Not My Neighbor by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Ten


I surprised her with the clothes but shocked and maybe even angered her some before we’ve even started dinner.

I mean it though, I won’t have anyone look at her the way that waiter did. He’s lucky I didn’t kick his ass on the spot.

Far from expecting her to get upset about my reaction, I discover just how cute she gets when she really is mad.

I can’t help but smile, feeling a new dimension to my seemingly constant arousal now whenever I’m near her.

I wonder if you can be so feisty when you straddle me with my fat cock inside your sweet pussy, Krystal.

The question in my mind only makes me smile wider and stiffen harder under the tablecloth.

I feel like slipping off my shoe, pushing her legs open with my foot, and probing her dampness with it under the table.

But that’s hardly first date behavior.

Is that what this is, a first date?

Well, it is if I say it is, even though I haven’t said it in so many words out loud to Krystal. It should be fairly obvious.

She seems sleepy, but after what we just ate I can’t blame her.

I offer to drive, but she’s determined to see me ‘home’ as much as I was to get her away from hers.

It’s a different drive back, for me at least. Feels like we’re going in the wrong direction.

But if I have to wait some for the right moment or the space to create it, I guess I can do that.

But I’m not known for my patience. Not renowned for waiting too long to claim what I want in this life.

With Krystal though, I can wait as long as it takes.

Provided I don’t blow my cover or anything else in the meantime.

Pulling into her driveway I can see her neighbors is still empty, making me wonder again just what’s happened to him.

All the better for me, but it is kind of weird he’s a no show at his own house after an overseas trip he confirmed to be picked up from.

I don’t feel like playing detective right now though. The longer this guy, Nate Macy stays gone the better.

I figure I should have things squared away with Krystal within another day or two.

Slow by my own standards, but she’s a very special project. The most precious thing I’ve dealt with so far and I won’t fail her or myself in claiming her properly.

Walking her to her door instead of mine, I can see where this is leading. A long and frustrating night alone ahead for me.

“If you need a ride, just let me know. Anytime,” she tells me, pausing at her door before even trying to find her key.

“Your dad should be worried about leaving you alone with an older man,” I tell her, knowing we can’t possibly be interrupted here. Now.

Knowing how much I need to kiss her at least.

If I can’t unwrap my present I at least wanna shake the box a little.

She takes in a sharp breath as I move closer, but only because we both feel it.

This charge between us is undeniable and I’m done tip-toeing around it.

“I’m not though,” is all she manages to whisper before I cup her neck in my hand and lean down to press my mouth over hers.

My other hand moves to her face, holding her cheek as I hear her moan softly. Her own hands finding my chest and clutching at it.

It’s nowhere near long enough, but I know it’s a goodnight kiss somehow.

She pulls back slowly, mainly for air and I catch her as she wobbles a little. Giddy from the kiss and still uneasy on those heels.

“You’re not gonna ask me in?” I rasp, pulling her a little closer so she can feel what she does to me pressing into her.

“I… It’s complicated,” she whispers. And I know she means about her dad. Not the fact that I’m not her real neighbor.

“Can I at least see you tomorrow?” I ask, knowing I won’t take no for an answer, that I’m already destined to stay up all night and watch over her house.

She gnaws at her lip in thought before trying to get both her arms all the way around me. “Of course.” She sighs.

“I’ve had the best day. The best night ever. It’s just all so fast…” She sighs as I hold her tighter.

Her chest melting into me, my stiff cock wedged between her cleavage as we both let out more than one little moan or groan of need.

She starts to say something, and god knows I’ve got enough I need to tell her. But as quickly as we’ve found each other, sealed our true feelings with a kiss. It’s over.

She says goodnight and hurries inside, closing the door behind her, making me wonder if I did something wrong.

I doubt it.

She’s right, it’s been a big day for her and a lot to take in all at once.

I remind myself that not everyone reaches for what they want seconds after seeing it. Especially where matters of the heart are concerned.

But I’ve never been more sure of anything, and I linger on her porch long enough to hear her making her way upstairs before I check the front door’s locked.

Good girl.

I’ll watch over you tonight, and every night after this, I swear.

Making my way back next door I can see a light go on in a window that faces the bedroom in her neighbor’s house.

Perfect. I can keep an eye on her all night.

I’d rather be closer. Much closer, but for an afternoon and evening’s work I think it could have gone a lot worse compared to how well it’s gone so far.

I let myself into her neighbor’s house and make my way straight up to the bedroom.

Her blinds are drawn, but I can see the shadow of her curves as she turns, probably admiring herself in the mirror.

The aching throb in my pants is in my hands soon enough, and again I have to temper my instincts. Cool the urge for my release as I watch her silhouette undress.

My heart pounds in my chest and my blood races in my ears as I fight the urge not to finish myself watching her private show.

Lucky for me, she moves away from the window not long before it’s too late for me to keep my own promise.

Keeping my seed for her alone.

Another light comes on in her house, a frosted window I figure must be the bathroom, but I can’t see her anymore.

It stays on for almost half an hour and then goes out, then she’s in her room again, then darkness.

In a cold sweat by a stranger’s window, I try to swallow, my still hard cock twitching in my hand before I tuck myself again and pull up an easy chair I set it by the window.

Ready to keep my vigil over what’s mine.

Guarding the most precious treasure I’ve come across in my life. Not wanting to take my eyes off her window or her house for a second.

It’s a quiet night and an even quieter neighborhood. Not a single car passes by after eleven, and the night is cool and long as I watch.

Glad nothing is happening. Grateful she’s safe and that I know where she is.

Her place is with me now, but that’s something for tomorrow, I tell myself.

I couldn’t have another night like this.

In the morning, I’ll explain myself and how I feel. I’ll take her home or we can go somewhere for a few days.

Really get to know one another.

During the long, slow hours I occasionally glance around the bedroom I’m in. There’s a stack of magazines with the same title, ‘Chord’ with big haired musicians or baseball-capped rappers. A couple with a balding, executive looking type grinning at the camera over a large audio mixing desk.

The few pictures around are similar and I’m surprised it’s taken me so long to put together.

But then again, I have had my attention elsewhere.

So, Nate’s a music magazine editor.

Good for you, buddy. Maybe you took a side trip we don’t know about?

Well, wherever he is, I hope he’s not planning on coming home tonight.

I’m fully alert to the possibility though and have an exit plan in case he does.

I can scoot out the back door if he does turn up and scale his fence into Krystal’s yard.

But I hope it doesn’t come to that. I’ve got the perfect view of her place from right here.

What feels like three night’s worth of wait gradually becomes the gray light of dawn, and I feel excited knowing I have another day ahead of us both together.

Debating whether I should grab a quick shower, knowing I really have to. I see some movement down the street.

A dark truck parks a few doors down, and somebody gets out.

Heavy jacket, cap pulled down. Could be anyone. But he’s headed straight for Krystal’s place.

I hear a low growl echo off the walls as I tense up. Gripping the sides of the chair as I watch the guy move into her yard, using both hands to hoist himself up and look over her fence into the rear yard.

In seconds I’m down the stairs and out the door.

In four long strides, I have the prick by the throat, lifting him up off the ground by it.

“Trying to get a good look, eh?” I snarl, watching his pale and terrified face turn a deeper shade without blood flow.

“Well, I’m here now. You can look at me all you want,” I tell him, pulling him close enough to whisper in his ear, reminding him what a huge mistake he’s just made.

He gurgles, kicking some and one of his hands connects with my body, making him wince in pain.

A light comes on in the house and I hear Krystal’s shrill voice.

“Oh my god, Blake No! Stop!”

I turn to see her, a light dressing gown blown open by her swift steps. The full view of her silk pajamas underneath.

Those thick hips and thighs. Her nipples like rivets in the frigid morning air.

“It’s the yard guy. It’s Mark… He does your lawn!” she cries out.

I loosen my grip, but before I let him down and I murmur into his ear. “I’m Blake Mason. The new neighbor. You do my lawn, got it?” I rasp.

“Sorry for the misunderstanding pal, I’ll make it worth your while,” I growl in his ear. “But if you don’t play along that I’m her new neighbor, I swear I’ll finish what I just started. Got it?”

He nods feverishly, choking as I let go, fishing into my pocket for my billfold and with my broad back to Krystal I thrust the whole thing into his hand.

“Reparations,” I murmur. “Just play along, yeah?”

Rubbing his throat as he pockets the thick roll of bills he nods, but there’s a look in his eyes of a man who might already be planning revenge.

I know I would.

“Jesus, Blake!” Krystal scolds me, checking if the guy’s alright. “You’re gonna kill somebody if you don’t take it easy.”