Hunt For Her: Black & White by Xyla Turner



Well, who knew that Kizzy McDaniels would marry a former white supremacist? I knew Hunt was off a bit when I first met him, but sometimes we women can tame the beast in men.


As I sat at their graduation of their bachelor’s degrees in African American Studies, of all things. These fools took the same classes, transferred to the same four-year college and now were graduating on the same day. To top that, the two of them, are getting married tomorrow. How the fuck they planned for graduation and a wedding back-to-back was miraculous, but one thing I admire about the couple is their partnership. They are truly friends and partners. Kizzy already said the sex was good and Hunt looked at her like she invented pussy, and that is what I can only hope for my friend.

Me on the other hand, well, my racist ass boss is a fucking moron, and his father always tries to act like he’s on the employee's side but does nothing about his stupid ass son. I mean its modern-day oppression. Only white people get promoted, have the good schedules, and when it’s brought up, we’re throwing the race card. Just this past Friday, I told my boss that it was not fair that Shawndra requested to work on Monday through Friday, and she’s been here the longest, but it was given to Sandy, who started three months ago. He started to stutter, then shared that he’d talk to me separately. Apparently, he cried and told his father, who wants to meet with me on Monday. He was also full of shit, he learned this shit, is my philosophy. That is my current and only headache. I need some dick, but that comes with other complications. Quite frankly, things I don’t have the energy to deal with at the moment.

They call out Hunt’s name to receive his degree, and he strolls up there like he does, then he runs and raises the degree and yells, “Kizzy, my love. We did it.”

She screams and stands up, “Yessss!!!”

Everyone starts laughing and when they call her name, she does the same thing. “Hunt, I love you!”

He stands and yells back, “I love you too, babe!”

We all laugh and cheer as the two unlikely people express to the entire graduation party their love, honor and respect for each other. Sade was sitting next to me, furiously on her phone texting back and forth.

Kizzy didn’t know, but Sade and her old landlord were fucking. Like, he was into some shit, and she must have been down, because they have been fucking and both been walking funny ever since. I’m not sure what kind of fucking, but I think I heard her call him daddy one time. He was older, but not daddy older. That was their thing, and my only job was to not let Kizzy know. Even though she and Hunt had moved and bought a house in New Jersey. They were determined to get out of the south and go north. I wasn’t mad at them for that shit, either. They didn’t have to make up the fact that people gave them looks. I saw it, myself.

I don’t ever see myself with a white man, but I ain’t opposed to it though. Hunt loves that woman and honestly, if a man loves me like that. I don’t give a shit if he’s green. Sade is different. She is all about black love, which I ain’t mad at either. I guess I just wonder why it must be one way or another.

We all had that conversation one day, which grew quite heated between Kizzy and Sade. I just sort of watched and chimed in here or there. Kizzy felt like she had to defend her choices, i.e., Hunt. Sade felt like she needed to defend her culture and the preservation of it. Nobody’s mind changed that night, but I was glad that they both decided to respect the other’s decisions of not agreeing and not letting any love be lost.

This is when I knew we were grown and mature women. The younger us, would have had to pick sides, not an affiliate, or associate, but evacuate. Now, that the conversation was had and each side was clear, they continue to be friends.

I guess this was adulting.

The next day was the wedding and me, Sade and Tiff were Kizzy’s bridesmaids. Talking about adulting. It was such a great celebration, as Hunt, some guy I didn’t know, and their African American professor were his groomsmen. They wrote their own vows, which were unique to them and had every eye in the room tearing up.

During the reception, I received a text from Mr. Baxter, the father of my sniveling boss, requested that he and I meet on Saturday, tomorrow morning. My weekend.


As I was telling this craziness to Sade, one of the groomsmen I didn’t know was staring. The way he was looking, was as if he wanted to say something.

“Yes, can I help you,” I moved my head, so that I was looking directly to him.

“The name is Sky,” he nodded like that was all to it.

“Okay,” I cut my eyes to Sade, whose face was already pinched with confusion.

He was the groomsmen for Hunt, but the dude was white, so as far as we knew, he was a whole white supremacist too.

“You need something?” Sade put on that voice that brokered no discussion, but down to the mother fucking business.

“No,” he shook his head once, but kept his eyes on me. “Not for you.”

He was talking to her, but still looking at me.

“You look like you’re ready to eat her,” Sade commented with a scoff.

“I hear you don’t like white guys. That’s a shame,” he finally looked over to Sade. “You may be missing out on the best love of your life.”

Well, if she scoffed before, she almost coughed up a lung this time, as she said, “I doubt it.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” He nodded once. “You seem to be stuck on shrew.”

“Hold up,” I chimed in. “Who are you?”

“I’m Sky,” he replied again. “Friend of Hunts.”

Yeah, that was all this man was giving up.

“Let’s go, before I turn this wedding out,” Sade told me as she turned, but then Sky smiled and damn. The man had a deep dimple.

“Heard you were having issues at work,” the sandy haired man commented, while leaning against a table that I hope would support his frame.

“Are you hiring?”

“You looking?”

“I am…what business are you in?” I asked, as now this might be another job opportunity.

“Well…” he leaned into me a bit. “It’s sort of a pretend situation, but I pay well. I’d love to have lunch so we could chat about it.”

This was not giving me the right vibes, so I held up my hands and said, “Uh, that’s okay.”

“I’ll pay you three hundred thousand dollars for one year of service.” The confident man moved from the table and into my personal space.

There wasn’t anything sexual about it, but something about this was private for him. First of all, what kind of fucking job paid that type of money for one year, that didn’t require more than a Bachelor’s degree. Second, this man didn’t even see a resume to see if I could even do the shit. He just was throwing around money. All I knew about him, was that he was one of Hunt’s groomsmen. Hunt was always a questionable figure and I heard his story on a TED TALK, so that meant that he was legit. This guy didn’t seem like that, but who knew. I wasn’t Kizzy.

“I ain’t Kizzy,” I told him.

“Oh, I know. I ain’t look for a woman like Kizzy. Looking for a woman like you,” he said, but his voice was still low.

“For what?” I asked while folding my arms. “What in the hell would you pay three-hundred thousand dollars for?”

He looked behind him and then to the side and said with a straight face, “Have my baby. Shit, I’ll pay you five-hundred thousand.”

My head jerked back as I stared at him in the face with my lips twisted in every direction but right.

“Get the fuck outta here!” I waved him off and went to find Sade who was probably arguing with her fuck toy.

Have his baby.



“Assume the fucking position,”Tyrell barked in my ear.

His lips moved against the back of my neck as his whole body nearly gave the command, that spoke to my soul.

Slowly, I turned around, put both hands on the door, spread my fingers and poked my lower half out, because I knew what was coming. The very thing I craved, to be honest. Utter and complete domination of my body and will.

Tyrell and I had been playing at the fact that he’d take me over his knee for some time. I tried to chalk him up like he was full of shit, but I knew by the gauge of that shot gun, he carried, he was far from it.

One day, I was feeling froggy and though my uncles always told me to keep my mouth shut and keep my hands to myself. My mistake and I knew it when I came over unexpectedly under the guise of seeing Kizzy. Even though I knew she was in class. Tyrell didn’t even come to the door with the shot gun that time, just barked that she wasn’t fucking home. It was my yelling back, that he was such an asshole, that had him coming outside with no shirt on.

Like holy shit.

The fucking man was built like an Egyptian god or something. Tall, dark and absolutely handsome. He had a recent cut that was bleeding on his chest that caught my attention, but it was my mouth that asked, “What, you’re in there torching people, old man?”

He raised an eyebrow and said, “I’m into torching people, but not today.”

That was when he folded those long arms over his chest, but continued to stare openly at me. Our usual banter didn’t exist. There was something else. More like hunger and it was too late for me to realize, I was the prey the whole time and the lion had just caught me.

“You’re bleeding,” I went to raise my hand to touch his tight, chiseled chest, but I didn’t quite reach my target.

This act was Tyrell’s last straw, because he seized my wrist, pulled me inside of the house, then inside of his apartment, with the distinct slam of a hard wooden door.

“I keep telling your ass,” he hissed, as he crowded me against the very door he just closed, while shaking his head. “I keep telling you, wild woman. You need a man to tame your ass. You are a wildling and I got just the thing to put you in order.”

On a normal day, all of my smart-ass comments would come rolling out of my mouth. Not that time. It was even hard to look at him, but with all the strength I could muster, I murmured, “What are you waiting for?”


I hadn’t learned shit. Without even blinking, he turned me around, moved my entire body up against the door and pressed into me with his hard body connected to my bac.

What in the fuck?

He wasn’t hard all over, the man was steel. Solid, unbreakable, steel. Including the long dick whose heat and real radiance pulsed against my lower back, all the way to my ass. Did I mention that Tyrell had to be a good six feet and five inches? I was tall for a woman, according to American standard, standing at five feet and ten inches, which was not that far from Tyrell, but in that moment. He felt like a mountain, compared to my valley experience.

His large hand rested on my waist as if he were waiting for permission or trying to reign himself in. I wouldn’t know, because after what felt like moments later, a sharp sting on my left thigh. This caused a moan to escape and my body preened as I moved into his hard body, as it wanted more.

His large hand moved around to my stomach and then slowly inched his way to my smashed breast. His large hand engulfed my size C’s, like they were nothing but mere plums in his hands.

“What am I waiting for?” He growled against my ear.

Another slap to my left thigh in the same spot. Oh, it hurt, but it felt like home. My whole body heated with the utter longing.

His hands were big, his feet were big, his dick was big and that stroke of his was destined to be simply divine. A man just can’t be that fucking bossy and alpha and not have the bedroom game to back it up. I could almost feel him inside. I wanted to feel him, most of all.

“Fuck me already,” I moaned through gritted teeth.

“Think that wet pussy deserves to be stretched and fucked?” He hissed in my ear, before he bit down on the lobe. “Think you’ve been good enough to get put to sleep by a long, thick dick?”

His growly moan after that last question, had me closing my eyes. Damn, this man. What had I got myself into. Writing a check, my ass could not cash, was what this was called.

“Yes,” I dared to utter. “Please.”

“Oh, she begs.” He noticed, again this was said in my ear, but I could feel his whole body vibrate with each timbre of his voice. “I like beggin’, especially from little girls who have a lot of mouth and need to be tamed.”

My body was moved almost forcibly, as he turned me around, so my back was against the door. Tyrell was still in my space and all I could see was his overpowering body.

“Listen, girl. I fuck you, it’s going to be long and hard. I won’t eat your pussy, but I will slap it. I won’t lick your ass, but I will fuck it. Understand? I ain’t one of your little fuck boys and I ain’t interested in seconds.”

His hard gaze told me that he was one hundred percent serious, but he also didn’t know that I was one hundred percent into proving his ass wrong.

Why, girl?

Leave this grown ass man alone.


I couldn’t convince myself, so I raised one sassy eyebrow and replied to his little speech, “Okay, daddy.”

His eyes flared and that was when he tossed my ass over his shoulder and took me in the back. This was also where his bedroom with deep mahogany thought out the furniture décor was stored. No dungeon, like my imagination had took over with the brooding landlord.

He threw me on the bed, and immediately began to tie my wrist to the headboard. My body remained calm on the inside, but the excitement within me, was leaking down to my awaiting ass. He made promises and I swear, he had better keep them.

Then Tyrell grabbed my ankles and began to put furry cuffs around them and my blood pressure spiked through the roof. My nipples hardened and sweat began to form underneath my sew-in. This motherfucker was not playing and shit, I was here for all of it.

I craved every bit of it.

“Close your mouth and get your breath now, because in a moment, you’re going to have it full of my big ass dick,” he commented, as he pulled his shorts down to put the Adonis on display.

Big was not the word.

Callosal was more like it. Veiny, hard, thick and fucking long as shit. He’d give any of those men on pornos a run for their money. Shit, he must be Mandingo.

That was a Mandingo.

With two strides, Tyrell’s knee was on the bed and then his Mandingo was in my face. With one lick of my lips, the man shook his head with a slight upward turn of his lips and stared at me. Just to let him know, I was up for the task, I let out my tongue to touch the bottom of my chin and that got a reaction.

“Fucking tease,” he hissed, while gripping his heavy dick and pushing it in my mouth. “You better take it all down that tight throat of yours!”

It was an order and though, I swear to you, the man’s penis was hot, heavy, thick and long, I did gag a bit, but I bounced back. He would not get the best of me, dammit. I bounced back and took the mouth fucking he was giving me.

“You like to tease men, huh?” he pushed his hips into my face as I swallowed his cock. “You like to be fucked like this?”

I moaned around him, causing him to shutter, but push in harder. Tyrell was not gentle, like he said. It was a sloppy face fuck. Spit, saliva, and pre-cum everywhere. Then he pulled out, after growling and stroked, once, twice and then three times he busted all over my face.

Fuck me.

“Now that’s a gotdamn pretty sight,” he nodded, almost in admiration of his work.

Looking at his dick, I saw that even after he just came on my face, he was not fully deflated.

He had to have been in a porn or something.

“Should I let it dry on your face or …” he began, but I cut him off, as I began to lick the cum off his cock and around my lips.

“Woman!” he huffed, but those dilated eyes stared at me in shock.

I guess I had graduated from little girl to woman.

I’d take it.

“You just earned yourself a fucking.” He seemed to have come to a decision. “I’m clean, get tested every three months. You? Birth Control?”

“Yes, I’m clean and I get the shot.” I shared. “Can I see your paperwork? Mine is on my phone.”

Without blinking, he leaned over, opened a drawer and pulled out three pieces of paper, with his name, Tyrell King, at the top and a list of all the STD and venereal diseases he was tested for and straight down the line, he was negative. He flipped to the next page, where there was more information about his health, weight, height and date of birth.



He damn sure didn’t look like it. Maybe his mid-thirties, but the smile lines gave him away. I doubt it was because he smiled a lot, just age and this Adonis was fine fuckin wine.

Putting the papers down, he pulled my cell phone out of my back pocket, put it to my face, so it could open, then he asked, “Which app?”

“Warren Medical,” I shared, as he scrolled through and pulled it up.

Then he put it in my face again, so it logged me in and began to swipe through.

“Twenty-eight,” he commented, while still swiping. “Little girl indeed.”

His dick was getting harder by the minute and that had my core leaking even more.

“Negative on all counts. Good girl,” Tyrell smirked and put my phone on top of his papers, then he moved back, so his now, fully engorged dick was at leaning up like a muscle with its own will.


I wanted to suck on it some more, which is probably why my tongue snuck out to moisten my lips. That move caused Tyrell to chuckle, but not enough to stop. With one move, he propped up my ass and began to feed that monstrosity of a dick into my tight, wet pussy. It was only the head, but holy fuck. Even that sucka was stretching me.

“I hope you’re ready,” he warned and that was all I got, because he bottomed out and I do mean, knocked the wind out of my ass.

My mouth was wide open, even after he pushed inside, but he didn’t move himself. He simply remained there, staring at me.

“Tight fucking pussy,” he muttered, but still didn’t move. “How is it that you’re so tight. I know you’re not a virgin.”

He was right about that. Far from virginity, but I wasn’t fucking everything walking or often enough to have some assholes wear my pussy out.

Now, Mandingo, I mean Tyrell. Well, if the way he was stretching me out was any indication of what I was about to encounter, then vaginal rejuvenation, here I come.

With that thought, Tyrell must have recovered or let me recover, because he pulled out to the tip and slammed back into me, causing the breath to escape out of my lungs once more. This time, he didn’t stop.


He did not stop and the wails that escaped from me, as he plowed in and out of my pussy were not from the same woman. This woman was enjoyed the fucking way too much. There had been NO ONE and I mean, NO ONE, who had fucked me like that.

“TYERELLLL,” I yelled, as he kept plowing into me.

I screamed and screamed, and by the time the man came inside of me, I was fucking hoarse. Like, no words would come out of my mouth.

One would think he would be tired or drenched.


He had a slight sheen, like maybe a bead of sweat and if he were winded, I could not tell. I was winded. Clearly not in shape for that sort of fucking.

Thinking it was all over, he opened my legs of what I thought would be him watching his cum leak out, but no.

Instead, he began to smack my exhausted wet pussy with his large hands, causing me to not only get aroused, but damn…

“I’m about to cum,” I wailed at the pain and pleasure of it all.

With a slight smirk, he slapped my clitoris harder and whispered, “Cum!”

And that is what I did.


This was not good.

Never in my life. I would get off on a guy by riding his face or controlling his head, so I could cum. But this, well, I’d never.

“You’re quite the fuck,” Tyrell nodded in my direction.

Then he began to untie my ankles where he massaged them, then he did the same with my wrists and used those long, strong fingers to restore the blood flow. It was oddly weird at first, but kind of sweet.

“You’re welcome to take a shower,” he gestured towards what I assumed was the bathroom. “I’m leaving in fifteen minutes.”

Oh okay.

Well, it was a fuck. He wasn’t interested in seconds, and yeah.

Nodding my head, I swung my feet over the bed, stood up, grabbed my phone and proceeded to exit the bedroom.

He didn’t say anything, which I figured was the case, then he yelled, “You have cum all over your fucking face,”


Rolling my eyes, I turned back around and went into the bathroom, where I indeed had cum on my face, hair and even my nostrils. So, I began to wash it all off over the sink. When I finished, I stood up and yelped, because Tyrell was standing right behind me in the mirror. He turned me around and pushed me up against the sink. Grabbing my jaw, he pulled me to him and kissed me.

Oh shit!


For some reason, I knew that this was different for him. It was not awkward, but it was a hard kiss. Yet, there seemed to be something that was out of control about it. Like he hadn’t planned to do that. His jerk of my skirt upward, the pulling of my hair. it was frantic and noting that he did before was rushed. He’d stare, make some dirty, but sexy comment, but nothing that seemed to break his control.

Ahhh, that’s what it was.

Before I could even think of that thought, he turned me around and leaned my upper body over the sink. With a growl, he said through gritted teeth, “This ass is mine.”

As before, and also being the woman that I was, I looked at him through the mirror and replied, “yes, Daddy.”

That was one happy, but hard smack to my left butt cheek and then the right. Tyrell dipped low, opened the cabinet below and came back up with what looked like lube.

Yup, he was talking about my literal ass.

Fuck, he could have it.

Sticking my butt out more, I confirmed his intentions and that landed me with another growl and a slap to my ass.

“You just don’t know when to stop,” Tyrell commented as he shook his head. “I’m like a fucking sleeping lion, then you come my way, swinging your sexy brown ass and awakening the beast. You need to be tamed, and sweetheart, I’m the man for the job.”

With no more words, he opened the lube, let it slide down the crack of my ass and began to massage, one finger inside. Then two. Then three and he finally made it to four. I loved ass fucking, but I’d not had anyone as big as him, so when the fourth finger went inside, I felt the pinch. But, I knew, he’s made me cum so hard.

“You’re not going to be able to sit down for some days.” Tyrell muttered as he began to push the head of his dick inside of my ass.

Fuck, me. He was big.

“Days,” he grunted, while his shaft began to go inside. “Fuck, you’re tight.”

Taking a deep breath, because I knew the hard part was about to come, but then Tyrell, began to flick my clit, causing arousal to overpower the pain. It was a sweet mixture and I was here for all of it.

“Yes,” I moaned, because I wanted to come. I needed to.

“You want to be tamed, wild girl?” Tyrel met my eyes in the mirror. “Want me to own every inch of you?”

“Fuck, yes,” I cried out, as he pushed further inside my tight sphincter.

“No,” he moaned. “You don’t want me to own your ass and have you heel to me. You’re not ready.”

Tyrell was pushing all of the right buttons and that big ole dick of his up my ass.

“Yes, daddy. Own it.” I held onto the sink with. A tight grip.

“What part?” He bit my ear.

Tyrell pushed inside and I think I passed out, because the next thing I knew, his arm was wrapped around my chest, as he began to pull in and out of me. At first it was slow, then he sped up.

“Which part, little girl with the tight pussy and tight ass.” He grunted as he fucked me fast and hard. “Tell me.”

I held on with a monster grip, but eventually I had to let go and came almost instantly. It was earth-shattering and with no clit stimulation.

“Answer me,” Tyrell growled in my ear, not letting me off the hood.

“All of me,” I whispered, and met his eyes in the mirror.

His large hands held onto me, then Tyrell picked back up the pace, but held my eyes, right before he came. This one though took him out. He pulled out, he said, “What a fucking beautiful sight. My cum leaking out of this nice round ass. Fuck! You are sexy.” While he slid to the floor to recuperate, I wiped my ass and pussy, and turned and left.

He didn’t say anything and neither did I.

He had to go anyway.


I hadn’t heardfrom Tyrell in a week, which was fine and there was no way that I’d look for him. I made that mistake once and now; I would not be making it again. It was also okay, because he was right. My ass was sore for a good three days. Walking funny was an understatement.

College was about to let out for the break, which was when the random text came to my phone.

“Little Girl…”

“Who’s this?”


“That position is no longer available”

“Give me an address and I will fuck it out of you and fill it again.”

And there went my panties, as I thought about how he answers this as well.


The district attorneywas a nigger loving. Panties. He grew up near us but went to some fancy school and forgot where the fuck he came from. I ain’t ever thought that was an option. I was who I was. Always would be an Anglo Saxon, pure bread hick. I made no apologies for that and never thought that my best friend would. He literally got some black pussy and forgot every fucking thing.

That shit would never happen to me.

I was committed to the cause!


I hope you enjoyed Hunt & Kizzy. They were hard to write, but I believe in the power of love. I think it overcomes anything. It’s hard, but it’s true.

How have you seen that power at work?

Tell me in a review.