Phoenix’s Plight by Tiffany Casper

“Dreams come true.”

- June




June couldn’t help but smile. She loved when she just had days for the two of them. Lil had offered to watch the boys for them so that they could have their day.

Thankfully, they had made it back from their honeymoon with an hour to spare to make it to the hospital for Lil and Powers’ baby girl to come roaring into the world.

Two months later Lil offered to watch their two boys and her daughter at the same time, she hadn’t known. But Powers was helping too.

At first, June hadn’t known where they were going, not until he had pulled the bike into that familiar parking lot in front of Inked, the shop where Shiloh worked.

She had missed being on the bike. She hadn’t been on it since they found out she was pregnant, and then they waited six weeks after she gave birth before she got on it again.

The moment they were off the bike, they walked hand in hand into the parlor and Shiloh’s jaw had dropped.

“Damn,” Shiloh said with her jaw still open as she stared at June’s new hairdo. Since their youngest son had grabbed it and almost pulled the strands from her head, she’d cut it, much to Heathen’s displeasure. But he liked how it opened up more access so he could see her neckpiece.

It held a smaller form of a badass-looking beast on the back of her neck for him.

“You want flies to fly in that mouth?” June asked her.

Then Gus said, “Fuck me. I never stood a fucking chance.” He gripped the back of his neck with a grin.

“Nope,” June replied and she made sure she popped the ‘p’ when she said that as well.

“We got problems?” Heathen asked as he hauled June into his embrace.

“Nah.” Gus winked at June.

“He’s lucky Clutch does my ink,” Heathen murmured.

“Now?” June asked.

“You feisty wench.” Heathen just chuckled as she made her way over to Shiloh.

They sat there behind the counter talking and laughing for the two hours that Heathen’s tattoo took.

“Now I see why you never flirted with the guys who came in here when you were having your work done. Damn, girl,” Gus said.

Heathen had told her that he didn’t want her back there to see what he was having done.

She had asked him why he kept the spot over his heart blank, when he never wanted a woman or kids. He’d told her that something in his gut told him to never touch that spot, and when he met her, he knew.

“Babe,” she heard Heathen call.

Shiloh followed along to see the work that Clutch had done. His work was nothing short of a masterpiece.

What she saw made tears form in her eyes. Clutch had tattooed a pumping heart with the word ‘June’ intertwined where the aorta was.

And he had their sons’ names tattooed as the veins running out of the aorta.

“You’re the reason my heart beats, babe. You and our kids.” Uncaring, June faceplanted into his chest as she went weak in the knees.

“He got a brother?” Melanie asked as she stood behind the counter and took their payment.

“Nope. But he has brothers.” Shiloh and June shared a wink and then June invited Melanie to the next club party.

Clutch was scowling the entire time.

Two weeks later, after a customer had made her cry at the call center, Heathen had been outside with fury written all over his face. When she had called him on her lunch break, she hadn’t been able to keep the tears from flowing from her eyes.

“You’re done here,” Heathen stated.

When she nodded, she showed him that they went ahead and gave her, her last paycheck.

June had also patched things up with Novalie, neither one of them had spoken since High School, to be honest, June was just too ashamed to reveal what all had really happened when she was a teen. She hadn’t been able to come with Cotton to Cherokee for Lil’s birthday party because one of their kids had a cold and she hadn’t wanted to leave her with the sitter.

Things were rocky at first, but they rekindled their friendship. Laura, Whitney, Lil, Rachel, and Shiloh had embraced adding Novalie which is Cotton’s wife, Marley is York’s wife, and Valerie who belongs to Garret, all of the men are patch holders with the Original Wrath MC charter to the group chat, and nine times out of ten, their men had to confiscate their phones due to the amount of jokes and laughs that they all shared.



He had bought her another pair of shoes that were nude with the red bottoms as her first push present because she gave birth naturally and without an epidural. His woman was a beast herself.

Her second push present for giving birth to their second son was a storefront for her to sell her crafts. She was that good. He had handed her the key the day she quit at the call center.

For some reason, the contractors had dragged their asses until Powers made a phone call and then they got to work like the hounds from hell were after them.

Nathan Travis had graced the world with his presence at five pounds, six ounces.

Lucas Tanner had graced the world with his presence at five pounds, four ounces.

They both had her hair color and his eyes. And they had his size and frame. They were going to be some powerhouses.

With a smile on his face, he watched as Deacon played with their two kids in the backyard sprinkler. Ever since their sons were brought home from the hospital, Deacon hasn’t left their sides. He is waiting by the door when they come home, and he is sleeping in their room when they fall asleep.

He hadn’t told his wife yet, but he may or may not have allowed someone to breed Deacon with another rottweiler that had his same temperament and was a tad bit more protective than Deacon was.

He also may not have told her that out of the litter, he was getting three of the puppies, one for each of their sons and one for their unborn daughter who was due in fifteen more weeks. It was going to be an adjustment, but deep down, everyone knew that Deacon was really June’s dog.

He never would have thought this would be the way he’d spend the remainder of his life.

Fucking happy.

He had his queen. He had his two little princes, and soon, he would have his little princess.

Fifteen weeks later, Hailey Grace had come out at six pounds, two ounces and she took everything from her momma except her hair color. She was their black-haired, green-eyed gorgeous girl. And she already had protective big brothers.

June was his Phoenix—so strong, and brave, and magnificent, and graceful. She was his everything. Never did she let anything get her down, and when it did, she rose above the ashes, kicked ass, and took names.

And still, to this day, the only hands that he can tolerate on his skin are June’s and their children’s. And Clutch, when he tattooed him.

When he had to go to the hospital to have his gallbladder removed and his prostate checked, before they did anything, they knocked his ass out. The moment he woke up, it was her hands on his chest soothing his rapid heartbeat.

He fucking loved the hell out of that woman.

And the day when Powers said, “I now pronounce for the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny ‘Heathen’ Haywood.” That had been the best day of his life.

Now, fifteen years later, he had his top ten, but that moment was the first one. The second one had been the day he’d first laid eyes on her ‘fuck me’ heels and those hot ass legs of hers. The third best day had been when she said, “I love you”. The fourth was when she had woken up after her surgery, even though she had told him to leave. The fifth was when they had seen their two sons for the first time. The sixth was when he had finally convinced her to be his ole’ lady and had put the property kutte on her back. The seventh had been when their sons had taken their first breaths. The eighth had been when they both said “I love you” for the first time. The ninth had been when his princess had taken her first breath. The tenth was when he ran the fella who wanted his princess off the front yard when he had stepped outside his front door and growled because the little shit had honked his horn. You don’t honk your horn for your date to come running out. The eleventh best day, well, now that day was tricky. Because ever since he had first laid eyes on June, every day with her had been his favorite.

The End.