Perfect Tragedy by Jennifer Miller


Thank you so much to C.A. Harms and all the authors in the Mason Creek series collaboration. This was such an amazing project to be part of and I thank you for including me.

To my mom, thank you as always for being an amazing editor. You’re an imperative part of my writing journey and I’m so lucky to do this with you because you help bring out the best in me and my characters. Thanks also for working within the insane timeline I created. I love you.

Georgia, thank you for reading this every step of the way and cheering me on. You helped motivate me and kept me going when I wanted to give up and didn’t believe in myself. As always getting to bounce ideas and brainstorm with you is one of my favorite parts of this process. I miss our coffee dates though so much! MOVE BACK!

To my family, I’m so sorry that the house is a nightmare, for all the times we ran out of milk and… well everything. For the fact that I haven’t cooked dinner in… ages, and that I’ve become a shadow of a person these last several weeks while I tried to manage working full-time and meeting this deadline. I love you to the moon! Now go ahead and make a list of all the things I can cook for you!

To my readers, the road back to writing has been a long one. So many obstacles made getting my writing mojo back seem like a finish line I’d never cross again. Thank you for your patience, your words of encouragement and for being as excited as I am about this release. I hope you loved it as much as I adore all of you!