Daddy’s Little Liar by Lila Fox

Chapter Two


They ate in silence for a moment.

Rylan pointed to Larkin’s plate. “That looks better than what I’m having.”

She pushed her plate his way. “Do you want to share?”

He grinned. “No, but thank you.” He looked at Darian. “You’ve got a sweet girl here.”

“I think so. Most of the time.”

Rylan chuckled when she gasped in outrage.

“Daddy, I can’t believe you said that.”

Darian cupped her chin. “Are there times when you do things you know you’re not supposed to?”

Her bottom lip came out in a pout. “Maybe.”

Darian snorted.

Out of the corner of his eye, Rylan saw the waitress stop at the table of men. She had a tray of food she was dispensing when one of the men reached out and grabbed her ass.

Startled, Faith shook and lost control of the tray, and it crashed to the ground. The men yelled, and she started crying.

“That prick. I hope the manager throws their asses out,” Rylan said with a growl. His anger grew when the manager yelled at Faith. Rylan stood. “I’ll be right back.” He walked over to the group. “Sir, it’s not her fault. I saw this dickhead grab her ass.”

The manager looked at the man and then back at Rylan.

“I can’t see Mr. Bowman doing something like that. Besides, this woman is beyond clumsy.”

“I don’t give a fuck who the man is.”

“He’s a well-known lawyer in town,” the manager told him.

“Like I said, I don’t care. I saw what happened.”

Rylan glanced at Darian as he came to stand beside him. “I saw the same thing.”

“I’m sure you mean well, but she’s not a good fit for my restaurant. She’s been here a short time and has already broken several dishes.”

“You’re going to fire her because of this prick?” Rylan asked.

“Hey, who the fuck are you?” Mr. Bowman asked.

“I’m Rylan Simmons of the Simmons Corporation.” He enjoyed it when all the men recognized him and paled.

“Be as it may,” the manager said. “This was going to be her last day.”

“Hey,” Rylan yelled at Faith when she cried out, turned, and ran off.

Rylan scowled at the men. “This is fucked up, and I certainly won’t be eating here again. I’ll tell my friends not to eat here either. You just lost a lot of business because of that asshole.”

“But … wait…” the manager said.

Rylan ignored him, turned, and walked back to their table. He was pleased when Darian threw some bills down and helped Larkin to her feet.

“I can’t believe what happened. Those men were so mean,” Larkin said and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

“They’re assholes,” Darian said. “Let’s get out of here.”

Rylan threw some money down and walked behind them as they exited the restaurant.

“I wish we had grabbed the girl before she took off,” Darian said.

“Hold on. I’m going to get her information from someone,” Rylan said. He walked out a few minutes later, frustrated. “They either won’t give out the information, or they don’t have any. All the hostesses could tell me was Faith started working here a few days ago, and far as they know, she’s on her own and hasn’t made friends.”

“Let me make a call,” Darian said.

Rylan squeezed the back of his neck. Jesus, the poor girl had no one, and it broke his heart. That was the type of person his father would have helped.

Rylan looked around. “Where’s Larkin?”

Darian stuck his phone in his pocket and scowled as they looked around. “She knows better than this,” he grumbled.

Rylan followed Darian as they walked down the sidewalk. He caught a flash of color out of the corner of his eyes and looked down the alley. “I see her.”

Both men headed that way to find Larkin and Faith sitting on a wooden crate, crying together and holding hands. Both girls’ faces were red from crying.

“Pet, don’t you ever walk off like that again,” Darian said.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I saw her, and I had to talk to her.”

“I understand that, but next time, tell me.”

Larkin nodded.

Rylan squatted down by Faith. “I’m sorry you got fired.”

Faith sniff and nodded. “It’s okay. They’re assholes.”

Rylan bit back a chuckle. “Young ladies should not be cursing.”

She rolled her eyes. “Well, it’s good I’m not a lady then.”

Larkin snorted and pressed her hand against her mouth, but Rylan could still hear the giggles she tried to hide.

Darian pulled Larkin up and put his arm around her waist.

Rylan grinned. “What are you going to do now?”

Faith shrugged.

“I asked you a question, Faith.”

She sniffed again. “That doesn’t mean I have to answer it.”

“Oh, Daddy, she sounds like a brat. She’s going to get spanked,” Larkin whispered to Darian.

“Where are you going from here?” Rylan asked again.


She tried to stand, but Rylan reached out and put his hand on her arm to keep her in place.

“Not yet. Now tell me what your plans are.” He caught the flash of desperation in her eyes before she blocked it, and he knew she needed some kind of help.

She shrugged.

He sighed. “I’m asking because I can get you a job in my building if you need one.”

Her eyes widened. “Where is that?”

“It’s just eight blocks away.”

“How do I know I can trust you?”

“You can’t, really.”

“He’s a good guy,” Larkin said. “My daddy trusts him.”

Her brows puckered. “Daddy? But…”

“It’s a long story,” Larkin told her.

“I want you to come to my office.” Rylan handed her his card. “Tell them I sent you. I want you there tomorrow at eight sharp. Can you do that?”

“This is for real?”

“Yes, baby.”

She still looked suspicious. “What would I be doing?” Faith asked.

“I’m not sure yet. Do you know how to use a computer?”


“Good. We’ll figure it out.”

“Why are you doing this for me?” Faith asked.

“Because I think you got a shitty deal, and I wanted to help you.” He stood and then helped her to her feet. “Let’s get you home.”

The four walked back toward the street.

She froze. “Listen, I don’t think it would be smart to show you where I live. It’s only a few blocks from here.”

Rylan studied her face. He had a gut-wrenching feeling that if he let her go right now, he’d never see her again.

“You promise to come to the office tomorrow?”

He watched as she studied his card then nodded. “Yes.”

He cupped her chin in the palm of his hand. “Don’t waste this opportunity, Faith.”

“I won’t.”

“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Rylan watched her walk off and almost snatched her back. He hoped and prayed he was doing the right thing, letting her walk off without more information. He’d know for sure in the morning.