Daddy’s Sweet Little by Scott Wylder









“I don’t think I can do it, Daddy,” I whispered

“You can do it, Princess,” Marcus said. He reached forward and stroked my cheek. I looked past him to where my friends were playing hopscotch. All the Daddies, except Marcus, were sitting on the porch laughing and occasionally checking the barbecue.

“Okay, Daddy,” I said.

He smiled at me and said, “You’ve known everyone here for a year now, Princess. They’re your friends. After this, they’re still going to be your friends.”

I nodded. “I know but it’s still so hard, Daddy. I’m still afraid people will think I’m weird. All the time!”

“I know, Honey,” he said. “It was very brave when you told me. I didn’t think you were weird and I don’t think your friends will, either.” I nodded slowly,

“You don’t have to do it, Princess,” he said. “You can wait until you think you’re ready, but I’ll be very pleased with you if you tell them. I think you’re ready now.”

“I’ll be brave for you, Daddy.”

He kissed my forehead and said, “Be brave for you, my lovely little princess.”

I smiled and nodded. Then Iwalked slowly over to where everyone was playing. When I got there, Hannah smiled at me and announced, “I’m winning!”

“Are not!” Kendra said. “I’m gonna catch you.”

“I have to tell you guys something,” I said and the six little girls stopped what they were doing to look at me.

Carla smiled when I hesitated and said, “What’s up?”

“I…” I felt as if I was going to cry, but I decided to be brave as Daddy had told me. “I’ve started wearing a diaper.”

Nobody spoke for a second and then Amy, who had just got back from vacation with her Daddy said, “Oh, thank God!” She rushed over and threw her arms around me. “I started wearing one three months ago and I’ve been afraid to tell you guys!” The next thing I knew, everyone had their arms around me and for the next ten minutes, Amy and I answered a ton of questions. She summed it all up perfectly when she said, “It keeps me feeling little all the time.”

A moment later, were back to hopscotch, and I did my best at the game, checking every now and then to see if Daddy was watching me.

Nina and mark are well on their way to their perfect happily ever after but there’s always more to the story. Click here to receive the extended epilogue for FREE to know what happens to them next!

Did you enjoy Daddy’s Sweet Little? If so, you’re sure to enjoy the next installment of Small Town Daddies. Kendra’s college dorm mate is in trouble and Kendra is happy to bring her home to stay with her for a while. Hillary is sweet and pretty, but she also has a terrible secret. A secret that makes her certain she’ll never be safe. Marc from the candy store has a friend, too. Lance has just returned from exploring the mountains of Alaska and is ready to settle down. Of course, he’s a Daddy so when he settles down, he’ll need a little girl.

When these two meet, there’s definitely smoldering heat. How they stoke that fire to bring along a wonderfully hot happy ever after is what you’ll discover in Daddy’s Lost Little, the next story in the world of Small Town Daddies.

Click here and read Daddy’s Lost Little!