Hot-Bites, Volume Two by Jenika Snow



On the way back to the hotel, all I keep thinking about is Braden’s dysfunctional family, how money can’t buy happiness, and how he loves his little sister. How hard it must be for him to have such a disconnect with his father, but how wonderful that he’s so close with Tabby.

It breaks my heart but has me smiling in the same breath.

And it has me falling harder for the man I tried to keep away. But the wall I’ve built around myself nearly my entire life is definitely crumbling.

We make it back in complete silence. It’s not an awkward silence, but I can tell being around his father and stepmother has him in his own headspace.

Because we didn’t stay there and eat dinner, we decided to just have room service delivered at the hotel. I lie on the bed, feeling content and watching as Braden paces back and forth, his cell pressed to his ear. The conversation he’s having about mergers, contracts and a bunch of other jargon I have no understating of is completely Greek to me, but seems important, so I stay quiet.

But he’s in nothing but his slacks, his shirt gone because he spilled ketchup on it, which had me laughing at him while he grumbled in frustration.

And although I know he is used to having things in pristine order, I like the feeling I have when I’m with him, how I have a genuine laugh at the things he does, even if it annoys him.

So I helped him out of that button-down shirt, forcing myself to act like an adult and not be affected by the way his defined pectoral muscles flexed from the movement, or how his washboard abs came into view once the material was off.

I feel myself heating, feel the rest of that wall finally crumbling down. I know what I want to do, not just because I feel this insane attraction to Braden, but because I learned about who he really is today.

He isn’t just this wealthy, attractive businessman. He might be successful and arrogant, but what made me realize he is exactly the type of man I want, I’ve always wanted even though I didn’t know it, was how I saw him interact with Tabby.

He was gentle and kind with her, even played dolls with her because she complained nobody else would. As I stood off to the side and watched them, just for a moment before they asked me to come join, I realized there are so many different layers to Braden. He’s so much more than he seems.

I push myself up on the mattress just as he gets off the cell. He tosses his phone onto the little table off to the side and turns to face the TV. I watch as his muscles flex as he rubs his hand over the back of his head. He’s so masculine and strong, so ... everything. My mouth dries and my throat tightens. My pulse races and my pussy becomes wet. I feel my nipples harden against the oversized shirt I have on.

His shirt.

I swallow, my throat so dry because what I’m about to do breaks all of my rules. I’m not supposed to get involved, invested. I’m not supposed to let myself fall for the man who blackmailed me.

I don’t see him as that anymore. I see him as a man I’ve fallen for, and in just these few short days, I’ve given my heart to him, whether he knows that or not.

“Braden.” I say his name softly and he turns around and looks at me. Nothing is said for a prolonged moment, but I can see from his expression he knows where this is going.

His face softens, his chest rising and falling a little faster as he breathes harder.

“Come here.”

I feel every part of my body come alive, as if electricity is moving so fast inside of me there’s no stopping it. But I don’t want to stop it. I want to give Braden everything I am. I want to give myself to him fully.

“The way you’re looking at me…”

I lick my lips, smoothing my hands up and down my thighs, wondering if I can actually go through with this. I know I want to desperately, but I feel so nervous, so unsure of myself in this moment. I’ve never been so bold and brazen before. But with Braden I want to do all those things and more.

“What way am I looking at you?” I whisper, and I hear a soft groan leave him, as if my words inflame him, arouse him.

He takes a step closer and stops when he’s at the edge of the bed. For a long moment we don’t speak, but I can see the heat behind his gaze.

“You’re looking at me like you need something desperately, Macy, like I’m the only one who can give it to you.”

I swallow roughly and force myself to get on my knees, the oversize shirt I’m wearing hiding me completely. “You are the only one who can give it to me.” Those words spill from me before I can stop them. I exhale roughly and grip the edge of my shirt and start to pull it up, removing it from my body and tossing it aside.

There is no going back now.