Hunt For Her: Black & White by Xyla Turner

Chapter Nine


As soon asI came back upstairs to see Sade and Chelle, they were standing near the window not even trying to act like they weren’t looking.

“Are you really going out with that guy?” Sade’s face was the most contorted like she smelled shit.

“Ummm…why?” I asked, not knowing where she was coming from when we just literally reconnected.

Leaning in, like it was a secret, she said in hushed tones, “Because he’s white.”

“Okay,” I answered in a slower manner, waiting for her to finish that thought.

“You’d date a white dude?” Chelle asked with more curiosity than condemnation.

“Well, I’d date a man that showed me he cared, gave a damn about me, and…” I pointed to the door. “Is willing to give up shit for me. Thus, showing that he really wants to be with me. Yeah.”

Chelle nodded her head in agreement, but Sade, shook hers with that same look.

“I could not do it, girl. I just couldn’t. Dating outside of my race is a no. Not just for me, but everyone in my immediate family. Girl, my father would disown me and he don’t own a fucking thing, but I swear the man wouldn’t talk to me. Plus, aren’t their dicks small and I do know they are pink. Like, ugh.”

“Pink?” I questioned, because she always came off as a smart chick, but saying stupid shit like that, made me wonder. “It’s a dick. They come in all varieties, like black dick do. His happens to be in the extra-large category and he knows what to do with it. Now, are y’all ready to eat.”

They simmered down about Hunt and his dick and then we were able to talk about their love lives. I didn’t really have one, but Chelle was not dating, and her last boyfriend was sleeping with the county. Sade hadn’t been with anyone, but the way she casts her judgment on people, I was not surprised by that.

They loved the barbecue baked chicken, we drank the wine and after they finally left, I freshened up, stripped into some lingerie, and sent that picture over to Hunt. Twenty minutes later, I heard my doorbell, so I threw on a robe and went to answer. Only to be picked up by Hunt, kissed and carried up the stairs. He passed Go and took me straight to the bedroom, where he got on his knees and began to feast on everything from front to the back of my wet center. Then came those talented fingers of his inserting them into my pussy and one into my ass.


“Huuunntt,” I cried out, as the incoming orgasm loomed in the distance. “Keep going. Right there.”

He sucked on my clit, as those fingers of his, kept pushing in and out, causing the friction to increase more and more, allowing the slickness of my essence to be its lubricant.

“Fuuuckkk,” I moaned and that was when I let loose and came on his face.

Hunt buried his head and lapped at my core, signaling what was about to come next. He would fill me up with his big dick. I was not exaggerating about Hunt’s six foot, three frame. The man’s dick was extra-large, just in case there were any doubts.

One knee hit the bed and I knew, my breath would get stuck like it always does when he enters me. It’s like my body has to take a pause to prepare for what the hell is about to go down. It’s so damn good, it’s sinful. Has to be.

But he still had on clothes.

“What’s wrong?” I ask while sitting up on my elbows. “You’re dressed.”

“Just taking you in, sweetheart. Marveling at what lies before me.” The intensity of his gaze matched the level in the room. “It’s me and you, now. No more friends or fuck buddies.”

“No more bar hoes or ex’s,” I countered.

“Done.” He tells me. “We’re doing this, then.”

My head twists to contemplate these questions. Was he having cold feet or rethinking what he said earlier? Hunt must have gathered, that I was seconds from kicking his ass out. Just came hard or not.

“Calm down,” he quickly replied and shook his head. “I’ve been ready. Just want to make sure you are. Don’t want to have to rent the place downstairs to let you know how much.”

“You really need to work on these stalker tenancies,” I told him.

Hunt rips off his shirt from the back with a laugh before saying, “I’d go to jail for you any day.”

“That doesn’t help.” I raised one eyebrow.

With that same look of intensity, he unbuckles his belt while explaining himself, “That’s how into you, I am. I ain’t crazy or nothing, but Kizzy, you make me want to throw caution to the wind. I’m in fucking college for fucks sake. I ain’t never think I was going to do that. Shit. Thought I’d be in the club forever. I ain’t looked back, babe. We have this thing, Kizzy and I’m all about you. Beliefs be damned.”

He shrugged his shoulders, kicked off his pants and slowly lowered his body over mine, with his lips inches apart from my nose.

“You make me crazy,” he whispered.

“I know the feeling,” I whispered back against his lips. “Now, fuck me, will ya!”

“My pleasure,” he said before biting my lower lip and then lifting my legs up, giving him full access to my leaky pussy.

Lining up his big dick, Hunt began to rub it up and down, wetting the tip and turning me all the way on. Then he entered me and all of the air left my lungs. My gasp was audible, as I waited for my body to catch up, that yes, once again, Hunt was about to own it.

“God, I love when you do that,” he murmured and begin to push in and out, like he was getting used to me again. Maybe he was giving me time to adjust, but then he began to speed up and I matched every stroke. I was not a wallflower tonight. This night, I wanted it to be explosive.

Hunt came once, then we rested. Then he came twice, because I blew him right as he recovered from the first nut. Then we both fell asleep in each other's arms. To my surprise, by the time I woke up, Hunt was gone.

Many thoughts ran through my head, including the one where he was professing his undying adoration for me, but his punk ass did what he did when we were just fucking. Leave.  Then shame adorned me, because I smelled the bacon.

Fuck me.

Rising from the bed, I went to freshen up, and brushed my teeth. Coming out to hear the kitchen in full swing. Something was frying and the smell of coffee was lurking throughout the apartment.

“Hunt,” I called.

“Yeah, in the kitchen,” I heard his deep voice.

He sounded happy. This was confirmed, when I hit the kitchen and one look at me, he smiled, put down the spatula and moved to give me a long, good morning kiss.

“Morning, sweetheart. You sleep well.”

“Like a baby,” I told him with a smile back. “…thought you left.”

He frowned, shook his head and said, “Told you yesterday, Kizzy. Ain’t going no-fucking-where. Hope you’re hungry.”

“Famished,” I replied. “This smells good.”

After a quick kiss, he returned to the stove, waved me over to sit at the dining room table, then served me waffles, eggs, bacon and coffee. The man even cut up some cantaloup.

Once we were done, he sat back and sighed.

“This is heaven, Kizzy.”

“What? The food?” I laughed.

“No, babe. Us. Everything. You just don’t know.” He looked past me and out the window. Hunt never came off like he was a truly deep guy or even reflective, but like he said, that was changing.

“What’s on your agenda for today,” I found myself asking.

“Well, I wanted to take you somewhere. Out. Just me and you.” His eyes hit mine again.

“That sounds like it could be fun.” I rested my head on my hands as I stared back at Hunt.

“Good.” He nodded. “Let’s hit the shower and we’ll leave.”

Hitting the shower meant Hunt fucking me from the back against the shower wall. I poke my ass out and kept sliding back on that big dick of his. This caused me to get several smacks to the ass, but damn, it was fucking amazing.

As he was drying me off, he said, “Tonight, I want you to ride me home, babe.”

“You bet,” I laughed and sashayed to the closet, as he whistled behind me.

Our day started off at the gun range because he said I needed to learn how to use a gun. The compound was an hour out, but we were still in the estate. Then we grabbed some lunch before he took me to some farmer’s market. There were so many cool things there, and food. I mentally marked off the things that I wanted, while if I looked too long at something, Hunt would put it in the cart. I was sneaking things back out because I didn’t want him paying for my stuff. Then he took me to a skating rink, where we basically made fools of ourselves, fell, got back up and then tried again. It was the most fun I had ever had.

“I’m going to be so sore tomorrow,” I told him, as we ordered at Checkers, so we could eat outside.

“I’ll make you feel better,” he joked.

“Seriously, Hunt. I had a lot of fun today. I can’t believe we went skating and you can’t skate too.” I laughed at the looks of us again.

“That’s what having a partner is all about, Kizzy. Learning shit together.” He said that as he took a bite out of his burger.

Hunt was more dangerous than I thought. This man could really have me falling for his ass. Who was I kidding, I already was.

We drove up to the front of my apartment and Hunt parked outside as if he wasn’t coming in. Before I could address it, he grabbed my hand and said, “Sweetheart, if I go up there tonight. I don’t think I could make myself leave. Plus, I have a paper that I need to write for class next week. Have you finished your writing paper yet?”

Nodding my head, I realized, he was right. Taking four classes was no joke.  We both had papers to write.

“No, I didn’t finish it.” I shared, as I squeezed his hand back. “This was a lot of fun. Thank you.”

“Of course!” He responded as he kissed my hand.

We stared at each other for awhile, then I nearly jumped him in the truck. Moving quickly, Hunt moved his seat as far back as it would go and I began to grind on him in the driver’s seat.

“Woman,” he hissed. “You know nosey ass Tyrell is waiting for a moment to shoot my ass.”

Why this caused me to burst out laughing.

“Shit, you ain’t lying about that.” I kissed his nose. “Thanks again for today. I could get used to this.”

“Say less.” He cupped my face. “You deserve so much more.”


Mom calledme six different times, but I ignored all of them, as I wasn’t sure what she had to say. Hunt was over that evening when she called the seventh time because he apparently learned some new recipe from some lady on Facebook and wanted to cook it for me. I wasn’t sure what was happening with the man, but I liked it.

I must have forgotten my phone in the dining room, because when I returned from the restroom, he had my phone in the air, and said, “Your mom is on the phone.”

I sneered but quickly pulled my face back to normal, because I knew how he felt about mothers. He shared his mom’s struggled, but not from a point of being a victim, but from the point of him as a son, watching her deteriorate. His was from a place of feeling it was a duty to watch over her, even though she’d been dead for over a decade. My position was that I tried to help her, but my efforts were not received and truthfully, the shit was hard to watch. I was not a psychologist, but I knew that Hunt had a sore spot for mothers. So, I took the phone and answered, “Hello.”

“Kizzy, baby.” My mom’s voice sounded relieved. “How are you?”

It wasn’t relief, it was hope, I realized. She had not called since I got Willard arrested, and therefore I decided to let this woman be. My noble deeds were not appreciated by her. So, I needed her to live her best life. I wasn’t her mother. I should have stuck with that decision because after I told her I was fine. She said that Willard made bail and that he enrolled himself in a rehabilitation program. She said that the two of them were going to work on their marriage and that she forgave me for calling the police on her husband.

Hunt had gone back to burning my kitchen down, I meant cooking, but I had to step out on the back patio of the bedroom, so I could hear without the blaring of the fire alarms in the apartment. Tyrell would be knocking on the door soon, yelling, “don’t burn down his fucking house.”

“Mom, say that again,” I asked. “I’m cooking.”

She didn’t know Hunt and I was not volunteering any information.

“I see.” She chuckled. “Just wanted to tell you that Will enrolled himself into rehab for drinking and we’re going to work on our marriage. Also, I forgive you for getting my husband locked up.”

“Ahh, I thought you said that.” I nodded my head, as I bit the inside of my mouth.

“Well, I thought you’d be happy.” She exclaimed.

“Mom, are you going to enroll in rehab?” I asked.

“Ain’t nothing wrong with me. I didn’t get locked up.” She snapped back with a small chuckled like it was a silly question.

Hell, tricks were for kids, silly rabbit.

Silly Kizzy.

“Got it,” I said with a nod, she couldn’t see. “Good luck to you both.”

Then I hung up the phone.

I honestly had nothing to say. What the fuck do you say to an addict? It broke my heart to speak to her and hear the one-sidedness. This was not something I could keep going over, because I swear it was aging me. Every time, I tried to care, I was let down. Every time, I tried to help, I was let down. Every time, I tried to hope for something better, it fell through. I had nothing left to give and while that may seem selfish, I had to preserve myself. I had to.

Mom didn’t call back. If anything, it solidified that she and I were just on two different paths and that was okay. It also confirmed I needed therapy or something. This shit weighed more than I know to bear.