Dirty Diana by January James

Chapter Ten

Ifollowed the doorman into the foyer of House Four—yet another building occupied by the Decadence Club. I wondered, not for the first time, just how much money he must be making through his directorship of this club. As per Houses One and Five, the concierge took down my membership number and led me through the mish-mash of black corridors, to my room for the evening, this time labelled ‘Onyx’.

“Enjoy your evening, madam,” the young woman said, waiting until I’d turned the handle before walking away. I entered the room, letting the door close behind me, and looked around. The lay-out was slightly different to the two previous rooms I’d been in. It was a more characterful building—older, with more detailing around the walls and high ceilings. It was smaller, making the bed seem larger. The windows were tall and ornate, different to the modern floor-to-ceiling ones I’d become used to. I could only see one other door which appeared to lead to a bathroom; there were no additional rooms laid on for more experimental sexual activity, and there was no suite—no seating area—like last time.

I wondered, for the millionth time, who had invited me here.

House Four was way downtown. Perhaps it was someone who worked on Wall Street or at City Hall. I didn’t want to think about it. I had no intention of enjoying the person I was to spend the next few hours with; I was just going to imagine they were him. After my first experience, I knew how it generally worked; one orgasm each, any which way, then goodbye. I sat down on the bed with my back to the door and kicked off my shoes. I’d spotted the surveillance camera to my left but I refused to look at it.

I knew he would know I was here. Whatever his role was in the club, he would have access to the books, member activities, a room-booking schedule, invitations. I wanted him to know I’d turned up and was here for another man. I was almost angry at him. How could he deliver a night of such—fuck it—decadence, knowing that’s all it would be, and not have a problem with it? Well, I did. I hated that he didn’t want more. I hated that he was willing to let it go—the chemistry, the banter, the comfort… the sex. I knew I could have sex with another hundred men and none of them would come close to the sex I had with him. But maybe he didn’t see it the same way. Some people enjoyed depriving themselves, torturing themselves. Maybe he really was a sadistic bastard at heart. In which case, I was better off without him.

My feelings were all over the place and I realized it probably wasn’t the best laid plan to accept an invitation for faceless, meaningless sex with yet another stranger. But, I was burning up. Ever since I’d walked away from House Five, leaving him in the doorway, I’d been on fire. I needed something, someone, anyone, to put it out. A key turned in the lock, answering my prayer. Let’s just get this over with. Bring me to the fucking brink, whoever you are, and let me try to get on with my life again.

I wasn’t sure whether to feel repulsed or intrigued when the sound of heavy panting entered the room. I dared not look round. Even when I heard the door close and the key turn again, and a jacket drop to the floor. I didn’t want to know who could be so unhealthy and so unfit as to enter the room barely able to breathe. We were on the ground floor for God’s sake; there hadn’t even been steps to climb. I focused on the window, letting whoever was in the room know I wasn’t there for pleasantries; I was there for a quick, single-minded fuck, and they could just damn well come and get it.

The heavy breathing came closer as footsteps worked their way around the bed. The drape over my face acted like a set of blinkers; I could only see what was straight ahead of me, which was nothing, until…


My heart crashed against my rib cage as I realized the man standing in front of me wasn’t a grossly obese, incredibly unfit man who couldn’t even make it down the hallway without having a seizure; it was a man who’d clearly run from a far end of town to get here. It was him.

“We have thirty minutes before the camera activates again.”

I had no idea what he was talking about.

“Take off your drape.”

Ok, now I understood.

I couldn’t contain the lust burgeoning in my stomach, and, it appeared, neither could he. I pushed off the drape and unhooked my hair in one swift movement, standing to look up at his drape-free, insanely beautiful face. He clasped his hands around my head and rammed his lips onto mine, taking my breath away. I had no idea how we undressed, but somehow, within seconds, we were naked and falling back against the bed. His lips and tongue moved greedily along my jaw, my neck, my collarbone, tugging my skin between his teeth then caressing away each sting with a flick of his tongue as he went. I writhed about beneath him, wanting anything and everything. Thirty minutes of relative normality, before we would be restricted again by rules.

His teeth nibbled their way to my breasts, which he kneaded gently with his hands. His fingers teased my right nipple, pinching lightly, tugging and circling it with his rough fingers, while his teeth and tongue on my left brought me to the edge as he sucked on the soft pink nub. The sensations stunned me. I had not been prepared for this—to feel myself under this man again. The realization that he also wanted more made me delirious. One night hadn’t been enough for either of us. Thirty minutes was next to no time but I would take it.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling him nudge at my entrance. A small cry of anticipation left my throat, but I wanted something else. I quickly unwrapped my legs, pushing my hands against his chest. He raised his head to look at me. His expression wasn’t one of confusion; it was one of accommodation. He wanted to allow me anything; I could read him completely in that moment. I wriggled myself down the bed, bringing my face level with his cock.

“Oh, Jesus,” he murmured, as I licked the tip, needing more but holding myself back. “I won’t last a fucking minute.”

“You will,” I said, my smooth voice betraying the roaring waves of lust thrashing around my insides.

I pulled his buttocks down to ease my access, then wrapped my lips and tongue around the head, pulling him towards me, taking him as deeply down my throat as I could.

“Dia—” he choked. I felt his hands hit the bed above my head. He was on all fours and incapacitated. “Fuck,” he panted.

I pulled back and swirled my tongue around the head, clamping my lips around him again when he jerked.

“Hold still, baby,” I cooed, stroking my tongue along his length. I’d never wanted to do this to anyone before; it had always seemed a bit gross. But I wanted to do everything for this man. The fact he was so turned on by me only served to turn me on further, and I wanted to be the best for him; I wanted him to never want another woman again. I felt him tremble above me, his thighs and torso tensing to hold in every urge to let go. His breath heaved in and out as though he was lifting weights.

“Wait…” I heard, then he withdrew himself from my grasp. Before I knew what was happening, he’d straddled me again, facing away. With an uncontrollable surge of lust, I realized what he was doing. His cock lowered towards my mouth which was waiting, open, greedy for him, and his lips lowered to my entrance. My hips bucked as he touched me with his tongue and I felt two strong hands pin me to the bedsheets. I’d never done this position before, but I loved it. And in that moment, I knew I would love anything with this man. Anything.

The angle made everything feel different—amazingly different. His tongue touched my clit, sending a jolt of electricity through my core, then stroked languidly down to my opening, spearing me gently, before repeating the move again, and again. I dragged my focus back to him, sucking him into my mouth, into my throat, and back out, finding a rhythm. He groaned, the vibration working its way inside me. When I made the same sound, his cock jumped forcing me to grasp it tightly as I worked my lips and tongue along his length. The air was thick with the sound of our tongues, our lips and our moans. I wanted to record it and keep it forever.

I couldn’t speak but the animalistic sounds emanating from my chest made it clear I was close, and he closed his lips over my nub, flicking his tongue back and forth, sucking and nipping until my head fell back against the mattress. I still held him, throbbing in my hand and I moved it along his length, drawing the same from him. I panted hard, feeling the spark of a climax come to light in my belly.

“Fuck,” I gasped, pulling my head up and taking him in my mouth again. I needed him to feel the same pleasure I was feeling. I pulled him deep and dragged my lips back and forth along him, swirling my tongue, tasting every inch of his flesh, salty from the exertion of getting here. He buried himself further, pressing the flat of his tongue against me. Then I felt his fingers work their way inside, massaging me in time with his tongue. I was lost. The sensation overtook me as I blindly gripped his length with my lips. A warm trickle of salt entered my mouth and I swallowed it, ravenously. Then he pulsed. I increased the pressure of my lips and the firmness of my tongue, pulling his flesh as I moved. He pulsed again.

A low groan emerged from his chest and splayed itself across my flesh.

A long “mmmm” drilled into my clit and his fingers worked beautifully against my sensitive wall, bringing me to the edge. The urge to drop my head back was overwhelming and it was all I could do to grip him tighter with my lips when I came beneath his tongue. As I bucked against him, he filled my mouth. He came so fast and hard I almost choked, unable to swallow it all. I continued to flick my tongue over the head as my tremors rolled and he emptied everything. His tongue laid lazily across me, as his fingers gently stroked my wet flesh, and I rubbed my thumb across him as I finally let my head fall. I was exhausted and elated, as though we’d cured each other of something. We might only have had thirty minutes, but if that was all I had to get the biggest orgasm of my life, it was more than enough.

He eventually rolled away only to return and lay alongside me, propping himself up on one arm. I ran my hands through my hair, spreading it across the pillow, and arched my back in a slightly sedated stretch.

“You’re fucking gorgeous,” he said, his eyes heavy-lidded.

I turned to face him, unable to hide the smile I’d been holding in since I first saw it was him who’d come into the room. “How did you manage this?” I asked. “The cameras, a second ‘encounter’.”

“You don’t need to know,” he smiled, sending my stomach into orbit.

“It’s very naughty,” I pointed out, adopting a stern expression.

His became serious too.

“I needed to see you again,” he replied, turning his attention to my hair which he stroked back with his fingers.

“I’m glad. I hoped you might.” I felt timid saying it. It was as though I was confessing my undying love for him. It was weird—we’d already committed the most intimate act a man and a woman could commit, but somehow I felt as though this conversation was the most intimate and high risk behavior I had ever engaged in.

“Diana,” he started, drilling his eyes into me. “I want to see you again.”

I breathed air in, hoping it would bring some courage with it. Something told me I was going to need it.

“By this do you mean sex? Or see each other?”


I was stunned. It was exactly what I’d wanted but never thought in a million years it might actually happen. “How?” I asked, knowing it was against every damn rule he’d designed and I’d agreed to.

It was his turn to take a deep, sobering breath. “Don’t, you know, read too much into this, but… I’ve been thinking about quitting my role on the board.”

“What do mean by reading into it?”

“Well, it’s a big move and I wouldn’t want you to feel any pressure to make anything, you know… work.”

“I’m not following…”

He stroked his fingers down the side of my face and for the first time in our short windows of intimacy, I couldn’t read him.

“If I quit, I’ll be free to date anyone I want. I’ve been toying with the idea for a while but now, I don’t know, this gives me a good reason to quit. But I don’t want that to freak you out…”

Ok, that made sense. I suddenly felt light-headed. Was he for real?

“…I’ve done this for a few years now, and… I’m taking on something new. I don’t really have time to do this anymore. I mean, board member duties. And I don’t want you to expect too much, at least in the short term…” he was rambling.

“I don’t expect anything…” I said, quickly.

“And you’re not freaked out?”

“Well, I expect more great sex, for a start,” I grinned.

He laughed at that and relaxed a little.

“I’m not freaked out,” I assured him. “I get that you have other things going on too. But, if I’m honest…” I dipped my eyes away from his face. “I’m pleased you want more of this. I wasn’t sure how I was going to walk away, again.”

He suddenly hovered above me, taking my face in both his hands.

“It almost broke me, watching you leave.”

I was stunned at his admission.

“I was torn. I have responsibilities here. I really didn’t think being with you again was an option…”

“So, what changed?” I whispered.

“I couldn’t sleep,” his brow furrowed. “I kept replaying everything in my head.”

I took a sharp intake of breath. “Neither could I.”

“I threw myself into work…”

“Me too…”

“But I could barely focus…”

“Me neither…”

“You weren’t going away…”

“Neither were you…”

He placed his lips on mine, softly, grazing his teeth against the delicate skin, and kissed me, long and slow.

He eventually pulled away and resumed the intensity of his stare. “I didn’t think you’d show up here again…”

“I only came because I wanted to pretend it was you,” I admitted. He studied my face, silently. “I wanted it to be you,” I said. “But I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

“Well, you will,” he said, sucking in a breath. “I would see you tomorrow if I could, and the next day, and the day after that. But…” He sighed, heavily. “I’m not going to have a lot of free time over the next few weeks.”

I raised my eyebrows, questioningly. He was quitting this place; he could tell me what he did for a day job now, without any repercussions.

“I won’t bore you with the details but it’s a new gig. Once I get my feet under the table, as it were, I’ll have more time.”

I nodded, accepting all I could get.

“We still have five minutes,” he grinned, rolling himself across me, squeezing the air out of my lungs. My thighs parted, instinctively, and I felt him hard, again, between my legs. He closed his lips on mine, easing his tongue between my teeth, swallowing any objection I was hardly likely to have. He stroked my tongue with his and, pinning my head to the pillow with the weight of his kiss, he filled me. His lips never left mine as he moved, slowly and persistently. I was completely at his mercy, pinned down and invaded, and I never wanted it to stop.

My orgasm rose, peaked and abated, and still he moved, bringing himself slowly, measurably to a climax. I gripped my legs around him as he pushed himself as deeply as he could, his mouth still closed on mine. A low moan vibrated against my lips when he came, jerking only lightly against my core.

We laid there, still and silent, stroking our fingers across each other’s skin, until the seconds ran out and we parted to cover our faces. Then, after we’d dressed, he walked me to the door and held my fingers until our arms were outstretched. He stayed inside the room while I walked away. Only this time, without saying goodbye.