Wed to the Alien Prince by C.V. Walter

Chapter 18

Hours later, Kaelin rolled over to realize that someone had laid in provisions for their extended absence. Mostly in the form of foods that were easy to eat in small pieces with one’s fingers and to feed to the person lying next to you. Serogero had a plate of them to go with the medical kit sitting next to the bed.

She squinted at him when he sat down with the plate on the bed then threw her arm across her eyes.

"Did I fall asleep?" she asked, her voice adorably muffled by the arm she'd thrown across her face.

"I'm not sure falling asleep is the best term for it," he told her. "Collapsed from exhaustion caused by overwhelming pleasure, is a bit better."

"But I actually slept, right?" she asked. "Because this doesn't feel like waking up after a seizure."

"No seizure," he assured her. "Lots of exercise and some well-earned sleep. But I do think you need to eat before we resume our endeavors."

Kaelin grinned at him, her arm still laying across her eyes, and licked her lips. "I am definitely on board for eating. But are you sure we have time for more? I wasn't exactly watching a clock but-"

He licked across her belly just below her naval and watched as her body trembled with pleasure. "We have time," he told her, his breath making her skin shiver where he breathed out. She was so deliciously responsive.

"If you're sure," she said, her voice breathless. "I wouldn't want to keep you from anything important."

Serogero ran a hand up her thigh just to see her writhe with pleasure and was not disappointed by the breathy moans that escaped from between her lips. He turned and faced her more completely, taking a moment to kiss and lick the soft skin on her hip, before moving up her body to lay a gentle kiss on her lips.

"The most important thing," he said, his lips moving gently over her skin with his words. "Is to make sure you get exercise and to expose you as fully as possible to the Orvax. Since I intend to taste every inch of your body, I can't think of anything more important than what we're doing right now."

"Oh, right, for Mintonar's data," she said, her voice strained.

"Fuck Mintonar's data," Serogero said and he felt the shock his words caused rush through her. "The only thing that's important is pleasuring you until you can't think of anything beyond my hands, my lips and my cock."

"Roger," she moaned and he kissed her.

He'd meant to feed her, he had, but right now the only thing he wanted against her lips were his own. His hands slid beneath her, his body settling over hers, and her thighs wrapped around him.

Their snack, carefully prepared for her, was forgotten a while longer.

When they came back up for air again, he reached for the food, gratified to find he'd shoved it to the table next to the bed rather than on the floor. Kaelin stretched and yawned and he slid a piece of bread along her lips before she opened obediently for him to slip it in.

She chewed with her eyes closed while he chose another piece for her and waited for her to swallow before laying it against her bottom lip.

"Are you-" she started, her question cut short by the bit of meat on her tongue. She cracked an eye open to glare at him and he grinned at her.

"Am I?" he asked innocently.

She glared harder but finished chewing and swallowed. He held a piece of fruit out for her to see and her brow furrowed at him.

"Are you going to insist on feeding me like this every time we have sex?" she asked then closed her lips around the proffered fruit.

"Not every time," he told her. "But I couldn't resist the opportunity to keep you in bed and watch you enjoy things from my fingers."

She swallowed and put a hand up to keep him from feeding her something else. "I've enjoyed a lot of things from your fingers recently," she told him. "I'm certain I can feed myself."

He kissed her and she moaned against his lips. "I'm certain you can, too," he said. "But I'd rather do it. When you're finished eating, you can feed me."

"Okay," she agreed. "I can do that."

"Good girl," he said and she smacked his shoulder. Serogero chuckled and reached over for another bite.

She took the opportunity to run her hands over his skin and caress the back of his leg with the side of her foot. Everywhere she touched sent bolts of pleasure through him and he reveled in the feeling of being desired and indulging in his absolute need for the woman underneath him.

He kissed her gently then fed her another piece of fruit, following it to lick the juice off her bottom lip when she closed them around it. When she squirmed against him, he kissed along her jaw and down her neck while she chewed and swallowed.

With a lick across the top of her breast, he reached over and selected a few more pieces off the plate. The first he put between her lips, his gaze arrested over the way her tongue moved and licked his fingers while he did so. Then, he started laying the others across her breasts and down her belly.

She squeaked and swallowed quickly. "What are you doing?" she demanded.

"Having breakfast," he told her, and closed his lips around the first morsel strategically placed on the curve of her breast.

"You said I could feed you," she said, writhing underneath his lips as he licked the crumbs he'd let trail over her delicate skin.

"You are," he said and closed his lips around another bite. His hands were trailing down her sides and he could see the effort she was making not to move the food too much. "And, I must say, they taste much better here than on the actual plate. I might have to have my breakfast like this more often."

"Roger," she said through gritted teeth. "This is not-"

"Not the traditional way to eat breakfast," he said with a nod. "I know but you have to agree it's much more enjoyable."

She made a strangled sound and he lifted his head to look at her face. Flushed and panting, it looked like they were in the middle of having sex instead of enjoying a small repast. It was a look he'd seen several times over the last few hours and it made him grin. In fact, he was certain he looked absolutely predatory feeling the look cross his face.

"Do you need something, cherna?" he asked her, his fingers moving to cover her breasts.

"Yes," she gasped.

"Something I can help you with?" Her nipples called to him and he squeezed lightly, sending her back off the bed and her thigh rubbed against his raging member. He didn't recall when he'd felt it recover from their last indulgence but it was ready to be put to use again.

"Please," she begged.

The last few pieces of fruit suddenly had less appeal than the glistening jewel between her thighs. While he'd tasted it during the last few hours, he hadn't taken the time to truly feast. Now, the most pressing of his urges sated, he moved down the bed and lifted her thighs over his shoulders. With the first lick, her hips bucked and pressed her harder against his mouth.

She tasted better than the finest wine and he held her against his mouth while the rest of her clenched and writhed against the bed. It was only a moment before she flooded his tongue with evidence of her enjoyment and he set about to catch every drop. When she stopped trembling, he started licking again and she shrieked, clutching at the bed while he feasted.

After the third time she coated his tongue with her pleasure, she gripped his horns and tugged. "Roger, please, I need you."

The thrill that ran through him at the combination had him pressing his front against the mattress, determined not to spend before he could be inside her again. And certain that the moment he thrust inside he would lose himself and disappoint her. Instead, he slid two fingers inside her impossibly tight sheath and stroked.

Her strangled cry had him sucking the bud he'd been licking back into his mouth while his fingers worked inside her. Feeling her clench and pulse around his hand told him how close she'd been already. One more, he decided, renewing his attack on her flesh. One more and I can bury myself inside her again.

It didn't take long and her hands clutching around his horns were almost enough to push him over with her. Instead, he kissed his way up her body, the fruit fallen to the side and forgotten, though the sweetness of the juices mingled pleasantly with the taste of her on his tongue. He got to her mouth and thrust inside, joining them together in every possible way, her arms and legs wrapped around him while they both struggled towards ecstasy.

Several hours later, they were both exhausted, their bodies momentarily sated enough to lay together without the need to exercise and the comm band on Serogero's wrist chimed at him. He frowned down at it then lifted it to get a better look at it.

"What's wrong?" Kaelin asked, her face nuzzled against his chest. Her tongue flicked out to taste his skin and he shivered pleasantly.

"Mintonar would like me to call him. Apparently, he's been trying to contact us for a while."

"Oh," Kaelin said and snuggled deeper into his arms. "Do you need to get up to do that?"

"No," he said.

"Good," she replied and tightened her arms around him. Her leg was trapped between his and she pushed it through just enough more to hook her heel behind his calf.

"I have to get up eventually," he told her with a chuckle.

"Yes, you do," she agreed. "But not yet."

"No," he said. "Not yet. I'm going to send him a message, though, and he might need to call."

"Voice only," she said. "Or we'll need a blanket. He might know how all my insides work but I don't really want anybody else to see me naked just this minute."

"Nobody else gets to see you naked," he told her.

"Just as long as you still want to see me naked," she told him.

"I'm trying to think of ways to fulfill all my duties from here so we never have to get dressed," he told her. "Though I think we might rub each other raw before I'm ready to let go of you long enough to let you get dressed anyway and that won't do."

"Isn't that what the medkit is for?" she asked him. "To help heal anything we might irritate in our marathon sessions?"

"Oh," Serogero said. "I imagine you're correct. I didn't put it there but my valet has been very excited about the fact I found a mate. I wouldn't be surprised if he thought that far ahead."

"Your valet?" Kaelin asked with a raised eyebrow. "Why would he care? And why would it matter if he was thinking that far ahead? Who thinks of those kinds of things?"

"He does," Serogero told her. "It's part of why I employ him. And the subject of my taking a mate has been a matter of some anxiety for the people around me. For quite some time, actually, and you represent the solution to a problem many of them have been quietly fretting about for a while."

"I'm glad they consider me a solution to a problem," she told him. "And not just a bigger problem."

"You," he told her. "Can never, will never, be a problem. At the absolute worst, you will be a trigger to search for a solution, and that can only be a good thing."