Daddy’s Little Liar by Lila Fox

Chapter Ten


Rylan felt like it took forever for the elevator to get to the top floor. While he was praying they got to her in time, Duncan called the police and a few of his team that were still in the building.

They both jumped out, and his heart felt like it stopped when they heard her terrified scream, and they took off that way.

Rylan would never get rid of the picture of her with her top torn as one man held her down on top of a desk while the other fought to get her pants off.

“You get her, Rylan, and I’ll take care of them,” Duncan said.

“Fuck, I want a crack at them.”

“She needs you, man.”

He heard Duncan grunt and then grab the first guy. After that, his whole focus was on taking care of Faith.

He caught her up in his arms. “Baby, it’s me, Rylan,” he yelled as she fought him and kept screaming. As he held her pinned against his chest, he made his way to his office, closed the door, and sat down on the sofa with her in his lap. She continued to fight, but he could tell her energy and strength were maxed.

“Shhh. Baby, you’re safe,” he chanted until she finally settled against his chest.

“Rylan?” she asked in a weak voice.

“Yeah, baby, it’s me.”

“How did you know where I was?”

“This afternoon, I had a suspicion you were living in the building. My head of security and I went through the tapes from the last several days. We were checking on where you were right now because I was planning to get you. That’s when we saw them dragging you—”

She started to sob. “They were going to … to…”

“Shhh, you don’t have to say it.”

His heart tripped in his chest when her arms went around his neck, and she tucked her face against his shoulder. His arms surrounded her and held her tightly against his chest as she cried.

He heard several running feet come off the elevator and head the other way.

She flinched and stiffened when there was a knock at the door.

“Easy, baby. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

“Come in,” he yelled.

Duncan came through the door. “How is she doing?”

“She’s frightened but doing better.”

Duncan glanced at him with a hard look in his eyes. “Everything’s taken care of.”

Rylan nodded. “Baby, let me introduce you to a good friend of mine. Duncan takes care of the security in the building.”

She turned her head to look at Duncan when he sat on the sofa table in front of them. Rylan saw her eyes widen, and then tears filled them.

“What’s wrong?” Rylan asked her, thinking she was afraid of Duncan. He was a big man, and when he frowned, he scared most everyone.

“He’s hurt, and it’s my fault.

Rylan glanced at Duncan to see what she meant. All he saw was his hair had been messed up. There was a bit of swelling to his lip, and his knuckles were red for taking on two guys who were nothing.

“I’m not hurt, honey,” Duncan said.

“Your knuckles are bleeding.”

Both men snorted.

“This is nothing. I get worse when I box with this guy.”

“You fight each other?” she cried.

“Yeah.” Duncan grinned.

“I thought you liked each other.”

Rylan chuckled. “We do, baby. It’s not the type of fighting you’re thinking of. We box together as exercise, and it helps with stress.”

Her mouth turned down. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s ’cause you’re a girl,” Duncan accused her in a funny voice.

To Rylan’s delight, she laughed. “Yes, I am.” She stiffened when there was another knock on the door.

Duncan got up to answer. He turned to Rylan. “It’s the cop here to ask her questions.”

Rylan made sure she was covered and tucked her closer to his body when she started shaking. “Baby, it’s going to be okay. Just tell them the truth, all right?”

She tightened her grip on his shirt and nodded at him.

“Good girl.” He looked at Duncan. “Let him in.”

The officer walked in. “I’m sorry. I know this is a bad time, but I have a few questions.”

She glanced at the cop and then back at him.

He nodded and smiled reassuringly.

Duncan led him over to a chair. “Have a seat.”

Rylan was glad when Duncan came and sat on the sofa with them.

“Tell me how you know the men,” the officer told her.

“They both work in the building. The man, S-Steve, I met before I started w … working here. He dates a friend of mine.”

“What were you doing in the building this late?”

“I—” She glanced up at Rylan. “I’m sorry.”

“Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for. I just wish you had trusted me enough to talk to me.”

She turned back to the cop. “I was living here until I saved enough money for a down payment on an apartment.”

“You had nowhere else to go?”

She shook her head. “Besides a homeless shelter, no. I swear I wasn’t hurting anything or anybody.”

The cop nodded. “The owner of the business, Mr. Simmons, would have to contact us and accuse you of trespassing, and only then could we investigate. Since the owner’s here, I think you’re all right.”

The cop looked down at his pad of paper. “Have they threatened you in the past?”

“They cornered me on the elevator one day and said some things, but I ignored them. Then about three days ago, I heard them outside the door here. I slept on Rylan’s sofa because I felt safe. They tried to get in, and I hid. They somehow unlocked the door and came in. That’s when I heard them talking about r … r … raping me.”

Furious, Rylan clenched his teeth. She had to have been terrified, he thought. He tightened his hold on her. “Shh, they’ll never hurt you again.”

The police officer stood. “That’s all I need for now. Can I get in touch with her here if I have any more questions?”

“Yes, she’ll be with me.”

The officer nodded and left.

Rylan looked over at Duncan. “I’m going to take her home.”

“I’ll call the car service. Do you want me to get her things?”

“Baby, is there anything here that you need tonight?”

“No. But all my clothes are in my bag. How long will I be with you?”

“We’ll talk about it, but if I have my way, forever.”

“Good.” Duncan stood, took a few steps away, and made a call.

“Forever?” she asked in shock.

“How about we talk about this later? I want to get you home and taken care of. Is there any place you hurt?”

“No, I just ache a little bit.”

“I’ll make you feel better.”

She sighed and tucked her face against this neck.

“The car will be downstairs waiting. Should I get her bag?”

Rylan looked at her. “Faith, where’s your bag?”

“In a storage room on the fourth floor.”

Duncan nodded. “I know where that is. I’ll bring it down.”

Rylan watched Duncan walk out and stood.

“I think I can walk.”

He shook his head. “No, I need to hold you.”

She didn’t argue but tightened her arms around his neck.

He took the elevator down to the first floor and went out the back, where a big black car was waiting. He’d just gotten her settled in the back of the car when Duncan came out the door with her duffle bag.

“Do you need me for anything else tonight?” Duncan asked.

Rylan shook his head.

“Call if you do.”

Rylan waved. “Thank you.”

Duncan grinned and went back into the building.

Rylan got in the car and was pleased when Faith immediately scooted closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. He lifted her onto his lap. “Hang on, baby. We’ll be home soon.”