Hot-Bites, Volume Two by Jenika Snow

Chapter Seven


Her whispered yes is the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard in my fucking life. I sure as hell didn’t expect to hear it—which makes it all that much sweeter.

“The moment I saw you, I knew I was in trouble,” I respond, my voice rumbling out of me as I drag the scent of her into my lungs.

I lift my hand and take a strand of her hair, sliding the soft, brown locks through my fingers. The color reminds me of the moment creamer and coffee begin to mix, the colors swirling together to make a warm blend that causes your mouth to water.

I drag my gaze back to her eyes and the blue depths are watching me so closely I wonder what she’s thinking right now. Will she let me go further?

She licks her lips slowly, wetting them with just the tip of her tongue. Air comes out of her in a gentle “puff,” moving along my cheek, smelling of cinnamon.

“Are you afraid of me, Cassie?” My voice seems overly loud in the still, silent room.

“No… not of you,” she whispers.

“But you are afraid?”

“A little maybe…”

“Of what?”

She’s silent for a moment. “Of what’s going to happen next. We don’t know each other… not really.”

I war with myself. Do I claim her? Take her the way I want, make her submit to me and show her just how good we’re going to be together? Or do I pull back? Give her heart time enough to catch up with what her body already wants?

“We don’t need to know each other for this to happen. We have plenty of time for that, baby.”

I want Cassie. I’ve wanted her from the moment I first saw her and I mean to claim her. I wasn’t lying. After I have her, I won’t give her up. When she gives herself to me, there will be no going back for either of us.

I let my hand slide down her neck, then further down her chest, to rest against her heart. I can feel the rapid beating and though some of the cause is probably from excitement, I don’t like that there is fear mixed in. I don’t want Cassie to be afraid of me.

I never want that.

“We could go slowly,” I tell her, even if the words almost kill me.

“S-slowly?” she asks, and it’s not my imagination that her heartbeat kicks up yet another notch. I need to calm her. If I don’t, she’s going to work herself up to a heart attack.

“How about I show you just how good I can make you feel? That’s it. You don’t have to do anything other than to sit back and enjoy.”

“I… that doesn’t sound entirely fair,” she says as I burrow my fingers under her gown.

I let the pads of my fingers trail slowly against the heated skin of her leg, resting on her thigh when I can feel the band of her panties. I stroke my finger back and forth on the elastic. She shifts slightly at my touch and I feel her muscles tighten. She’s like a young foal, skittish of my touch but curious at the same time.

“Why would you say it’s not fair, Cassie?” I ask her, letting my hand travel so I can cup her between the legs, the heat of her pussy intense, even through her panties. Shit, I know what she means but a sick, obscene part of me wants to hear her say the words.

“Because,” she gasps. “Because I mean, you wouldn’t… I wouldn’t be giving you… I… That feels good.” She murmurs the last part as I let my fingers move against the lips of her pussy. I curse the fabric keeping her from me. Instantly wetness seeps against her underwear and on my fingers. I force down a moan, imaging just how wet, slick and heated her tight little channel will be. I’m dying to bury myself deep inside of her. It’s going to happen, but if I need to teach her slowly that I plan on being nothing but good to her—I can. I have no trouble doing it, because Cassie is not a quick lay for me. Cassie isn’t a way to pass my time.

I’m keeping her.

“If I get to give you pleasure, Cassie, trust me when I tell you that’s all I need right now. Because giving you pleasure gives it to me in return,” I promise her, right before I claim her mouth.