Journey to Bongary Spring by Kasey Stockton


When I fell in love with the idea of writing a Scottish book a few years ago, I had no idea of the sheer amount of research that loomed ahead of me. With fourteen Regency novels under my belt, I thought it wouldn’t be too hard to cross the boundary line into Scotland. It was on the same island and only a few decades earlier, right? Wrong. Oh, poor naive Kasey from two years ago was so, so wrong.

So first, I need to thank the internet and my research books for giving me enough resources to grasp Scotland’s social history, political history, and everything in-between. From the religion to the language, to what they’d eat for breakfast, it was such a wild ride preparing to write this book.

Next, I need to thank Martha for sharing your resources, your vast knowledge, and being my Scottish writing buddy. Thanks for putting up with all my questions and being such a great sounding board.

Thank you Deborah for alpha reading, telling me where my characters need to have more feelings (romantic thoughts in a romance, really?) and giving me confidence in this story. I don’t know what I’d do without your friendship and support.

Thank you Jess for enriching my writing and being a consistent positive force in my life. You are such a natural, uplifting cheerleader, and I always feel better about myself and my writing after talking with you.

I love and appreciate all three of you!

Thank you to everyone who played a part in getting this book ready: my beta readers: Emily, Allison, Brooke, Nicole, and Marilee; Shaela, my incredible cover artist who nailed it with this cover; Jacquie, for helping me figure out what wasn’t working in the plot and how to fix it; and Jenny, for all of your edits, your polishing, and your support.

The biggest thanks goes to Jon. I love you. I couldn’t write romance without your stellar example of selflessness and unending love for me. And I wouldn’t say no if you decide to get yourself a kilt.

Finally, thank you Sam Heughan for being the voice of Kieran in my mind. You don’t look so bad in a kilt yourself.