneath me did I move on to give the same treatment to the next one. My hands skirted up and down the smooth skin of her sides, her thighs, and then finally, one of my fingers found the slick heat between her legs.

Her lips parted on a gasp when I slid my finger inside her, moaning at how wet and tight she was. Jesus. This really isn’t going to take long.

My hips were already involuntarily moving in small little thrusts that did nothing to take the edge off. When she started murmuring incoherent words and soaking my hand, I eased off, swallowing her whimpers with my mouth.

“If I feel or hear you come right now,” I whispered, “I’m going right over the edge with you, and that’s not happening until I’m inside you.”

“You better get a condom on, then,” she ground out, moving against my hand as her half-open eyes bored into mine.

I stilled against her. “Fuck. I didn’t bring one. I came here to woo you and get you back, not fuck you.”

“Woo me?” Despite our tragic circumstances, she managed to crack a smile before a shuddering breath left her. She stopped moving too, pushing herself up on her elbows and swiping her tongue over her lips as she blinked me back into full focus. “Okay, so I guess it’s that time, then, huh? To stop what’s happening and do the responsible thing, because I don’t have any condoms either. We finished the stash you left here, and I didn’t think it was necessary to stock up again.”

“We’re stopping?” I couldn’t help the note of devastation that crept into my voice, but I knew she was right, so I collapsed back on her bed and let out a really pathetic groan. “Fuck. I’m going to need a minute or thirty.”

She surprised me when she giggled and lifted the arm I’d slung over my eyes, bringing her face close to hover above mine. “First, there’s plenty of other stuff we could do, so stop acting like your life is over.”

“It feels like it is,” I lamented before releasing a deep breath and peering up at her curiously. “If that was first, what’s second?”

“If we’re doing this for real, committing to an exclusive, serious relationship with the aim of staying together forever, then I guess it’s time we talk about sex like the grown-ups we’re supposed to be for a second.”

“I’d rather be having it than talking about it, but sure.”

Her fingertips skated across my thighs, then hooked into the waistband of my shorts. My shirt had gone flying somewhere along the line, but we hadn’t gotten to this step yet, which was good since I wasn’t sure if I’d have been able to stop if I’d been naked.

Brittany let her hand rest where it was, taking pity or showing mercy or something by not touching me right away. “Are you clean?”

“Yeah. Sure. Why? I got tested at my last physical before I left the Air Force as part of the formalities.”

“I’m clean too,” she said quietly, biting her lips before she added, “I got tested at the staff wellness day just before break.”

“Wait a second.” My eyes stretched open as far as they could go, my cock going back to throbbing twice as hard as before. “Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”

“Yep. If you want to.” Her gaze met mine, shining with love, trust, and honesty. “It’s still a risk, but shark week was last week for me, so timing-wise on that front, we should be okay too.”

“If I want to?” I almost didn’t let her finish her sentence before I rolled on top of her again, our hands working together to remove my shorts and underwear as fast as we could. “Of course I fucking want to. I’ve wanted to for most of my life, and if you get pregnant right here, right now, the day we find out will be one of the best days of my life. The day we met, the day we get married, and the day we get to hold each of our babies will probably hold the top spots, but still. Finding out will definitely rank up there somewhere.”

“You’re that serious?”

“I’m that serious.” I kissed her again, holding her hands on the pillow beside her head when I finally sank into her with nothing between us. It felt better than I ever could’ve imagined, and I had to grit my teeth not to lose it right there. “I love you, baby. Always have. Always will.”

“I love you too, Tristin,” she whispered against my lips, biting back a moan as I seated myself fully inside her. “Even after all this time, I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you, and I never will.”

Her words got to me as much as her body, and when I finally started moving, I didn’t stop until we’d both seen the stars. Fuck, I was pretty sure I even touched one.

Holding her tight as I waited for the feeling to return to my limbs and my heart to settle back into its normal rhythm, I gazed down at her and kissed the top of her sweet-smelling hair. “Everything feels too perfect. You’re sure you’re on board, right? You’re not about to kick me out again?”

“Depends.” A lazy smile spread on her face, her fingertips dancing over the bare skin on my chest as she angled her head up to look into my eyes. “Are you sure I’m going to fit into your world? I’m never going to wear heels that high or clothes that formal. Nor am I ever going to have drivers take me around or look down my nose at anyone.”

“I’ve said this to you a few times now, but I’ll say it again.” My gaze bored into hers, my tone as serious as it had ever been. “You are my world. I want to build a life with you, a casual, driverless one if that’s what you want. I don’t care about my mother and her crowd. All that matters to me is you and Lou, and all the other babies we’re going to have together.”

Her smile grew wider as she hugged me with the arm draped over my chest. “You better be as good as your word because I won’t have any trouble taking your money and running.”

With the serious moment between us effectively broken by her words, I laughed and relaxed into her grip. “The money will be worth nothing to me if I don’t have you. You’re the only one I’ve ever really wanted to spend it on, anyway. Speaking of which, I did a thing this morning.”

“What did you do?” she asked, suspiciously but without tensing.

I took a deep breath. “In the interest of full disclosure, I should start by saying that I only signed the papers this morning. We have time before any of us could move in anyway, but even when the transaction goes through, there’s still no rush.”

She lifted her head from my chest, propping herself up on her elbow as her hair fell in a curtain around her face. “Move in?”

“I couldn’t very well make the ultimatums I did and then stay in my parents’ house, so I moved out. I’m living in a hotel at the moment, and while room service is a definite bonus, I don’t want to live there forever. So I contacted a realtor, and then I, uh, I kind of bought us a house.”

Disbelieving laughter came out of her, but when she realized I wasn’t kidding, she groaned and buried her head in my chest. “You bought us a house?”

“Yes, but if you’d rather live here for now, then I won’t put any pressure on you whatsoever. In fact, if you’d rather live here forever, then I’ll just move in with you when you’re ready.”

She let out a soft sigh, rolling over until she was on her back and then glancing around her old room. A few silent minutes later, she turned her head to face me again with a smile on her lips.

“If we’re really doing this, building a life together for ourselves, then we should start fresh,” she said. “I’m not agreeing to moving in with you today, but when the time comes, I’ll rent this place out.”

Overwhelmed by pure love and total gratitude for everything she was and ever would be, I pinned her down and kissed her again, convinced that I was feeling ecstatic for the first time in my life.