Daddy’s Little Liar by Lila Fox

Chapter Twenty-One


Rylan held her tightly against his chest as he and Duncan tried to gain back enough of their strength to pull out of her.

“Shhh,” he said when she whimpered. “We’ll get you taken care of. Just sleep.”

“I’ll be right back,” Duncan said as he walked into the bathroom.

Rylan moved them up the mattress until their heads were on the pillows. He heard the shower, and then a few minutes later, Duncan came out of the room with a towel around his waist and a washcloth in his hands. “Let me clean her up a bit.”

“Thank you,” Rylan said.

After Duncan wiped her off and disposed of the cloth, he pulled the blanket up over them.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll head home. I’ve got quite a bit of packing to do.”

Rylan grinned. “You found a house?”

“Yeah. It’s close to yours.”

Another piece fell into place. “Good. I’m glad.”

Rylan closed his eyes as Duncan got dressed. They opened when Duncan leaned over and kissed Faith on the forehead. “She’s something. You’re a lucky bastard. If you ever need to punish her like this again, call me.”

“I know I’m a lucky guy. I know you want someone like her, and we’ll find you one. Just wait.”

“I’d like that a lot.” Duncan turned at the door. “It’s going to be funny seeing her the first time after this.”

Rylan chuckled. “She’ll probably run the other way.”

They both laughed.

“I’ll see you later.”

“Thanks again, man.”

Duncan grinned. “No, I should thank you.”

Rylan laughed as he closed the door. He turned and spooned Faith, closed his eyes, and slept.

He had no idea how long they slept, but dusk had fallen because the room was just about dark. When he glanced at the clock, he saw it was only seven, but he needed to get them up and fed. They would come back to bed, hold each other, and talk some more.

“Honey, wake up.”

She rolled to her back and stretched.

His heart felt like it was ready to burst when she looked up at him and smiled. He cupped her cheek, lowered his head, and kissed her.

They were both breathing hard, and she was clinging to him by the time he lifted his head.

“I don’t ever want to lose you. You’re the other part of my soul. Please don’t ever take that from me. I wouldn’t survive.”

Tears filled her eyes, and she touched his face. “I’m sorry. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, baby.”

They kissed for a long time until he put a stop to it. “Let’s go down and eat, and then we’ll come back up here and cuddle.”

“I’d like that a lot, Daddy.”


He pulled on some silky sleep pants and put her in a robe.

Most of the staff were in their own apartments in the back of the house, but Rylan knew Karina had left something for them. He looked in the warmer to find two plates of roast beef, potatoes, and carrots.

He grabbed the hot pads, lifted the plates, and took them to the table.

“Here you go. Start to eat, and I’ll be right back.”

When he came back, he set glasses of milk down and laughed when she groaned.

“It’s a small glass, baby.”

And like every other time, she pinched her nose and guzzled the milk until it was gone. He snorted, shook his head, and picked up his fork.

They talked while they ate, going over the game plan of their move. If all went well, they’d be in Arkansas in less than two weeks.

“Are you excited to see Larkin?”

“Yes. We talk all the time on the phone, but it’s not the same as being together. She’s also introduced me to several girls like us, and they’re all so nice.”

“I think we’re both going to be very happy there.”

They rinsed the dishes and headed upstairs.

When they got halfway up the steps, the doorbell rang. He sighed. “Wait here. I’ll see who it is.”

He looked out the window and groaned. She was the last person he wanted to deal with. He turned to Faith. “It’s my mother. Don’t let her words bother you. You know who I love, right?”

She nodded.

“Good, hold your head up, baby. You’re my princess.”

He smiled when she giggled. The smile slid off his face when he opened the door.

“Mother, what are you doing here?”

He sighed again when she pushed past him.

“I came to talk some reason into you.”

He almost smiled when his mother’s lips tightened, and a flush of anger covered her face when she saw what he was wearing and the lack of clothes. He crossed his arms. “What reason?”

“You can’t leave.”

“Yes, I can. I’ve already found a site for that branch of the business. No one will be fired here. Things are going to go on as they always have. I’ve already hired people for the jobs I needed to be filled in Arkansas. It’s a win-win.”

“What about me?”

“What about you? You’ve never really been a part of my life. You use me as a showpiece. Look how successful my son is.” He snorted. “I want to live a peaceful life, and I don’t want anything to take that away, including you, Mother.”

“If it wasn’t for that woman…”

“Her name is Faith.” He turned and held out his hand. “Come here, baby.”

His mother stiffened when she seemed to realize Faith was close by.

“You’re very right, Mother. If it weren’t for this beautiful woman here, I never would have felt this level of happiness. And I thank God for her every day.”

He smiled when Faith’s chin rose, and she smiled with confidence.

“You’ll regret this move. I can tell you that. Your business will be destroyed.”

“And I know it will be successful for everyone involved.”

“Will I ever see you again?” she asked.

He shrugged. “We’ll stop by when we’re in town, but the first time you insult my future wife, we’ll be gone, and you’ll never know your grandchildren.”

He could tell it was eating at her, and there were so many things she wanted to say, but she was smart enough to stay quiet.

She nodded at him, looked at Faith, and nodded at her. “Fine. I hope to see you soon.” Then she turned and walked out the door.

He closed it, locked it, and turned to smile at Faith.

Her eyes widened when he took a threatening step toward her.

His grin widened when she backed up and giggled.

“Do you know what I want to do right now?”

She pressed her hands to her lips to hold in her laughter and shook her head.

“I want to be inside my sweet baby, and I don’t want to wait.”

She held her hands out. “Okay, Daddy, you can, but I want to take a shower first.”

He shook his head. “Not going to happen.”

She looked behind her at the stairs and then back at him. He knew what she was going to do before she turned and raced for the steps.

When he tossed her over his shoulder, she screamed and laughed. “Daddy!”

He smacked her ass and chuckled as he took the stairs two at a time.

In his bedroom, he tossed her on the bed, shut and locked the door, then pulled off his pants. Within a minute, he had her pinned beneath him, him inside of her, and she was still trying to hold back her laughter.

He stared down at her, and his smile slipped from his face. “I’ll love you until I take my last breath.”

He saw tears fill her eyes as her arms reached for him.

“I’ll love you for an eternity,” she said.

“I’m not sure that will be enough, but I’ll go with it for now.”

She laughed at him.

He bent to press his lips to hers and started to ride her at the same time. To him, this was heaven, and he never wanted to be without it.