Hot-Bites, Volume Two by Jenika Snow

Chapter Thirteen


“Shit,” I say as I step back from the stove, shaking my finger and looking down at the digit. It is an angry red, a nice little asshole blister starting to form. I walk over to the sink and turn on the tap, letting the cold water wash over the burn.

My mind is on Cooper, but then again, when isn’t it?

The stream of fading light comes through the little window above my sink, and I lift my head and stare out, praying that this isn’t a prelude to how tonight will go. I am a nervous wreck, not because I am cooking dinner for Cooper, but because tonight I want things to really progress.

I want to be his.

I want what we shared in my bedroom last week to go even further.

I want him to take my virginity.

Lord, even thinking that has me becoming flushed.

I told myself I wasn’t going to fall for him, that pushing him away was the best idea, but the truth is I fell for him the moment I saw him step into the office. I knew my heart was going to be his before he even kissed me.

And it is his, every last bit of me he owns, even if he doesn’t know it.

I turn off the water, watching as the sun sets behind a line of houses in the horizon.

Cooper has been taking things slow, giving me time, letting me decide. And it’s because of that that I am falling harder and harder for him every day. He’s broken all the preconceptions I’ve had about fighters. He’s not like the jacked-up muscleheads that come through the gym doors and train.

He’s different.

He’s mine.

I turn and face the kitchen, staring at the small table I set up for dinner tonight. I wanted to make something fancy, something new, but I stuck with an old trusty, knowing that it will at least taste good. I also won’t have to worry about burning it or serving him shit.

So, spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread and a side salad it is. Hell, I even baked a chocolate cake, similar to the one we had when he first came to my place … when he made me lick the frosting off his fingers.

And there goes my flush again.

Half an hour. That’s how much time I have to get myself looking presentable. My hair is a wreck, my clothes are covered in spaghetti sauce stains, and I probably smell like garlic.


I can’t help but grin. Tonight is the night I am going to finally give myself over to the man I am falling in love with.

Thirty minutes later and I am dressed and more nervous than ever. I check on the food in the oven, satisfied it’s staying nicely warmed, and head to the bathroom for one more lip gloss application.

The heels I put on—fuck-me ones, if I’m being honest—clack on the hardwood of my floor as I head into the bathroom.

As I stare at myself in the mirror, my reflection shows a woman who is ready to take control of her life. I left my hair down, the waves falling over my shoulders. I lift my hand up and push the locks to the side, imagining Cooper doing that right before he tangles the strands in his hand and pulls my head back so he can kiss me.

The shirt I’m wearing is low cut, teasing at cleavage, my intent to make Cooper crazy with desire. My fear is offering myself up to him and him putting the brakes on, saying we need more time, that he wants to go slow.

That I don’t want. That I can’t handle.

I’m just putting on a fresh layer of lip gloss when I hear three knocks on my front door. I freeze, brace my hands on the corners of the bathroom counter, and stare at my reflection.

Here we go.

I’m not much of a seductress, and my innocence might come off as awkward and forced. But I’m sure as hell going to try and show Cooper exactly what I want from him.

I take one long deep breath before turning and leaving the bathroom and heading toward the front door. I grab the handle and pull it open, seeing Cooper leaning against the banister, a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.

The first thought that comes to mind is how I’m going to need that liquid courage to make this go smooth and not at all weird.

The second thing that comes to mind is what a sweet gesture it is that he brought me flowers. I find myself smiling, because seeing him with that bouquet almost seems out of place for Cooper. He’s big and strong, all man, yet he’s acting all gentlemanly for me.

He pushes away from the banister and rakes his gaze up and down my body, taking in his fill.

“Damn, baby.” He’s just a foot from me now, his gaze locked on my cleavage. “You look good enough to eat,” he says in such a deep, dark voice that I feel myself shiver, feel myself become wet.

That’s all it takes for me to get worked up where Cooper is concerned.

“I hope you brought your appetite.” I close my eyes and inwardly wince. God, did I actually just say that? When I open my eyes it’s to see this half-lidded expression covering Cooper’s face. It’s so potent I find myself taking a step back.

“Don’t tempt me, baby.” He takes a step forward and I inhale, smelling something spicy and masculine come from him. I want to say it’s cologne, but it feels more like it would be Cooper’s natural scent, like what I know a real man would smell like.

He steps inside, shutting the door with his foot, closing us in together. His scent is more potent now, more intoxicating. Without breaking his gaze from mine, he sets the wine and flowers down on the foyer table and strides up to me. The wall has stopped my retreat, one I hadn’t even known I was making until this very moment.

“Baby, I need to kiss you.” His mouth is on mine before I can answer, before I can beg him to devour me.

I can feel the hard, huge outline of his cock pressing against my belly, and a moan of hunger leaves me.

Maybe convincing him to fuck me tonight won’t be so hard after all.