Risqué by Elena M. Reyes


Destiny has a way of showing you it can’t be tampered with. You will end right where you’re meant to be, and I’ve never been more sure of this than I am now.

The traditional wedding march fills the church and guests stand, watching a beautiful woman walk toward her future, but they’re not the ones I’m focused on.

No, right now I’m watching my best friend smile and shiver as a man with a familial resemblance to Callum mouths words I can’t quite make out. Anyone with a pulse can feel the electricity that flows between them.

He’s her person. Her lobster.

Stubborn woman.How could she try and fight that?

“They’re being fresh,” Callum chuckles from his seat beside mine just one pew behind Malcolm’s closest family members. Another sign that fate is a persistent, all-knowing bitch. Without our knowledge, London sat us next to each other, and it’s been a blessing and a curse. I’m happy, but keeping my true emotions hidden is nearly impossible when the man I love is currently running his pointer finger across my wrist, his touch gentle. He smells so good; I’m fighting every instinct in me to lean over and kiss him.

“My guess is they kissed and made up.”

“Why do you say that, love?”

London walks past us, her eyes on the man waiting for her. Malcolm sees no one but his bride. It’s there in the way he walks forward before she makes it to the end of the aisle and kisses her without shame or pause. Not caring for tradition or what the priest has to say, a man who’s watching them with amusement and not rebuke.

“Because I caught the sight of a hickey on her neck right before she met my questioning stare, which she’s avoiding. That, and the way she shivered when he kissed her hand before taking their respective places.”

“Observant little thing.”

“For years, watching is all I did.”

“Not anymore.”

Turning my head, I meet his warm eyes and nod. “I don’t need to when you’ve brought me back to life.”

The priest chooses that moment to start the ceremony, and I face forward once again. His sermon is about love and acceptance. About opening your heart and letting go of what ails you in order to welcome what heals.

His words resonate with me.

There’s so much I want to do with my life, so much to see and enjoy, but to move forward, I need to let go. My leaving Chicago is inevitable, my being with Callum is destiny, but to move past the pain I’ve buried deep, I need to find closure.

I’m going to speak with my parents.

Something the man beside me will not be happy about, but I need it. Their lack of communication lately—since the day in Dad’s office—while welcomed—has left me thinking. I’ve questioned so much. Him. Her. And how a parent could not care or hurt those they brought into the world for personal gain?

I also miss my brothers. The most I’ve gotten out of the two in the last few months is a message here or there with a hello and we’re good.

“You okay?” Callum whispers beside me, his breath tickling my neck, and I smile. Hold back a giggle. “That serious expression on your face doesn’t sit right with me. You’re too pretty to frown.”

“I’m okay. Promise.”


“I do.”

“Good, because I do too.”

His words had their desired effect and I blush, warm heat with this incorrigible need to smile, and I do. Ignoring the world around us and the two people saying their vows, I look over and give in to my desires:

I kiss his chin and then lay my head on his shoulder while his arm wraps around my waist, pulling me in closer. Touching. Keeping me warm. Now, I’m home.

“My gorgeous girl,”Callum croons as we sway to the music a few hours later. Most of the guests are drunk, overfed, or heading home at this point. No one’s paying us a lick of attention in our corner of the room.

Malcolm and London didn’t stay long themselves, and Aurora never made it to the reception.

Now, it’s just us while Malcolm’s family says goodbye to those walking out of the reception hall inside of Chicago’s most coveted hotel. I’m tired and could eat, but leaving Callum’s arms isn’t something I want to do, no matter how much my feet hurt in these heels or how tight my dress is.

No one can pull me away.

“You like?” Fishing for compliments never hurt anyone, and I give him a shy smile.

“Don’t give me that bashful look.” He spins me out, twirling me fast twice before pulling me back in. “You and I both know you look simply ravishing.”

“Say that word again? Slowly this time.”

His chuckle is warm against my temple. “I quite enjoy using my accent to tempt you.”

“Tempt me how?”

“You feel like getting out of here?” Another turn, and this time when I come back into his embrace, I’m tipped back. He rights me, smirk on his lips. “We’re overdue for another date.”

“Hmmm.” I purse my lips in contemplation, making the cocky man wait. Callum doesn’t like that and pokes my side with his finger. It makes me laugh, the sound a little loud, and I blush. “You suck.”

“Your answer, Miss Rubens.”


“Good girl.” Callum all but drags me out of the room using a back entrance. It leads to a long hallway that holds back-up chairs and a secondary entrance for the kitchen staff before curving left. No one’s here and we walk right through, following the signs that lead to different sections of the hotel that are for staff only.

The last door we encounter, though, this one says valet parking.

“You have a car here?” I ask, following him out into the cooler night air. This time of year is enjoyable, not too cold or warm out, but the nights can nip at you. Especially in my strapless, emerald bodycon dress with a little ruching at the waist. The length is modest at just below the knees, while the fit accentuates my every curve, which the man currently keeping a firm grip on my hand has been enjoying all evening.

“A rental.” I shiver and Callum removes his jacket, draping it across my shoulders. “Better, or would you rather we stop at your place so you can change?”

“I’ll be fine, but you might need to carry me or buy me flip flops.”

“It will be my pleasure.”

“Oh, I’m sure.” My eyes look toward the entrance, and an idea comes to mind. “I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” The two men working the valet area turn toward us, the older of the two looking to reprimand, but his co-worker saves him with an elbow to the side. “Wait for me. I’ll go with you.”

“No need, I’m just going to the restroom right quick. Give me five.”

“Okay. I’ll be here.” Leaning over, he pecks my lips before turning to face the two men. “Here’s the ticket. Heavy tip if it’s back quickly.”

The younger man jumps from his seat inside the small two-person kiosk. “Yes, sir.”

I leave him there and head inside, rushing to the in-house mini-store and grabbing three things before Callum comes to investigate: hotel moniker on the joggers and shirt while the flip flops are plain black. Not the sexiest outfit, but it’ll do in a crunch like this.

After paying, I rush to the bathroom not far from the reception desk and nearly rip my clothes off in my haste. It feels like heaven to take them off, especially the shoes, and I nearly shove the expensive garments in the bag the attendant gave me. There’s a knock on the door while I’m shimmying into the bottoms, which becomes a little harder while I tug down the shirt.

“That man is so impatient.” My hair’s been down all evening in soft waves down my back and I open the small clutch with me tonight and dig through for a hair tie. “Bingo!”

Quickly, I tie my hair up, check for smudges in my simple makeup, and walk out. He’s standing there when I exit, and the look on his face is comical. Callum does a double take, then narrows his eyes. From head to toe, I’m inspected as he reaches for the bag with my dress and shoes inside.

“How do you look even more beautiful like this?” Not the question I’m expecting, and I giggle because words fail me. The compliments and attention and the way he’s always watching is enough to drive any woman mute, but for me, it’s the lack of control of my impulses.

Right now, I want to kiss him stupid outside of the hotel bathroom, but can’t. One kiss wouldn’t be enough for me. With him, it never is.

“You ready?” I ask instead, trying to walk past him, but Callum isn’t a man to be denied. And secretly, this thrills me. His grip on my arm isn’t tight yet unyielding, and I find myself being pushed against the wall by a very amused man.

Lowering his face to mine, he pauses just a few inches from my mouth. “Did you really think I’d let you walk out of this hall without stealing a kiss?”

“We can’t.”

“Says who?” There’s no playfulness now. This is a man determined. “Who the fuck is going to stop me from showing the woman I love how important she is to me? Who’s the arsehole stupid enough to try?”

“No one.”

“Correct.” A little closer now, he skims across once. “I’m not hiding us. That’s a disservice to you and our relationship, and I won’t stand for it.”

“Then why sneak out of the ballroom?” Up until this moment, I didn’t realize this bothered me. Yeah, it’s fun to rush through long corridors with a man unafraid of the devil himself, but walking out together would’ve been fun too. Is it all on him, though? I’ve been watching myself all night and keeping things as innocent as possible. “Sorry, that’s not entirely on you either. I’ve been—”

“Aliana, I do what makes you feel comfortable. My claim on you has already been established; if someone knows or doesn’t, that’s irrelevant to me.” This time I get a peck. Small, but it sets me ablaze with want. “That, and I didn’t feel like talking to anyone. We’d still be doing the bloody goodbyes that never end with Mariah and Javier, or agreeing to head out somewhere because that woman can convince a monk to snort a line or two.”

“Tell me about it. She convinced me to join her for a spa day next week.”

“What’s so bad about that?” He looks genuinely perplexed.

“I’m going for a Brazilian.”

“What day?” And just like that, he turns boyish. Almost giddy. “I’ll take the day off and fly in—”

“Let’s go on our date, and if you behave, I’ll tell you before bed.

“Fucking trouble,” Callum grumbles before kissing me. One arm wrapped around my waist, the other now cradling my neck, he slants his mouth over mine in a needy and possessive kiss. I taste the whiskey he’s been drinking with a hint of cigar from when Javier pulled him outside earlier tonight. I taste him, that uniqueness that makes me weak in the knees, my lips moving as eagerly against his onslaught.

This man owns me. Knows it.

“Do we need this date?” I nip his bottom lip harshly, and I love the way his eyes flash with fire, a warning I won’t heed. There’s something so sexy about a man who loses control and worships you until there’s nothing left but a satiated body and a sleepy grin. “We could—”

Abruptly, he releases his hold on me before taking a step back toward the opposite wall. The lack of physical contact sucks; I don’t like it and neither does Callum, as a second later he picks up my hand, sliding his thumb across my knuckles. “Spending this time with you is something I need, too. I miss you, Venus. I’m ready for you to come home, but I promised to be patient while you settle your affairs and now help Aurora.”

Could he be any more perfect?Those words mean more than any gift or orgasm. He wants me. To just be with me, and this time, I’m the one who kisses him. It’s quick and fast, my body pressing against his on the wall, but before his arms cage me in, I pull back.

“I’m ready to leave, too.” I place a tiny kiss to his chin, and then Adam’s apple. “This is just until London gets back, or Aurora decides that she’s staying after all.”

“Because they fixed their shit?” Voice hoarse and hair a little disheveled, he’s the epitome of sex and the promise of depravity.


“Let’s hope.”

“Now, that date?”

“You cheeky little thing, you.” Callum winks before turning to walk away, giving my hand still in his a small tug. I follow him out the small hallway and out to the quiet lobby where a guest or two still lingers, but we don’t stop to talk to anyone. Instead, we make it to the car and after making sure I’m in, he walks to his side and slides in behind the wheel.

I don’t know where we’re going as he peels out.

I also find myself not caring.

As I study his profile in the dim lighting and the city zooms by my window, I realize something:

This is a man I’d follow to the ends of the earth. This goes beyond fun or love. We are much deeper than that. The tether that keeps us together vibrates between us; I can almost physically feel it, and it’s not something I’m going to give up for anyone.

I need to tell Aurora. I need to move to London.

“Sweetheart,”I hear his voice, but it’s not coming from the side he slept on last night. No. This is a few inches from my face, and it’s confirmed when he caresses my cheek. “I need you to wake up for a minute or two, please.”

I whimper but do as he asks while pouting. A pout he nips at. “Where are you going?”

Callum is dressed, albeit casually, but it’s late out. Then it dawns on me; this is business, and I sit up, almost knocking into his forehead. “Is everything okay?”

“It is, love. I’m just meeting with Casper and Aurora at a hotel nearby.”

Shifting my eyes to my bedside clock, I take in the time and look back at him with a raised brow. “You do realize it’s a little after two in the morning, right? Most people are sleeping at this time.”

We came home about two hours ago after spending most of the night on a private yacht cruising slowly out of Navy Pier. Lake Michigan is cool at night most days, but today the slight chill was pleasant, especially when Callum kept me close. We sat at the back of the boat with a blanket and a pint of ice cream, talking and joking. Extravagant but simple. Perfect for us.

Best date to date, and I don’t know how he’ll ever top it.

No one around. No guards or interruptions.

I find myself liking his version of spoiling quite a bit.

“Not for a criminal.” At his words, I snap out of my memory fog and glare. “Relax, tiger. I’m just stating a fact.”

“Don’t call yourself that.” Accurate or not, I hate the title. I view him more as a loving man, my man who has a short leash on his temper when his family is wronged. When it comes to my safety.

“Aliana, the truth is the truth no matter how we disguise it.” My answer to that is to flick his forehead hard, which he doesn’t like. One minute he’s daring me to do it again with his eyes, and the next, I’m on my back with his hands digging into my sides. He’s tickling the hell out of me; knows my weakness and uses it against me without shame. “Say sorry.”

“No.” I kick, squirm, and bite his arms—he’s unyielding. “Stop it!”

“Say sorry.”

“You’ll pay for this,” I say, choking on a laugh when he finds my sweet spot. The area just above my hip bones are sensitive, the one place I laugh so hard I cry. “Oh fuck!”

“Say. Sorry.”


“Good girl.” Lowering his body fully on mine, he kisses the few tears that fell and then the tip of my nose and lastly, places a chaste one on my lips. “I’ll be back by midday tomorrow to take you out for lunch and then, I want you to meet Casper.” Before I can respond, he places a finger over my lips. “Just him, no Aurora as I’ll let you handle that, but I want him to know about us and who you are to me. He’s my cousin—brother—and we don’t hide things from each other.”

“Okay.” I wasn’t going to deny him. Not after his mini speech last night.

Callum is right.

My father knows, and I’m sure the rest of my family does as well.

There’s no need to hide, nor am I ashamed of who he is. I’m actually proud.

It’s time everyone else finds out, too.

“Thank you. I’ll set that up during our meeting.”

“And then you’ll come back?”

“I will.” Lifting the sheet covering my naked body, he bites his lips while those gem-colored eyes traverse my frame. Every curve. My tattoos. He watches me with hunger before dropping the bedsheet, standing, and digging his clenching hands inside the front pockets of his pants. “You have any plans of your own?”

“There might be a nice warm bath involved and a few naughty kisses, too.”

“I’ll be here.” With one last heated look, he turns and leaves, but before crossing the threshold, he pauses and tilts his head. “I’m going to suggest you sleep in late and enjoy the quiet, because once I get back, your screams will fill every inch of this home while your come bathes my cock.”